Tulsi Gabbard: Threat to Democracy is the Democrat Elite, not MAGA Republicans

The "i assume" justice department and the FBI aren't doing the NAZI salutes, you guys are.

The Biggest Threat to Our Democracy​

QUOTE: The “greatest threat” to our democracy is not “MAGA Republicans” or parents protesting the sexualization of our kids at school board meetings, but the Democrat elite who do not hesitate to use the national security state, law enforcement, propaganda media, and Big Tech to silence dissenting voices and control what information people have access to.

OP COMMENT: If more people put country over party has Tulsi has our great nation could heal, and the haters would return to the shadows .

Tulsi Gabbard is a lying bitch. Tulsi Gabbard id one of the threats to our democracy as she spreads false information.
Tulsi is a real Democrat
JFK was a real Democrat
Harry Truman was a real Democrat

Today's Democrats are NOT real democrats. They are Marxist extremists and pieces of shit, just like you.
And many of Today’s Republicans are Socially Liberal Swampy Establishment Closet Turd Party Wannabes
Actually Murdoch claims to be a populist and on the right but some of his programming decisions seem more left leaning. I think he is more like a Democrat. His son, Lachlan has taken over and he is reported to be right of his father politically. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Ever since she exposed Kamala Harris, the Left hates her.

What would be fun is a Trump-Gabbard ticket. The Left’s collective head would explode.

I get accused of being left all the time. Odd then that I cheered her taking down Harris.
Tulsi is a traditional Democrat. The type of Democrat I once was when I was a younger and registered as a Democrat. Which is to say someone mostly in the center of the issues that I could work with and find common ground.

Sadly the Dem party was taken over by radical left wing zealots and many traditional Democrats have left the party.

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