Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

Does Shokin’s claim pass the smell test?

Absolutely. Whether Shokin was corrupt or not is a point of debate. The fact that Hunter just happened to be hired on the board of a "random" Ukrainian company is not. The fact that Shokin was fired after Hunter was hired is also not up for debate. The fact that Joe was VP of the US at the time of the firing at stated point blank that the US would withhold funding if Shokin was not fired is not up for debate. The fact that any investigation into the Burisma CEO ended shortly thereafter is also not up for debate. You are ignoring a lot of facts that don't fit your narrative.

So the thing he didn’t say is the thing that would make it illegal. That’s a pretty massive hole in your narrative you’re going to have to fill and it isn’t going to come from bank records.

What? Then why was Trump's statement to Zelensky any different? Did Trump tell him to investigate the Hunter situation or we are going to withhold funding? No, he said, "do me a favor", not "do me a favor or else". You are twisting yourself into a pretzel here.
I don't so. Is that how you remember it?

Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bidand then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump's second impeachment was for starting the insurrection. People died that day. He should be responsible for those deaths. Just ask his former aide

Cassidy Hutchinson is the former White House aide who MSNBC said "gave some of the most compelling, damning and explosive testimony" to the 6 January committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol in 2021.
He called Zelensky asking about Biden holding back money to get the investigator fired that was investigating the company Hunter ran.
Not weak at all for anyone paying attention. Anyone else would already be on trial for the evidence already uncovered. The more that comes out, the more numerous and ridiculous the excuses will become.
Like a made up russian dossier to impeach #45
We’ll all you fuckers have done was impugn Hunter
Nope. Could care less about Hunter's private dealings. But there seems to be a lot of evidence that Joe used Hunter to funnel an awful lot of money his way and that it was done in a way to compromise American security and/or resources. And that EVERYBODY who has an honorable bone in his/her body should care about. If Joe has a good defense so be it. The GOP will allow him to present it which was a privilege not allowed Trump.
Not the point.
/----/ "Not the point."
Oh yes it is. It's not the point you're trying to make because it blows your narrative out of the water.
Candidates for president of the United States must meet basic requirements. Learn about the criteria to run for president.
The U.S. Constitution states that the president must:
  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years
/----/ Please point out the constitutional requirement that requires a candidate to reveal their tax returns. I'll wait while you gather your notes.
Well after Trump we need to add a constitutional amendment saying all presidents need to show their taxes. Trump or guys like him are why. Because we could see that not only is he not worth what he says he is worth, he gets money from China.

Don't worry if Hunter does business with China. Don Trump does business with the Chinese government. Did you know this?
Well after Trump we need to add a constitutional amendment saying all presidents need to show their taxes. Trump or guys like him are why. Because we could see that not only is he not worth what he says he is worth, he gets money from China.

Don't worry if Hunter does business with China. Don Trump does business with the Chinese government. Did you know this?
/-----/ "Well after Trump we need to add a constitutional amendment saying all presidents need to show their taxes. "
Why? You clowns got them and found nothing. It was just a fishing expedition. You can't come up with one valid reason, especially one that will pass the amendment process voted on by a majority of the states.
/----/ "Not the point."
Oh yes it is. It's not the point you're trying to make because it blows your narrative out of the water.
Candidates for president of the United States must meet basic requirements. Learn about the criteria to run for president.
The U.S. Constitution states that the president must:
  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years
Maybe we could have also seen Trump over inflated his net worth. He wasn't even a billionaire when he ran for president the first time. He only played on on tv. You idiots.
/-----/ "Well after Trump we need to add a constitutional amendment saying all presidents need to show their taxes. "
Why? You clowns got them and found nothing. It was just a fishing expedition. You can't come up with one valid reason, especially one that will pass the amendment process voted on by a majority of the states.
But you want Hunter to turn over all his private information and access to his 20 LLC's to see who he sold to?
Absolutely. Whether Shokin was corrupt or not is a point of debate.
Well then why aren’t we debating it? You guys seem to duck and dodge when this is brought up. I haven’t denied any of your “facts” although some of them are exaggerations of facts.
What? Then why was Trump's statement to Zelensky any different? Did Trump tell him to investigate the Hunter situation or we are going to withhold funding? No, he said, "do me a favor", not "do me a favor or else". You are twisting yourself into a pretzel here
Trump withholding funds was otherwise unexplained and occurred at the same time. Seems like a too coincidental to be chance.

On the other hand, Biden’s push to oust Shokin came at the same time as the State Dept wanting him removed. Another thing too coincidental to be chance.

But you would have us pretend they’re unrelated?
Maybe we could have also seen Trump over inflated his net worth. He wasn't even a billionaire when he ran for president the first time. He only played on on tv. You idiots.
/-----/ I believe Forbes over some TDS-spreading libtard. In 2016, he was at $4.5 billion. At his low, in 2020, he was down to his last meager 2.1 billion.
I suspect they will follow the examples set by the previous resident of the White House
Why would they do that? They've insisted for years he's a criminal scumbag that is a mortal threat to our very democracy.
What? Then why was Trump's statement to Zelensky any different? Did Trump tell him to investigate the Hunter situation or we are going to withhold funding? No, he said, "do me a favor", not "do me a favor or else". You are twisting yourself into a pretzel here.
Well Xiden did state an or else at the end of his. Xiden stated Ukraine would not see money if they didn't fire the Shokin. Said it on video. Clear as a fking bell. Fact!!!!
Why would they do that? They've insisted for years he's a criminal scumbag that is a mortal threat to our very democracy.

Because they are criminal scumbags that are a mortal threat to our very democracy as well.

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