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Turkey cuts Israel ties over flotilla raid

4. Turkey does not recognize Israel's blockade of Gaza. This blockade will be taken to the International Court of Justice. An initiative to mobilize the 66th UN General Assembly in September in this regard will be started.

The UN has determined Israel's military blockade of Gaza compliant with international law.

Now, what about Turkey's illegal blockade of Armenia? You remember Armenia, don't you? Turks were complicit in the genocide of 2 million Armenians and you still deny it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/04/AR2010030403637.html
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Turkey will have more cause to regret this Than Israel..

The region is developing into a direction to our benefit.

Turkey has been denied entry into the EU because even the Eurotrash want nothing to do with Turkish trash.

Turkey is siding with rogue states like IRan, Syria and Sudan center of the ongoing genocide in Darfur.

Turkey is headed downhill like the rest of the Muslim shitholes of the world.
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The UN has determined Israel's military blockade of Gaza compliant with international law.

The Palmer Commission has no legal rights or judicial power to interpret International Law.
We'll take Gaza's status as a "prison camp" (quote: David Cameron) to the International Court of Justice in the Hague and will introduce this effort at the UN's 66th General Assembly later this month.
Until a court ruling, we'll ensure maritime safety in the Eastern Meditarrenean and today declared to the whole world, that we don't recognize any kind of blockades on Gaza.
We already do Anti-Piracy missions in-front of coast of Somalia.

As to America and its cocksucking Jewish Lewinskys in Congress backdoors, the US Army establishment will protect Turkey from any kind of retaliation.
Turkey set to host NATO early warning radar - latimes.com

We'll isolate you in this region.
You killed the wrong nationals.
The UN has determined Israel's military blockade of Gaza compliant with international law.

The Palmer Commission has no legal rights or judicial power to interpret International Law.
We'll take Gaza's status as a "prison camp" (quote: David Cameron) to the International Court of Justice in the Hague and will introduce this effort at the UN's 66th General Assembly later this month.
Until a court ruling, we'll ensure maritime safety in the Eastern Meditarrenean and today declared to the whole world, that we don't recognize any kind of blockades on Gaza.
We already do Anti-Piracy missions in-front of coast of Somalia.

As to America and its cocksucking Jewish Lewinskys in Congress backdoors, the US Army establishment will protect Turkey from any kind of retaliation.
Turkey set to host NATO early warning radar - latimes.com

We'll isolate you in this region.
You killed the wrong nationals.

You forget about Turkey's illegal blockade of Armenia, Mahoundian? Official Website of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer: Press Releases - Boxer Calls On President To Urge Turkey To Immediately Lift Blockade Of Armenia

Gaza is in a declared state of war with Israel; Israel's blockade of military arms into Gaza is entirely compliant with maritime law.

The US has had a blockade on Cuba for over half a century.

Open a law book, ignorant Mahoundian. Oh, that's right, allah does not permit reading literature other than the Quran.
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As to America and its cocksucking Jewish Lewinskys in Congress backdoors, the US Army establishment will protect Turkey from any kind of retaliation.

Always remember, ignorant Mahoundian, America chooses to elevate itself as a Judeo-Christian country, not a backward Muslim sharia shithole.

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
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he and his jew-hating buds hate that israel gets to defend itself. they hate it more that israel isn't some destitute backwoods third-world country.

screw 'em...

Israel is helping other countries, like the Us, defend themselves. Nearly every military in the world, including the US, uses Israeli military technology that is considered among the most advanced in the world if not the most advanced.:clap2:

Awesome---Israel now supplies the whole world with killing machines. A great product of choice for God's chosen. Why is it that it needs US military aid again ?
To help fight the evil satan worshiping muslims who falsely believe that israel is theirs. Muslims have no historical claim on Israel, period!!
Could there ever be a bigger show of hypocrisy! Turkey demanding an apology from Israel for the blockade of Gaza! The Turks have yet to apologize for the Armenian genocide, instead of blatantly denying it. Perhaps before making such requests, they should set an example themselves!

What country has ever apologized for a Genocide without losing a war first? :lol:

The war will finally come to Turkey once they fully begin their road to genocide again. Now they are just killing some in their arena. Soon it will be a concerted effort with Iran/Iraq and Turkey slaughtering them in full force.

Regardless of flotillas. Turkey will attempt to kill off all the Kurdish people in the region just as they did with the Armenians.

It's in your people and clearly you have shown that Turkish revelry in the Kurdish deaths. I've seen your posts hurraying the deaths and calling for more.

Yes I remember your calls for Kurdish deaths and yes you reveled in their deaths.

^^ Proof
It's in your people and clearly you have shown that Jewish revelry in the Palestinian deaths. I've seen your posts hurraying the deaths and calling for more.

Yes I remember your calls for Muslim deaths and yes you reveled in their deaths.
^^ Proof
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OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israel has decided to form a special legal team to fight possible lawsuits against its military staff in the international criminal courts.

The Israeli Attorney General and Ministry of Justice have been bracing for likely lawsuits against Israel’s military personnel who participated in the lethal attack of the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara ship that killed nine activists on board, Israeli media outlets said.

According to reports, the team consisting of legal experts and consultants will weigh all judicial and legal dimensions enveloping the possibility. The Israeli military leadership has already officially approved the move.

Top Israeli legal experts told media outlets that the Palmer report could open the door for the prosecution of Israeli military personnel.

Israel forms team to fight lawsuits over flotilla attack
Israel is helping other countries, like the Us, defend themselves. Nearly every military in the world, including the US, uses Israeli military technology that is considered among the most advanced in the world if not the most advanced.:clap2:

Awesome---Israel now supplies the whole world with killing machines. A great product of choice for God's chosen. Why is it that it needs US military aid again ?

Are you mentally impaired or just plain stupid? I just got through telling you the US is the #1 arms exporter in the world and every state is guaranteed the right to have a standing military under the UN Charter.

Go back to sleep, dildo

and Israel is 7th in the world in EXPORTING arms. Why do they need US assistance again ?
I would think they could take care of themselves by now.
The UN has determined Israel's military blockade of Gaza compliant with international law.

The Palmer Commission has no legal rights or judicial power to interpret International Law.
We'll take Gaza's status as a "prison camp" (quote: David Cameron) to the International Court of Justice in the Hague and will introduce this effort at the UN's 66th General Assembly later this month.
Until a court ruling, we'll ensure maritime safety in the Eastern Meditarrenean and today declared to the whole world, that we don't recognize any kind of blockades on Gaza.
We already do Anti-Piracy missions in-front of coast of Somalia.

As to America and its cocksucking Jewish Lewinskys in Congress backdoors, the US Army establishment will protect Turkey from any kind of retaliation.
Turkey set to host NATO early warning radar - latimes.com

We'll isolate you in this region.
You killed the wrong nationals.

Turkey is moving in the wrong direction, as the article points out, Away from the west and towards the islamofacists. They can't side with Iran and the Syria till recently, and be part of NATO. They have to choose which way they want to go or they should be out of NATO
Awesome---Israel now supplies the whole world with killing machines. A great product of choice for God's chosen. Why is it that it needs US military aid again ?

Are you mentally impaired or just plain stupid? I just got through telling you the US is the #1 arms exporter in the world and every state is guaranteed the right to have a standing military under the UN Charter.

Go back to sleep, dildo

and Israel is 7th in the world in EXPORTING arms. Why do they need US assistance again ?
I would think they could take care of themselves by now.

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget? Israel is surrounded by 400 million homicidal Muslim maniacs.

Don't bite the Israeli hand that protects your lame ass.

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff...
I have frequently spoken and met with my counterpart, General Ashkenazi, and that relatonship [with Israel] is a critical relationship that I cherish, as I do and we do from the United States to Israel to the People of Israel.

There's literally not a day that I don't think of you and your countrymen. I'd like to raise a glass to both our countries, to both our militaries and to great success in the future. The closeness of our two countries has never been more important. You're a very special group of people
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Turkey is moving in the wrong direction, as the article points out, Away from the west and towards the islamofacists. They can't side with Iran and the Syria till recently, and be part of NATO. They have to choose which way they want to go or they should be out of NATO

Leave those decision to the US strategists in the US Army and their counterparts in the Turkish Army.
It's not a question where your opinion is asked.
Turkey is moving in the wrong direction, as the article points out, Away from the west and towards the islamofacists. They can't side with Iran and the Syria till recently, and be part of NATO. They have to choose which way they want to go or they should be out of NATO

Leave those decision to the US strategists in the US Army and their counterparts in the Turkish Army.
It's not a question where your opinion is asked.

Turks' were left with the decision over the fate of the Armenians and 2 million ended up dying, which Turkey denies. Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Islam, the religion of holocaust deniers.:eek:
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Are you mentally impaired or just plain stupid? I just got through telling you the US is the #1 arms exporter in the world and every state is guaranteed the right to have a standing military under the UN Charter.

Go back to sleep, dildo

and Israel is 7th in the world in EXPORTING arms. Why do they need US assistance again ?
I would think they could take care of themselves by now.

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget? Israel is surrounded by 400 million homicidal Muslim maniacs.

Don't bite the Israeli hand that protects your lame ass.

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff...
I have frequently spoken and met with my counterpart, General Ashkenazi, and that relatonship [with Israel] is a critical relationship that I cherish, as I do and we do from the United States to Israel to the People of Israel.

There's literally not a day that I don't think of you and your countrymen. I'd like to raise a glass to both our countries, to both our militaries and to great success in the future. The closeness of our two countries has never been more important. You're a very special group of people
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4tEpFH3kDA]Admiral Mike Mullen Reaffirms Strong U.S.-Israeli Bond in Visit to Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget?

We don't. That just packs the pockets of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.
and Israel is 7th in the world in EXPORTING arms. Why do they need US assistance again ?
I would think they could take care of themselves by now.

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget? Israel is surrounded by 400 million homicidal Muslim maniacs.

Don't bite the Israeli hand that protects your lame ass.

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4tEpFH3kDA]Admiral Mike Mullen Reaffirms Strong U.S.-Israeli Bond in Visit to Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget?

We don't. That just packs the pockets of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

You're so smart, that's why you have zero reputational points after 2 years of mindless posts. :lol:
Turkey is moving in the wrong direction, as the article points out, Away from the west and towards the islamofacists. They can't side with Iran and the Syria till recently, and be part of NATO. They have to choose which way they want to go or they should be out of NATO

Leave those decision to the US strategists in the US Army and their counterparts in the Turkish Army.
It's not a question where your opinion is asked.

Islam, the religion of illegal occupiers.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uvGnmpgzfg]The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget? Israel is surrounded by 400 million homicidal Muslim maniacs.

Don't bite the Israeli hand that protects your lame ass.

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff...

Admiral Mike Mullen Reaffirms Strong U.S.-Israeli Bond in Visit to Israel - YouTube

Why does the US need a $1 trillion defense budget?

We don't. That just packs the pockets of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

You're so smart, that's why you have zero reputational points after 2 years of mindless posts. :lol:

You are amazing. Post after post after post you manage to say something irrelevant.
  • Thanks
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We don't. That just packs the pockets of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

You're so smart, that's why you have zero reputational points after 2 years of mindless posts. :lol:

You are amazing. Post after post after post you manage to say something irrelevant.

That you have zero credibility as reflected in your complete lack of even 1 reputational point after 2 years of mindless posts is relevant.

Sux being you big time.

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