Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

Basically your argument is they all do it. Because trump got caught.

You don’t get to investigate Biden because you bet he did it too.
hahah trump has nothing to do with this, nor was he ever accused of this type of stuff:...from the link...

The record currently contains witness and written evidence that the President (1) has lied about key facts in these foreign dealings, (2) was the focus of a multimillion-dollar influence peddling scheme, and (3) may have benefitted from this corruption through millions of dollars sent to his family as well as more direct possible benefits. The President may be able to disprove or rebut these points, but they raise legitimate concerns over his role based on the accounts of key figures in the matter. Consider just ten of the disclosures from the prior investigation:

  • Hunter Biden and his associates were running a classic influence peddling operation using Joe Biden as what Devon Archer called “the Brand.”[1] While this was described as an “illusion of access,” millions were generated for the Bidens from some of the most corrupt figures in the world, including associates who were later accused of or convicted of public corruption.[2]
  • Some of the Biden clients pushed for changes impacting United States foreign policy and relations, including help in dealing with Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating corruption.[3]
  • President Biden has made false claims about his knowledge of these dealings repeatedly in the past, including insisting that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s foreign dealings which Archer has declared “patently false.”[4] The Washington Post and other media outlets have also declared the President’s insistence that his family did not take money from China as false.[5]
  • The President had been aware for years that Hunter Biden and his uncle James were accused of influence peddling, including an audiotape of the President acknowledging a New York Times investigation as a threat to Hunter.[6]
  • President Biden was repeatedly called into meetings with these foreign clients and was put on speakerphone.[7] He also met these clients and foreign figures at dinners and meetings.[8]
  • Emails and other communications show Hunter repeatedly invoking his father to secure payments from foreign sources and, in one such message, he threatens a Chinese figure that his father is sitting next to him to coerce a large transfer of money.[9]
  • A trusted FBI source recounted a direct claim of a corrupt Ukrainian businessman that he paid a “bribe” to Joe Biden through intermediaries.[10]
  • Hunter Biden reportedly claimed that he had to give half of his earnings to his father[11] and other emails state that intermingled accounts were used to pay bills for both men, including a possible credit account that Hunter used to allegedly pay prostitutes.[12]
  • At least two transfers of funds to Hunter Biden in 2019 from a Chinese source listed the President’s home in Delaware where Hunter sometimes lived and conducted business.[13]
  • Some of the deals negotiated by Hunter involved potential benefits for his father, including office space in Washington.[14] At least nine Biden family members reportedly received money from these foreign transfers, including grandchildren.[15] For Hunter Biden, this included not just significant money transfers but gifts like an expensive diamond and a luxury car.[16]
Look in his dozens and dozens of financial disclosure forms.
And then you can look at all his income tax returns.
hahahaa your income tax returns the 1040, doens't show your bank accounts! hahaha

moreover, xiden has refused to release his business tax returns....so...no go
Do you know how many hearing democrats had regarding TRUMP's impeachments? The 1st hearing was to give bases for an impeachment inquiry, which the witnesses agreed was justified. They will have plenty more hearings with witnesses presenting evidence of corruption involving Joe.
Why are democrats so fearful of investigations into the Biden's, if they believe Joe's done nothing wrong?
They had hard evidence.

The second impeachment happened very quickly. Mitch wouldn’t convict because he was no longer president technically.

You should be ashamed of yourself nazi
Actually it's a simple question. Do you have any direct knowledge of Joe Biden committing a crime?

No different than what they asked witnesses to alleged election fraud?
hhaha what the f does if some poster on the internet having direct evidence matter? hahaha
hahah trump has nothing to do with this, nor was he ever accused of this type of stuff:...from the link...

The record currently contains witness and written evidence that the President (1) has lied about key facts in these foreign dealings, (2) was the focus of a multimillion-dollar influence peddling scheme, and (3) may have benefitted from this corruption through millions of dollars sent to his family as well as more direct possible benefits. The President may be able to disprove or rebut these points, but they raise legitimate concerns over his role based on the accounts of key figures in the matter. Consider just ten of the disclosures from the prior investigation:

  • Hunter Biden and his associates were running a classic influence peddling operation using Joe Biden as what Devon Archer called “the Brand.”[1] While this was described as an “illusion of access,” millions were generated for the Bidens from some of the most corrupt figures in the world, including associates who were later accused of or convicted of public corruption.[2]
  • Some of the Biden clients pushed for changes impacting United States foreign policy and relations, including help in dealing with Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating corruption.[3]
  • President Biden has made false claims about his knowledge of these dealings repeatedly in the past, including insisting that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s foreign dealings which Archer has declared “patently false.”[4] The Washington Post and other media outlets have also declared the President’s insistence that his family did not take money from China as false.[5]
  • The President had been aware for years that Hunter Biden and his uncle James were accused of influence peddling, including an audiotape of the President acknowledging a New York Times investigation as a threat to Hunter.[6]
  • President Biden was repeatedly called into meetings with these foreign clients and was put on speakerphone.[7] He also met these clients and foreign figures at dinners and meetings.[8]
  • Emails and other communications show Hunter repeatedly invoking his father to secure payments from foreign sources and, in one such message, he threatens a Chinese figure that his father is sitting next to him to coerce a large transfer of money.[9]
  • A trusted FBI source recounted a direct claim of a corrupt Ukrainian businessman that he paid a “bribe” to Joe Biden through intermediaries.[10]
  • Hunter Biden reportedly claimed that he had to give half of his earnings to his father[11] and other emails state that intermingled accounts were used to pay bills for both men, including a possible credit account that Hunter used to allegedly pay prostitutes.[12]
  • At least two transfers of funds to Hunter Biden in 2019 from a Chinese source listed the President’s home in Delaware where Hunter sometimes lived and conducted business.[13]
  • Some of the deals negotiated by Hunter involved potential benefits for his father, including office space in Washington.[14] At least nine Biden family members reportedly received money from these foreign transfers, including grandchildren.[15] For Hunter Biden, this included not just significant money transfers but gifts like an expensive diamond and a luxury car.[16]
Hunter was running a what? That’s your accusation. Putting it number one on your bullet points makes the rest of your list horseshit
Apples and apples

Save the excuses and rationalization
I gave you reasons, Herr Lesh? Ever been to Israel? I have. They are leaders in innovative tech. What I posted was 100% factual. So fuck you, you antisemitic piece of garbage. You cannot refute any of the points so you just spew hatred. Dick.
Even the testimony of Devon Archer disputes Joe Bidens involvement, either on the phone calls, or the influence peddling.

Hunter Biden and his associates were running a classic influence peddling operation using Joe Biden as what Devon Archer called “the Brand.”[1] While this was described as an “illusion of access,” millions were generated for the Bidens from some of the most corrupt figures in the world, including associates who were later accused of or convicted of public corruption
Didn’t answer the question. How convenient. Archer says Joe definitely knew.
Jared had to be bailed out because his "business" was underwater. His property at 666 5th avenue was hundreds of millions in debt. That's why he got Qatar to bail it out with a 100 year lease for $1.2 billion.

So Jareds "investment business" record, is one of failure. So why would the Saudi's trust a business investment failure with $2 billion.
Link it…thanks

And Jared isn’t the only one in he hedge fund and the KSA did it to improve relations with Israel. And it was after Trump was already out of office. 2021.
Hunter was running a what? That’s your accusation. Putting it number one on your bullet points makes the rest of your list horseshit
I never mentioned Hunter. There is no impeachment inquiry of Hunter
Do you have any evidence hunter is guilty or that the 2000 election was stolen? No? It matters
I don't have any evidence in regards to Hunter, the DOJ does apparently, hence his attempt to plea...but this thread isn't about Hunter.

Nor have I said anything about the 2000 election, I think it was won by Bush, free and fair...despite the Dems inability to accept it, or attempts to overthrow it.

But this thread is about the impeachment inquiry of Joey Xiden, as outlined in the link of the OP
Didn’t answer the question. How convenient. Archer says Joe definitely knew.
evidence continues to mount and today we saw Joe Biden has lied to the American people. He knew exactly who his son was getting those millions and millions of dollars of wires from, he spoke to them, and he spoke to them often,

A. He knew what company his son worked for.

B. He speaks to his son often.

Lock him up!
You didn’t answer the question and I did not talk about Trump. Aren’t military men usually men of honor? My dad is ex Navy. He would have answered the question directly. “Yes or no”.

I did answer the question as I think Trump is dirty, and so is Joe.

The difference between us is you will defend one to your death while I will do so for neither.
I gave you reasons, Herr Lesh? Ever been to Israel? I have. They are leaders in innovative tech. What I posted was 100% factual. So fuck you, you antisemitic piece of garbage. You cannot refute any of the points so you just spew hatred. Dick.
Wow. Azog as vile as always. Back under the rock you hid under pal
evidence continues to mount and today we saw Joe Biden has lied to the American people. He knew exactly who his son was getting those millions and millions of dollars of wires from, he spoke to them, and he spoke to them often,

A. He knew what company his son worked for.

B. He speaks to his son often.

Lock him up!
Never said lock anyone up. All I want is acknowledgement that if this were Don Jr. And DJT the media and you Libs would be singing a different tune, box of rocks.
This has zero to do with Bibi, box of rocks. You antisemitic Holocaust denying man liking shit brain.
I know the holocaust happened. Do you? Because trumps acting a lot like Hitler.

Im sure like trump 30% of the Jews voted for Hitler. They didn’t think he’d actually follow thru on his promises to the far right. And they were sick of inflation and regulations and taxes. Just like 30% of American Jews vote for trump.
I did answer the question as I think Trump is dirty, and so is Joe.

The difference between us is you will defend one to your death while I will do so for neither.
If you had to bet your life, did Joe know about Hunter’s business dealings and benefit financially from them? Yes or no?

Happy to answer a reciprocal question regarding Trump. Are you a man of honor or not? 🤷‍♂️
She was offered Secretary of State as a courtesy

Much like Reagan offered George Bush or Biden offered Kamala

Hillary won election to the Senate….Twice
She was offered VP and came back with Secretary of State; her original idea, not her party’s.

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