Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

You start by attacking us for not believing Biden is corrupt but when it’s pointed out how weak your narrative is, now it’s just an investigation into potential corruption.

Not weak at all for anyone paying attention. Anyone else would already be on trial for the evidence already uncovered. The more that comes out, the more numerous and ridiculous the excuses will become.

Good luck with the investigation. When it goes nowhere, don’t forget that you never had a solid basis to begin with.

If it goes nowhere, that will be because of the extreme partisanship of this administration, including the Senate, the IRS and the DOJ.
Again ??? The power of his office. Why are you pretending to have such difficulty with this?
Are you pretending as if these answers convey any significant information?

The reason you are being evasive is that if you say anything specific, it can be disproven. Can’t have that.
Sure, okay. You got me. Your vague answer really set the record straight.

What are the elements of the crime?
Again, as your party showed us, twice, the elements are anything Congress says they are. But your knew that. Feigning ignorance is not a good posting style.
You notice the Biden supporters don't address a single point Turley made in that article but instead attack him, the source, you, anybody who supports an impeachment inquiry based on the issues listed.

Before the Democrats got rid of almost all their moderates and went full blown Marxist, we could expect at least an honest treatment of the allegations with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by the presented evidence.

But now I honestly don't expect much to come from the inquiry. The MSM will not cover it honestly but will insinuate or flat out say the GOP is just doing partisan retaliation. The rank and file American who gets their news from the MSM will not be informed about what it is all about. The MSM will bend over backward to keep them uninformed.

And there is no way in hell a Democrat controlled Senate will convict him if the House impeaches him after all the evidence is presented.

And that will allow all the leftists to continue to self righteously proclaim him innocent of everything which I don't believe anybody but the most stupid/ignorant believes at this point.

Sadly true. I don't know that there is any amount of evidence, including full blown bank records with checks written to Joe Biden by the CCP, that would make them admit that he is guilty. They KNOW it, but will NEVER admit it. It all boils down to a severe case of cognitive dissonance with regards to Trump. Any indictment of Biden would mean a win for Trump and they cannot and will not have that, no matter the cost, including selling out the country. They don't care.
Not weak at all for anyone paying attention. Anyone else would already be on trial for the evidence already uncovered. The more that comes out, the more numerous and ridiculous the excuses will become
Jesus, dude. You’re all over the map again. One minute you’re saying that you can’t state the crime because it’s just an investigation into potential crimes. The next minute you’re claiming the evidence is sufficient to prove the unstated crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

Can you make up your goddamn mind?
If it goes nowhere, that will be because of the extreme partisanship of this administration, including the Senate, the IRS and the DOJ.
It’s the extreme partisanship on your part that decided he’s guilty before the investigation.

You have to be prepared to admit you’re wrong. Otherwise it’s not actually justice.
They shouldn't have I GOT CHA!!! Dramatized DOG AND PONY SHOWS, with false accusations and innuendos until they actually have something, no???

You clearly don't understand the evidence presented. It is a fact that Hunter made a lot of money from people overseas. It is a fact that his father met with many of these associates during and after his time as VP. It is a fact that emails have been verified and reference the "big guy". It is a fact that Bobilinsky, a former business partner of Hunter, said that the "big guy" was Joe Biden. These are facts, not opinions. This is why where should be an inquiry. It is very simple. People that can't see this are either really stupid, really ignorant and/or really partisan.
Again, as your party showed us, twice, the elements are anything Congress says they are.
That would imply they actually say what they are.

Which is not something you are willing to do.
You notice the Biden supporters don't address a single point Turley made in that article but instead attack him, the source, you, anybody who supports an impeachment inquiry based on the issues listed.

Before the Democrats got rid of almost all their moderates and went full blown Marxist, we could expect at least an honest treatment of the allegations with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by the presented evidence.

But now I honestly don't expect much to come from the inquiry. The MSM will not cover it honestly but will insinuate or flat out say the GOP is just doing partisan retaliation. The rank and file American who gets their news from the MSM will not be informed about what it is all about. The MSM will bend over backward to keep them uninformed.

And there is no way in hell a Democrat controlled Senate will convict him if the House impeaches him after all the evidence is presented.

And that will allow all the leftists to continue to self righteously proclaim him innocent of everything which I don't believe anybody but the most stupid/ignorant believes at this point.
All I see is a whole lotta thread derailment with their ORANGE MAN BAD whining and crying.

Hey morons, this is a Biden thread.
Jesus, dude. You’re all over the map again. One minute you’re saying that you can’t state the crime because it’s just an investigation into potential crimes. The next minute you’re claiming the evidence is sufficient to prove the unstated crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

Yeah, there is a potential for multiple charges, which is very common. If Biden conspired with his son to influence policy in the US in exchange for money, that is a crime. I'll let them figure out how to classify it. That is what is being investigated and rightly so given the wealth of information already available. During the course of the investigation, other unforeseen crimes may very well be uncovered.

It’s the extreme partisanship on your part that decided he’s guilty before the investigation.

My opinion on his guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The point is that there is plenty of evidence available to warrant an inquiry. Democrats want exactly nothing to be done. They want all the evidence to be ignored. They don't want an investigation. That is dishonest at best, but really just pure corruption.
LIE! Simply NOT true.

It WAS part of the Obama admin policy....there are speeches from the Obama admin ambassador, confirming it was their policy, made before Biden made his public and well known threat.
During the impeachment, Kent said Biden’s demand was consistent with US policy.

Yet we now know the State Department had found progress was being made on corruption and Shokin was praised in private correspondence.

The demand for the replacement of the equivalent of the attorney general in another country is an extraordinary move.

We give massive amounts of money to countries with rampant corruption and authoritarian records.

But Biden decided Shokin had to go and used public money to make that happen.
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If you think Hunter is not pertinent in this inquiry, you must really get all your information from a highly partisan, dishonest MSM.
The one policy decision Turley points to is Shokin, which is based on a reference to NY Post screed.

That’s not how you get taken seriously.

The issue about Shokin is so overblown you’d have to intentionally blind yourself to the decision process behind it.
Having an affair wasn’t why he was impeached

Only a blind cultist would suggest otherwise
Yea he lied, under oath. Same way Trump would. And Trump would use the same excuse. Didn't want his wife to find out.

So recently Trump plead the 5th. Remember? But before that he said anyone who does so is guilty. You don't mind that hypocracy? OF course you don't struth.
The one policy decision Turley points to is Shokin, which is based on a reference to NY Post screed.

That’s not how you get taken seriously.

The issue about Shokin is so overblown you’d have to intentionally blind yourself to the decision process behind it.
Or we can conclude from those sources who point out how Shokin was actually doing his job instead of parroting a dishonest leftist partisan press that says he was corrupt without giving any explanation for how he was corrupt.
That’s true! It is circumstantial. But it completes an actual crime.

What crime would that be? A Quid Pro Quo? If that is the case, how exactly was Biden's demand for Shokin to be fired not be a Quid Pro Quo? Clearly, Joe demanded that the Ukraine take a particular action (firing Shokin) in order to get US funding. Whether his son that just happened to be on the board of the company in question...well. You guys aren't too bright.

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