Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

Dems had an actual abuse of power they could state.

?? It's abuse of power to financially benefit his family.
Trump held up funding for Ukraine to demand Zelensky announce an investigation into Biden to support his campaign.

We had the ask in the phone call. We had the unexplained hold on the funding that came directly from the White House.
You had two pieces of circumstantial evidence. Repubs have 1,000X that.
You had two pieces of circumstantial evidence. Repubs have 1,000X that.
That’s true! It is circumstantial. But it completes an actual crime.

Whereas you have “more” circumstantial evidence that doesn’t complete an actual crime. The difference isn’t quantity, it’s quality.
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yes, we know you all are really trying to keep him from running...we are well aware of all the political prosecutions and lawsuits etc.

that doesn't excuse your double standard, in fact it just further highlights it

They aren't political. If we didn't charge him, that would be political. And that would be okay because no one wants to charge a former president. This is all very embarrassing. That's what Trump was counting on. He should have disappeared after he lost but he didn't because of the insurrection. He's going to be found guilty of that too. So he needs to win to pardon himself.

He's guilty of all the things he's charging with. And he's been charged with A LOT.

A lot more than Bill Clinton lying about a blowjob. That was political.

And going after Biden when you got nothing. Well, we see what you are trying to do. You're trying to say they are all criminals. Even the Biden's are criminal. I mean, we don't have any proof but why else would they have 20 LLC's? Knowing Trump has 500 LLC's. But then again, that's all you want people to think is "they all do it".

We see your lame tactics. Just about as obvious as how you tried to steal the 2020 election. You were a lot slicker when you stole 2000 and 2004 but those races all came down to 1 state.
Sounds like a motte and fallacy.

You start by attacking us for not believing Biden is corrupt but when it’s pointed out how weak your narrative is, now it’s just an investigation into potential corruption.

Good luck with the investigation. When it goes nowhere, don’t forget that you never had a solid basis to begin with.

Republicans don’t want it to be resolved

They want to keep Joe under “investigation” till the election
Not sure how any reasonable, non-partisan person could disagree that a inquiry is necessary given the available information.

Ten Reasons Why the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is Justified
You notice the Biden supporters don't address a single point Turley made in that article but instead attack him, the source, you, anybody who supports an impeachment inquiry based on the issues listed.

Before the Democrats got rid of almost all their moderates and went full blown Marxist, we could expect at least an honest treatment of the allegations with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by the presented evidence.

But now I honestly don't expect much to come from the inquiry. The MSM will not cover it honestly but will insinuate or flat out say the GOP is just doing partisan retaliation. The rank and file American who gets their news from the MSM will not be informed about what it is all about. The MSM will bend over backward to keep them uninformed.

And there is no way in hell a Democrat controlled Senate will convict him if the House impeaches him after all the evidence is presented.

And that will allow all the leftists to continue to self righteously proclaim him innocent of everything which I don't believe anybody but the most stupid/ignorant believes at this point.
They shouldn't have I GOT CHA!!! Dramatized DOG AND PONY SHOWS, with false accusations and innuendos until they actually have something, no???
OMG I just realized something. Trump admitted a long time ago that Monica was a witch hunt and Pelosi should impeach Bush for lying us into Iraq. But then Trump brought all of Bill Clinton's accusers to his debate with Hillary.

So Trump is not above playing dirty politics or using "witch hunts" against his opponents.

And when he gets charged for breaking the laws, and with mountains of evidence against him, those are not witch hunts.

Trump wanted to try Hillary/Bill in the court of public opinion. But that's not what's happening to Trump right now. I mean it is, but what he's being charged with, we have evidence he did those things.

Trump's own words. He thought it was bullshit they went after Bill over Monica. But Trump didn't have a problem bringing Clinton accusers to his debates.

Sorry Don. Sucks when your own dirty tactics are used against you. And sorry you aren't above the law like you think all presidents, except Biden, should be.
The transcript of the phone call shows Trump asking Zelensky to investigate Biden. Are you actually questioning that?

Are you questioning whether Trump held up tue funding for Ukraine?

What exactly are you saying?
No I am not questioning anything...i am saying this comment "Trump held up funding for Ukraine to demand Zelensky announce an investigation into Biden to support his campaign." is parody.

The transcript doesn't show that. Sorry.

Moreover it's not an abuse of power to ask a country we are giving foreign aid to, to root out corruption.
They aren't political. If we didn't charge him, that would be political. And that would be okay because no one wants to charge a former president. This is all very embarrassing. That's what Trump was counting on. He should have disappeared after he lost but he didn't because of the insurrection. He's going to be found guilty of that too. So he needs to win to pardon himself.

He's guilty of all the things he's charging with. And he's been charged with A LOT.

A lot more than Bill Clinton lying about a blowjob. That was political.

And going after Biden when you got nothing. Well, we see what you are trying to do. You're trying to say they are all criminals. Even the Biden's are criminal. I mean, we don't have any proof but why else would they have 20 LLC's? Knowing Trump has 500 LLC's. But then again, that's all you want people to think is "they all do it".

We see your lame tactics. Just about as obvious as how you tried to steal the 2020 election. You were a lot slicker when you stole 2000 and 2004 but those races all came down to 1 state.

how in the world was Clinton lying about his affair political?? hahah
Republicans don’t want it to be resolved

They want to keep Joe under “investigation” till the election
Just like the wanted Ukraine to launch an investigation into Biden, even though Ukraine insisted it did investigate and found nothing wrong.

What's funny is English is their second language and they didn't realize Trump was shaking them down when he called asking them for a favor.

You know what? It's not right for people investigating to be so sure of a person's guilt before even investigating. Or without any proof know they are guilty? We had a reason to think Trump colluded with Russia. His sons met with Russians who said they had dirt on Hillary. And Trump himself said on TV, Russia, if you're listening....And we know Russia flooded facebook with lies about Hillary. Russia clearly loves Trump. Now we know why. He would have let them have Ukraine. Look at how Trump House members just cut off funding to Ukraine. Trump Republicans are pro Russia.

how in the world was Clinton lying about his affair political?? hahah
HuH? How was it that 10 Republicans who all had mistresses voted to Impeach Bill for lying about a bj? It's not obvious? Even Trump knew it was political. You must be stupid if I have to explain this one to you.

Trump is even thinking about using the same excuse about why he lied about Stormey. He didn't want his wife to find out.
Moreover it's not an abuse of power to ask a country we are giving foreign aid to, to root out corruption.
You mean like firing a corrupt prosecutor?

Thank you for exonerating Joe Biden.
HuH? How was it that 10 Republicans who all had mistresses voted to Impeach Bill for lying about a bj? It's not obvious? Even Trump knew it was political. You must be stupid if I have to explain this one to you.

Trump is even thinking about using the same excuse about why he lied about Stormey. He didn't want his wife to find out.
Having an affair wasn’t why he was impeached

Only a blind cultist would suggest otherwise
Nobody said they were going to prosecute Xiden tomorrow....so there is no need to have an answer to your question.

What is being conduct is a criminal inquiry, an investigation.
Yeah. MAYBE…EVENTUALLY… you’ll find something like a consensual Beeg between adults huh?
You mean like firing a corrupt prosecutor?

Thank you for exonerating Joe Biden.
Haha I certainly don’t think that’s abuse of power…the only problem is the prosecutor wasn’t corrupt, hasn’t been accused of corruption by anyone outside of the dembots protecting xiden.

Xiden however was involved with a corrupt company in ukraine…in fact thanks to trump asking, we discovered that hunter failed to pay taxes on his income from the corrupt company he was working for
You notice the Biden supporters don't address a single point Turley made in that article but instead attack him, the source, you, anybody who supports an impeachment inquiry based on the issues listed.

Before the Democrats got rid of almost all their moderates and went full blown Marxist, we could expect at least an honest treatment of the allegations with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by the presented evidence.

But now I honestly don't expect much to come from the inquiry. The MSM will not cover it honestly but will insinuate or flat out say the GOP is just doing partisan retaliation. The rank and file American who gets their news from the MSM will not be informed about what it is all about. The MSM will bend over backward to keep them uninformed.

And there is no way in hell a Democrat controlled Senate will convict him if the House impeaches him after all the evidence is presented.

And that will allow all the leftists to continue to self righteously proclaim him innocent of everything which I don't believe anybody but the most stupid/ignorant believes at this point.
Because Turkey’s salient point was

Haha I certainly don’t think that’s abuse of power…the only problem is the prosecutor wasn’t corrupt, hasn’t been accused of corruption by anyone outside of the dembots protecting xiden.
He sure was accused of facilitating corruption, especially in Ukraine.

Where did you get this information from? Where are all the people claiming Shokin wasn’t corrupt?
/----/ Please point out the constitutional requirement that requires a candidate to reveal their tax returns. I'll wait while you gather your notes.
Isn’t it funny, they all care about trump and his taxes but all good with creepy Joe probable foreign interests! Can’t get anymore hypocritical

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