Turns Out Obamacare Premiums Aren't More Expensive After All

"Often" is a codeword used to say "we can't make a statistical statement and we can't even say 'most' so we'll just say that it's more than one." That said, one of the "most basic standards" that plans did not cover was no-cost birth control. So if the non-compliant plan charged $50 for a pap smear and $10 per month for Previfem, it was lumped into this category.

So here's a direct statistical reference:

About 20 of my current clients are single men that have had vasectomies. They have no need for a bronze level plan when it comes to birth control, and all of them had plans that were compliant in all other areas. The other issue is that this study did not delineate those with catastrophic policies, those with high deductibles but generous benefits beyond $5000. For a professional couple that has a decent emergency fund, this was a great option for health insurance. Under normal circumstances they got cash payment discounts because their deductibles were high and the insurance only kicked in for major medical issues. The premiums were low, they weren't locked into any small networks for routine care, and their overall value was actually greater than similar situations with people on employer plans that had a myriad matrix of co-payments.

one of the thing that OBAMA did when he was talking to the insurance companies on pricing, it was about birth control and costing the policy holder nothing... the Insurance companies came up with the Idea that they would rather charge the policy holders nothing for birth control... their reasoning was it a hell of a lot cheaper to give out birth control pill then it was to Pay for a pregnancy to full term ... Obama agreeded with them... according to the insurance companies, birth control pill, they aren't charging to the policy holder or pricing it in some other part of the policy ... that's what the insurance companies are saying ... so nice try ... try again

Do you have any idea how incredibly stupid you sound when you say shit like this? The only possible way birth control will end up being less expensive in the long run is if no one ever has a baby again. Since that is not going to happen the actual cost is the total of the borth control and the pregnancy, which is, obviously, higher than the cost of the pregnancy alone. Sebelius, being a raving lunatic, is operating under the delusion that the only reason women get pregnant is that they can't afford birth control, despite the fact that it is available at no cost to them almost everywhere in this country, so she decided to make access to birth control the central point of her new package of regulations for insurance. Even I don't blame Obama for that as he was caught flat footed when the announcement was made.

:eek: Say it isn't so....
So that's why Obama keeps delaying implementing it!

Too much saving!

So when the Employee mandate kicks in right after the midterm shellacking, there'll be more saving right?
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Feel free to prove your claim with a link. I've not heard anything like this from any insurance company and I deal with several. I could be wrong though, so please assist me in my education of health insurance company practices. Start with a link.
when THE ACA was first being discussed one of the things that the obama administration look at is would religious institutions object to birth control being sold on their policy ... and if they did how should be handle it ... the insurance companies came to the Obama administration in the beginning and they talked to obama ...this is well know its been in the press many times ... what obama did was compare the price of bring a baby to full term and the price of offering birth control for free ... the insurance companies are know for not wanting to pay large sums of money out, this is a no brainer ...so the insurance companies came to the conclusion it would be more cost effective to give the birth control pills for free in their policies... as for me giving you a link ...many here know, I don't give out links ... if you want to prove what I've said here to be inaccurate, then its up to you to go and find out the information to prove me to be wrong... I don't prove myself wrong ... thats your job ...

So you're demanding that I provide links to prove you wrong while you will not back up your assertions with any links.

Sorry, it's not my job to prove that you are correct. If you make a claim, back it up.

it is time to fish or cut bait

billy needs to post a link to his policy
you have to meet your deductible first to go see your doctor

bs billyboy
my last insurance policy Covered Colorado ... I went to the doctor for a visit and got a physical it cost me, oh wait nothing ... accept the copay... they sent me in for a blood test it cost me, oh wait ... I paid nothing their too ... then they sent me to get a Colonoscopy becasue I was 60 at the time it was time for one ... it cost me nothing ... then I had a kidney stone they gave me a ct scan and it you guess it it cost me nothing...

I'm 63 now I went to get the yearly physical and guess what moron the office visit cost me nothing... acceept the copay ... the blood tess under Obama care it too cost me nothing ... I'm not ready for another butt scoping yet but when it is time, it too will cost me nothing... where ever you get this Bull SHIt from and that's what it is, "bull shit" ... that you have to pay your deductible first before you can get a doctors visit is total bull shit...

good for you

the plans posted on this thread clearly say different

no they don't... it says if you need a office visit then you set up an appointment with your doctor .... you arrive at the doctors office ...they get you signed in ... they take your insurance card ... then you pay your copay... you wait to be called ...you go in and talk to the doctor about your problems that you are having ... the doctor checks you over ... then he sets you up with all kinds of test ... this is at no charge to the person on their health care plan .... even the one that you posted ... you don't have to have your deductible paid for to get any of these services done ... the insurance covers it ... you can't stand the fact that I'm right here and you are clearly wrong and are too arrogant to admit you were wrong in saying you have to pay your deductible first to get a doctor visit... that's a out and out lie
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my last insurance policy Covered Colorado ... I went to the doctor for a visit and got a physical it cost me, oh wait nothing ... accept the copay... they sent me in for a blood test it cost me, oh wait ... I paid nothing their too ... then they sent me to get a Colonoscopy becasue I was 60 at the time it was time for one ... it cost me nothing ... then I had a kidney stone they gave me a ct scan and it you guess it it cost me nothing...

I'm 63 now I went to get the yearly physical and guess what moron the office visit cost me nothing... acceept the copay ... the blood tess under Obama care it too cost me nothing ... I'm not ready for another butt scoping yet but when it is time, it too will cost me nothing... where ever you get this Bull SHIt from and that's what it is, "bull shit" ... that you have to pay your deductible first before you can get a doctors visit is total bull shit...

good for you

the plans posted on this thread clearly say different

no they doesn't... it says if you need a office visit then you set up an appointment with your doctor .... you arrive at the doctors office ...they get you signed in ... they take your insurance card ... then you pay your copay... you wait to be called ...you go in and talk to the doctor about your problems that you are having ... the doctor checks you over ... then he sets you up with all kinds of test ... this is at no charge to the person on their health care plan .... even the one that you posted ... you don't have to have your deductible paid for to get any of these services done ... the insurance covers it ... you can't stand the fact that I'm right here and you are clearly wrong and are too arrogant to admit you were wrong in saying you have to pay your deductible first to get a doctor visit... that's a out and out lie

then you pay your copay


only after the deductible has been met
what a yucky plan

What is the overall
For participating providers
$6,000 person / $12,000 family.
For non-participating providers
$15,000 person / $30,000
family. Deductible may not apply
to all services. See your cost
information starting on page 2
for specific details.
You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay
for covered services you use. Check your policy or plan document to see when the
deductible starts over (usually, but not always, January 1st). See the chart starting on
page 2 for how much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible.


from the get go I said you don't pay a deductible to visit your doctor ... you pay a copay that's nothing new ... no different from now then it was before the ACA ...now you are trying to call a copay a deductible ... priceless .. you get nailed for lying and now the old tap shoes come out ....its a copay deal with it... if you want to start with the key stroke mistakes I will get in to every one yours you can be sure of that and you do make a lot ...you sure love to spin it when you've been caught out and out lying nice try but you lost

you are full of shit

the insured with the plans posted on this thread

pay the full price of the visit until the deductible is met

bronze colorado covered

What is the overall

You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for
covered services you use. Check your policy or plan document to see when the deductible
starts over (usually, but not always, January 1st). See the chart starting on page 2 for how
much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible

I've already been to the doctor on my new plan ... all I paid was the copay, that's it ... so stop your lying ... I got my meds for arthritis i paid the copay on my meds .... no insurance plan makes you pay the deductible first to have a office visit ... as I said I got my blood checked in march of this year it cost me 25 Dollars for the office visit I paid nothing for the blood test ...stop your lying
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good for you

the plans posted on this thread clearly say different

no they doesn't... it says if you need a office visit then you set up an appointment with your doctor .... you arrive at the doctors office ...they get you signed in ... they take your insurance card ... then you pay your copay... you wait to be called ...you go in and talk to the doctor about your problems that you are having ... the doctor checks you over ... then he sets you up with all kinds of test ... this is at no charge to the person on their health care plan .... even the one that you posted ... you don't have to have your deductible paid for to get any of these services done ... the insurance covers it ... you can't stand the fact that I'm right here and you are clearly wrong and are too arrogant to admit you were wrong in saying you have to pay your deductible first to get a doctor visit... that's a out and out lie

then you pay your copay


only after the deductible has been met

no you do not ... stop your lying ...
from the get go I said you don't pay a deductible to visit your doctor ... you pay a copay that's nothing new ... no different from now then it was before the ACA ...now you are trying to call a copay a deductible ... priceless .. you get nailed for lying and now the old tap shoes come out ....its a copay deal with it... if you want to start with the key stroke mistakes I will get in to every one yours you can be sure of that and you do make a lot ...you sure love to spin it when you've been caught out and out lying nice try but you lost

you are full of shit

the insured with the plans posted on this thread

pay the full price of the visit until the deductible is met

bronze colorado covered

What is the overall

You must pay all the costs up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay for
covered services you use. Check your policy or plan document to see when the deductible
starts over (usually, but not always, January 1st). See the chart starting on page 2 for how
much you pay for covered services after you meet the deductible

I've already been to the doctor on my new plan ... all I paid was the copay, that's it ... so stop your lying ... I got my meds for arthritis i paid the copay on my meds .... no insurance plan makes you pay the deductible first to have a office visit ... as I said I got my blood checked in march of this year it cost me 25 Dollars for the office visit I paid nothing for the blood test ...stop you lying

post your plan
no they doesn't... it says if you need a office visit then you set up an appointment with your doctor .... you arrive at the doctors office ...they get you signed in ... they take your insurance card ... then you pay your copay... you wait to be called ...you go in and talk to the doctor about your problems that you are having ... the doctor checks you over ... then he sets you up with all kinds of test ... this is at no charge to the person on their health care plan .... even the one that you posted ... you don't have to have your deductible paid for to get any of these services done ... the insurance covers it ... you can't stand the fact that I'm right here and you are clearly wrong and are too arrogant to admit you were wrong in saying you have to pay your deductible first to get a doctor visit... that's a out and out lie

then you pay your copay


only after the deductible has been met

no you do not ... stop your lying ...

i am not the one lying

the polices clearly state

that they do not pay UNTIL the deductible has been met
then you pay your copay


only after the deductible has been met

no you do not ... stop your lying ...

i am not the one lying

the polices clearly state

that they do not pay UNTIL the deductible has been met

it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

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no you do not ... stop your lying ...

i am not the one lying

the polices clearly state

that they do not pay UNTIL the deductible has been met

it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.
i am not the one lying

the polices clearly state

that they do not pay UNTIL the deductible has been met

it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

He is indeed that stupid.

Whatever HE says HIS experience is is what EVERYBODY'S experience is.
it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

He is indeed that stupid.

Whatever HE says HIS experience is is what EVERYBODY'S experience is.

You have to admit, though ... it is impressive that he is flexible enough to have his foot in his mouth and his head up his ass at the same time!
All I know is my monthly premium doubled and where the fuck is my $2500.00 dollars that lying negro said I would save?
Increases Obamacare Premiums and Deductibles Coming November

Rate-proposal filings in the state of Washington show the four largest insurers proposing average increases across their plans ranging from 8.1 percent to 11.2 percent in a single year.


That and taxes.

All insurance companies are heavily taxed due to the Affordable Care Act. The health insurance tax, one of the most significant assessments included in the health care law, charges each insurance company based on the number of insurance plans sold — and is expected to collect $8 billion this year and grow to $14.3 billion by 2018.

Obamacare’s insurer tax will likely be passed onto customers in the form of higher premiums, however. The health insurance tax alone is expected to raise premiums by $101 on average this year alone, according to a March study from the free-market think tank American Action Forum.

Seven taxes initiated by the health care law will hike premiums for exchange customers by $354 in 2014, according to AAF, and by $196 for those with employer-sponsored health insurance.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/07/d...-to-pay-for-obamacare-exchange/#ixzz32C86wzVa
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it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

He is indeed that stupid.

Whatever HE says HIS experience is is what EVERYBODY'S experience is.

Increases Obamacare Premiums and Deductibles Coming November

Rate-proposal filings in the state of Washington show the four largest insurers proposing average increases across their plans ranging from 8.1 percent to 11.2 percent in a single year.


That and taxes.

All insurance companies are heavily taxed due to the Affordable Care Act. The health insurance tax, one of the most significant assessments included in the health care law, charges each insurance company based on the number of insurance plans sold — and is expected to collect $8 billion this year and grow to $14.3 billion by 2018.

Obamacare’s insurer tax will likely be passed onto customers in the form of higher premiums, however. The health insurance tax alone is expected to raise premiums by $101 on average this year alone, according to a March study from the free-market think tank American Action Forum.

Seven taxes initiated by the health care law will hike premiums for exchange customers by $354 in 2014, according to AAF, and by $196 for those with employer-sponsored health insurance.

Read more: DC Will Tax All Insurers To Pay For Obamacare Exchange | The Daily Caller

Between the two blocks of business, 2014 and grandfathered plans we are in the middle of a blood bath.
i am not the one lying

the polices clearly state

that they do not pay UNTIL the deductible has been met

it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

looks like you got your head in your ass again yes I understand there are all kinds of different plans ...what they all have in common and I've said this before .... the fact that you're a dumb fuck says it all ...you don't pay attention Zoom Ding-a-ling

jon_berzerk. pull a plan off his web site ..not me... he said see you have to pay your deductible first ... I said you didn't...he argued the issue as if he had a clue ... so I went to his web site it gave all the information about deductibles ... what he did do is look at the whole plan... he found one section then said to himself oh I've got him now then he posted it with a web site attached ... the problem jon_berzerk had was he didn't do any research ... he stop at that one page ... where he got his information ... the problem he didn't address was right in the plan that jon_berzerk picked, not me...on one of the list it said office visit ... so I clicked on it ... what it said, and you can go there too and ook for yourself where you need to stop being such a dumb fuck ... it said all you pay for a office visit was 40 dollars for that plan that jon_berzerk picked not me ... so Zoom Ding-a-ling bull your head out of your ass
it doesn't not say you have to pay for doctor visits

from your web site, I posted what you paid for ... a office visit as I said ...
you pay 40 dollars for the visit

you don't have to pay for your 1200 or 6000 dollar deductible first to get a office visit

Bronze Plan
$40 no deductible. office visit
$80 no deductible specialist

rignt from your site .... it clearly says for a office visit you pay 40 dollars
for a specialist you pay 80 dollars
here's your site ..where I went to see what did they pay for
like I said stop your lying...

Bronze Individual and Family Health Plans | Independence Blue Cross

the bolded ... wtf, is that obama-speak?

Are you so daft that you don't know there are a multitude of plans differing in cost, co-pays, deductibles, etc. and some plans require you to pay out of pocket for doc visits, meds, etc. until you meet your deductible?

Never mind, we all know the answer to that one.

He is indeed that stupid.

Whatever HE says HIS experience is is what EVERYBODY'S experience is.

you being a paid poster, nobody in their right mine takes you serious ... you only try to stop whats is right ... thats your job, dumb fuck !!!!

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