Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

then why did he lie about it to begin with? Why did he feel he had to cover up his knowledge from the American people?

He has repeatedly stated he was not involved in Hunters business dealings

You have yet to prove he was
I am sure he was introduced, shook hands, engaged in dinner party talk
Like most people

What didn’t happen was a business meeting

Yeah, ok. Seriously you can't be more naive on the purpose of these meetings. Do you think it is possible that Joe met with Hunter and his business associates only at some point? Would that really be a stretch given the payments made by some of these people to Hunter? How would we know what was said behind closed doors? We already know that Joe lied about having any knowledge of Hunter's associates.
Right and attended dinner parties and just said "hi". He never asked his son who these random people we are having dinner with actually were. "Who are these friends of yours? I mean how do you know them?" Hunter: "just come old college buddies, just don't ask them any questions about that" Yeah, ok, gotcha.
He knew they were business partners and associates of his son.

Hardly illegal… but that’s the kind of “evidence” you duckers have

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He said he would turn over his taxes after the audit. He lied.

You saw Biden's tax returns. Did you see anything about money from China or Hunter? No?

You do know Trump Corp was found guilty of tax evasion right?

You do know Trump was just found guilty of illegally overinflating his properties values? No not everyone does it to the point of it being illegal. Hillary warned you and trump said it made him smart. No Don it makes you a criminal.

Just remember this. Before Trump was president, he said Nancy should impeach Bush for lying us into Iraq. You don't believe Bush lied us into Iraq right? So then Trump was pro witch hunts long before they were going after him. And we have just as much evidence Trump is guilty as we do Bush lied us into Iraq.

You want to bring Trump back? Then I guess we have to charge him for all the laws he broke so that won't happen.
/----/ "You saw Biden's tax returns. Did you see anything about money from China or Hunter? No?"
Just when I thought you couldn't get more naive and gullible, you surprise us all.
1. Politicians craft their returns to pass public scrutiny. Businessmen craft theirs to pay as little taxes as allowed by law.
2. The Biden crime family is clever enough to hide that money and certainly wouldn't put it on returns they make public. (Geeeze, I can't believe I have to explain this to you.)
3. democRATs were miffed that they found nothing in his returns that was illegal: NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA.
Yeah, ok. Seriously you can't be more naive on the purpose of these meetings. Do you think it is possible that Joe met with Hunter and his business associates only at some point? Would that really be a stretch given the payments made by some of these people to Hunter? How would we know what was said behind closed doors? We already know that Joe lied about having any knowledge of Hunter's associates.
You are the one with the active imagination

Until Republicans can prove Joe Biden was actively involved in Hunters business dealings, we can only assume he wasn’t.

Hunters business associates say he wasn’t, there is no paper trail
He has repeatedly stated he was not involved in Hunters business dealings

You have yet to prove he was

Yes, of course he is going to say that. He also stated that he had never met any of them. That story quickly changed once it was revealed that he had met them on several occasions. Pictures and eye witnesses kind of forced him to come clean. If it is shown that he did have some dealings with them, the story will change yet again, and yet again, people like you will believe it. Crazy stuff.
You are the one with the active imagination

Until Republicans can prove Joe Biden was actively involved in Hunters business dealings, we can only assume he wasn’t.

Hunters business associates say he wasn’t, there is no paper trail

Ok, I never said he should be impeached(yet), but an exhaustive inquiry is most certainly warranted.
The only reason one would be upset is if they believe the person is above the law and can't be touched.
He knew they were business partners and associates of his son.

Hardly illegal… but that’s the kind of “evidence” you duckers have


He previously stated that he didn't have any contact with them. Why lie?
Yes, of course he is going to say that. He also stated that he had never met any of them. That story quickly changed once it was revealed that he had met them on several occasions. Pictures and eye witnesses kind of forced him to come clean. If it is shown that he did have some dealings with them, the story will change yet again, and yet again, people like you will believe it. Crazy stuff.
Well that would be considered a lie and suggests he's hiding something. There's no other reason to lie about it.
He knew they were business partners and associates of his son.

Hardly illegal… but that’s the kind of “evidence” you duckers have

Xiden said he didn't discuss business with them. So how is it he'd know who they were?
/----/ "You saw Biden's tax returns. Did you see anything about money from China or Hunter? No?"
Just when I thought you couldn't get more naive and gullible, you surprise us all.
1. Politicians craft their returns to pass public scrutiny. Businessmen craft theirs to pay as little taxes as allowed by law.
2. The Biden crime family is clever enough to hide that money and certainly wouldn't put it on returns they make public. (Geeeze, I can't believe I have to explain this to you.)
3. democRATs were miffed that they found nothing in his returns that was illegal: NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA.

The report from the Democratic-led Ways and Means Committee found Trump wasn’t audited during his first two years in office. His first audit as president came only right when the IRS was asked directly by Congress to produce Trump’s tax returns.

That could be a violation of IRS policy, which states that “individual income tax returns for the President and Vice President will be subject to mandatory audit examination” and that they’ll receive “normal pipeline processing” and be subject to “regular filing and retention procedures.”

“The IRS has failed to administer its own mandatory audit program policies,” Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said Thursday in the House, introducing legislation that bumps the presidential audit program up from the level of IRS policy to the level of federal law.

Democrats are mad the presidential audit program was ‘dormant’​

“After years of stonewalling and litigation ending at the Supreme Court, the Committee found that, for all practical purposes, the mandatory audit program was dormant. It wasn’t just functioning poorly — it was not functioning at all,” Neal said.

Neal’s legislation, which passed the House on Thursday, would give the Treasury three months to produce a report on a sitting president’s tax returns, which are required by law to be filed every year.

The bill also makes a president’s tax returns public along with those of any businesses they own.

“This has never been about one person, this has been about the office of the presidency,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) said Tuesday after the vote to release Trump’s returns.

Democrats are also calling out the ‘two-tiered tax system’​

Trump’s returns display sophisticated accounting whereby income from investments was offset by large, distributed business losses that reduced his tax liability. In 2020, the last year Trump was president, he didn’t pay any income tax at all.

Tax experts say his techniques are not atypical and are just some of many methods that are widely used by people with a lot of money to pay less in tax. These maneuvers can range from using bank loans backed by stock portfolios to obtain cash to combining trusts with annuities to keep money away from the government over the course of generations.

This sophistication is another source of anger for Democrats and is something they want to call attention to through the release of Trump’s returns.

“Trump’s returns likely look similar to those of many other wealthy tax cheats — hundreds of partnership interests, highly-questionable deductions, and debts that can be shifted around to wipe out tax liabilities,” Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a statement on Wednesday.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has sounded similar notes about how taxes work in the U.S.

“At the core of the problem is a discrepancy in the ways types of income are reported to the IRS: opaque income sources frequently avoid scrutiny while wages and federal benefits are typically subject to nearly full compliance. This two-tiered tax system is unfair and deprives the country of resources to fund core priorities,” she said in a statement on congressional tax compliance proposals in 2021.

But the release of the returns is also about beating Donald Trump​

While Democrats have couched the release of the returns in a broader policy discussion, it’s just as much about politics and defeating a political rival.

Trump incensed Democrats during his presidency for the ways he broke presidential norms that extended beyond his refusal to release his tax returns. His prolific use of social media and his public castigation of judges and other public officials whom presidents usually don’t criticize changed the tone of political discourse in the country, much to the anger of the opposition party.

“When we win this election, and we have a new president of the United States in January, and we have a new secretary of the Treasury, and Richie Neal asks for the president’s returns, then the world will see what the president has been hiding all of this time,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in 2020.

The revelation of Trump’s huge business losses, which were presaged by years of investigative reporting, undermine the image of Trump as a successful, self-made businessman projected by TV shows like “The Apprentice” and that he ultimately capitalized on to win the presidency.

“Donald Trump had big deductions, big credits, and big losses — but seldom a big tax bill,” Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) said in a statement on Tuesday. “This inquiry has unearthed many questions about how someone who claimed to be so rich can avoid so many taxes.”

Republicans are taking it personally​

Republicans have been looking past the policy discussion raised by the committee reports and are laying the groundwork for some political reprisals.

Outgoing Republican leader of the Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (Texas) talked about actions relating to personal tax returns in the context of the upcoming Congress, in which Republicans will take control of the House.

“I won’t speculate on what the next Congress and this committee will focus on related to tax returns,” he said on Tuesday.

“Democrats’ claim about the need to reform the presidential audit program is merely cover for weaponizing the tax code against political rivals,” Ways and Means Republicans said in statement on Thursday.

Tax experts say that Hunter Biden, who’s under investigation by the Justice Department over whether he paid enough taxes on payments he received while working on the board of a Ukrainian company, may be in Republican crosshairs.

“Ways and Means Republicans could come out and say, ‘You guys started it. This is both-sides-ism.’ And so they’re going to ask for the tax return information on Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and whoever else they want to embarrass,” Steve Rosenthal, a policy analyst with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, said in an interview.

Hunter Biden hired a new defense attorney this week, perhaps in anticipation of committee actions involving him during the next Congress, NBC News reported this week.

Xiden said he didn't discuss business with them. So how is it he'd know who they were?
The two things are not mutually exclusive.

Do you have business dealings with everyone you meet at dinner parties?
You better figure that out because otherwise your case is based on nothing.

Using your standards, millions of criminals would still be walking the streets.

Did you watch the Alex Murdaugh murder trial? Every bit of the evidence was circumstantial. The jury evaluated the evidence and determined that Murdaugh's story was illogical. He also had a motive. It didn't help that he had been caught lying either. Catching him on camera killing his wife and son nor finding the murder weapon was necessary to come to a reasonable conclusion that he was guilty. You don't seem to care for this standard and completely ignore the very compelling circumstantial evidence in this case.
He has repeatedly stated he was not involved in Hunters business dealings

You have yet to prove he was
hahaha well actually he said he never even talked to Hunter, or his brother about his business deals....because he specifically claimed he didn't want knowledge of it...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhpwjcTgqAQ

...and I mean sure if you want to ignore the evidence...the testimony, the phone calls, the emails, the fact hundreds of thousands of dollars has been sent directly to his home, or stolen classified document stash house....that might be true.
Yes, of course he is going to say that. He also stated that he had never met any of them. That story quickly changed once it was revealed that he had met them on several occasions. Pictures and eye witnesses kind of forced him to come clean. If it is shown that he did have some dealings with them, the story will change yet again, and yet again, people like you will believe it. Crazy stuff.
Joe never claimed he didn’t meet these people.

He said he never discussed business with them.

Why do you lie?
hahaha well actually he said he never even talked to Hunter, or his brother about his business deals....because he specifically claimed he didn't want knowledge of it...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhpwjcTgqAQ

...and I mean sure if you want to ignore the evidence...the testimony, the phone calls, the emails, the fact hundreds of thousands of dollars has been sent directly to his home, or stolen classified document stash house....that might be true.

Still trying to sell that mailing address nonsense as proof of a payment to Joe Biden?

How is an electronic transfer to Hunter a payment to Joe?

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