Turns Out That Fishes SHOULD Ride Bicycles

Feminism, the wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated, has proven to be both a disaster and a fraud.
Its last gasp was authorizing the election of a career criminal simply because she is a female.

6. "The vicious cycle of fatherlessness and poverty

The positive impact that committed fathers have on women, children and society is staggering. For example:
• Infant mortality rates are nearly two times higher for infants of unmarried mothers than for married mothers.

• Boys in households with a father present had significantly lower odds of incarceration than those in single-mother families.

• Fathers raise their daughters’ chances of success in academics, earning potential and relationships when they are present and involved.

• Father involvement in schools is associated with greater academic success and achievement for both boys and girls.

Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12% of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 44% of children in fatherless families." MercatorNet: Fatherhood: the antidote to the poverty problem

7. And another major societal problem that can be chalked up to radical feminism and Liberalism:

After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism, women did.....and all the women I have been involved with want their men to be providers no matter the political ideology..unless the females makes more, then males can set on the bed and eat bon-bons and watch TV like a house wife does...

"...it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism,..."

Kinda early for me to have reduced you to lying.

Try again.
If you call conservationism a reliable source for freedom of religion, but not Islam, then call yourself a liar...

Now....focus like a laser:

This was the post:
"...it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism,..."

Kinda early for me to have reduced you to lying.

Search hard for any reference to conservationism, religion, or Islam,

"...then call yourself a liar..."

There was no 'then,' and, as you well know, I never lie.

Try again...but try not to appear such a dunce.
You never make mistakes either, the time you have, they were mistakes...But not to a person that practices denial...

Three posts.....none on target.

You Leftists might as well have rubber stamps made for
a. Is not, issss nootttttttt!
b. Sez you!
c. And now for something completely different.

When will I ever find competence from the other side?????

it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism, women did.....and all the women I have been involved with want their men to be providers no matter the political ideology..unless the females makes more, then males can set on the bed and eat bon-bons and watch TV like a house wife does...

"...it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism,..."

Kinda early for me to have reduced you to lying.

Try again.
If you call conservationism a reliable source for freedom of religion, but not Islam, then call yourself a liar...

Now....focus like a laser:

This was the post:
"...it wasn't liberalism that pushed feminism,..."

Kinda early for me to have reduced you to lying.

Search hard for any reference to conservationism, religion, or Islam,

"...then call yourself a liar..."

There was no 'then,' and, as you well know, I never lie.

Try again...but try not to appear such a dunce.
You never make mistakes either, the time you have, they were mistakes...But not to a person that practices denial...

Three posts.....none on target.

You Leftists might as well have rubber stamps made for
a. Is not, issss nootttttttt!
b. Sez you!
c. And now for something completely different.

When will I ever find competence from the other side?????


If you had the courage to take me off ignore you'd find your competence.

LOL, but then again that's why you put me on ignore.
Some dunce above brought up conservatism....OK.
Let's review some differences between Liberalism and the correct worldview.

8. What has recent history taught us? Liberalism, individual morality, radical feminism.....wrong and dangerous to society.

1) Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

2) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

3) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

Now is a pivotal time for Liberal and Progressive voters: the electorate showed the way, and gave a pause to the march of totalitarianism.
Re-think your attitudes, Liberals.
Do the right thing.
9. "Are we seeing the connection between fathers and poverty?

Dads have the power to decrease the odds of poverty by over 30% and increase the earning potential for his children. One of the crippling effects of poverty is the cycle that is perpetuated throughout the generations.

This runs in parallel with the fatherless cycle. Just as children raised in poverty are likely to raise their own children in the same poor economic conditions, so it is with girls born to unwed mothers. Daughters born out-of-wedlock are much more likely to give birth to fatherless children.

.... a child who is born out of wedlock is not guaranteed to be poorly educated or live in poverty. Each preceding item simply makes the following factor much more likely to occur.
Education, skills and competence are keys to economic freedom and success. They are the antidote to poverty. A family headed by a married father and mother provides the best setting to not only succeed economically, but to raise confident, competent, well-educated children ...." MercatorNet: Fatherhood: the antidote to the poverty problem

....a family headed by a married father and mother....

It would be a failure of immense proportion for Liberal voters to miss this opportunity to refine their views, and turn away from the opportunity given by folks who were slandered in this manner: "....they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion..."

Logic,and experience...and the data....prove the traditional ways the best.
Think it over.
Every liberal gets up in the morning saying "The answer is bigger government. Now....what is your question."

10. The greatest failure of Liberalism is its belief in the power of government to mandate the lives of its citizens.

• Government "... cannot revive and sustain the socioeconomic status of an individual family—let alone a nation’s economy. Furthermore, girls — and by extension women — are much more empowered by having involved fathers than by any government policy or sexual rights agenda attempting to free them from the home. "
MercatorNet: Fatherhood: the antidote to the poverty problem

In addition to the disheartening statistics that have accompanied the ascendancy of Liberal policies is the clear failure of Liberal welfare policy. At the cost of some $22 trillion spent on welfare programs since Lyndon Johnson's 'War on Poverty," the percent of Americans in poverty is nearly the same as it was at the start.

Time to reconsider, Liberals?
11 ."... here are several ways to bring back fatherhood and promote sustainable economic growth for all:

• Teach community programs to promote involved, responsible fathering. Research has shown if these programs are taught well and are evidence-based, they increase a father's (both married and divorced) involvement substantially.

• Create educational and skill-based opportunities for fathers (and mothers) to get the training to lift themselves out of the poverty cycle.

• Improve services and education related to: sexuality, caregiving, violence and parenting for boys and men.

• Generate a true shift in policy (more than lip service) to focus on teaching all children from a young age about the value of, and their opportunity to be, both caregivers and professionals.

• Utilize mass and social media outlets to produce and share positive messages about dads, rather than as the incompetent fools many television shows and commercials show them to be.

• Inform the public about research on the harmful effects of pornography addiction. Porn has the power to destroy our most cherished relationships, thus removing fathers emotionally, physically and financially from the family.

• Perhaps the most important of all: Re-establish marriage!" MercatorNet: Fatherhood: the antidote to the poverty problem

The Trump election could be a turning point for the nation. As Yogi Berra put it... “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

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