Tuscaloosa, Spartanburg, Mount Vernon

Mr. Sauerkraut

Active Member
Dec 23, 2010

what have these 3 cities in common? They have big factories with lots of employees from german enterprises. The last one, Mount Vernon, was made from ThyssenKrupp.

Well, you love our products so you´re deeply welcome to have these jobs. The problem I have is: Why du you need foregin investors to build up an new industrial job sector, meanwhile your own companies still scrap one factory after the other?

I mean, we´re not stupid here in Germany. Not one country in the world survived the big crisis better than we, our economy ist growing as hell and we have the less unemployed people for the last 20 years. And we have this including a health care for everyone and moderate taxes.

Don´t forget, that we deeply love you. The USA is still the land of our dreams and you won´t find a german person, who thinks really bad about you. But - where the hell is america? When i see pictures from Detroit, it hurts my heart. Yeasterday i´ve seen in TV that the last steel factory of Portland closes...and then they showed the thousands of homeless people in the streets.

I mean, this doesn´t fit. Why can we give you one new factory after the other, meanwhile you´re still scrapping down your owns?
The short answer is that an American economist named Fisher came up with idea of automatic stabilizers in 1910 and using them destroys savings. By the way culturally we are English speaking Germans descended primarily from Celtic speaking Irish ancestors and about half of us have some real Americans ancestry.
OK, i´ve read some about Irving Fisher. I can´t see a cohesion between his theories and my question. Is he today still popular in the business schools?

And what do you mean with your people´s diagnostics? What have this to do with my question?
OK, i´ve read some about Irving Fisher. I can´t see a cohesion between his theories and my question. Is he today still popular in the business schools?

economic schools.

And what do you mean with your people´s diagnostics? What have this to do with my question?
Just trying to avert some cultural confusion.
Your media shows our homeless in the streets? Our media infrequently does.
I mean, this doesn´t fit. Why can we give you one new factory after the other, meanwhile you´re still scrapping down your owns?

First of all, WE are not allowed to speak about American decay and rotting on the vine. That automatically brands you a traitor, an UnAmerican, and requests for you to leave America immediately follow.

Corporations of America have found they can outsource their work to slave economies and still sell their products in the USA, which raises their profits. Even our President Bush tells us out sourcing is a good thing, and so factories close and business move away, leaving the unemployed starving Americans.

And that is what causes more business opportunitys for Germans in America, to fill the industrial complex with your fine & precision made products which are preferred to American capitalist junk & Chinese trinkets.:eusa_angel:
Well, we have these tendences here too. Many enterprises buildt up dependances in poland, russia or china. And what they do here is hiring underpaid contract workers.

But i think it´s interesting to see, that this kind of economic thinking doesn´t work: If there is nobody who can buy anything, it´s equal how cheap products are, you´re unable to sell anything. But i´m in fear this takes a while until this awareness finds its way to the heads in harvard.

what have these 3 cities in common? They have big factories with lots of employees from german enterprises. The last one, Mount Vernon, was made from ThyssenKrupp.

Well, you love our products so you´re deeply welcome to have these jobs. The problem I have is: Why du you need foregin investors to build up an new industrial job sector, meanwhile your own companies still scrap one factory after the other?

I mean, we´re not stupid here in Germany. Not one country in the world survived the big crisis better than we, our economy ist growing as hell and we have the less unemployed people for the last 20 years. And we have this including a health care for everyone and moderate taxes.

Don´t forget, that we deeply love you. The USA is still the land of our dreams and you won´t find a german person, who thinks really bad about you. But - where the hell is america? When i see pictures from Detroit, it hurts my heart. Yeasterday i´ve seen in TV that the last steel factory of Portland closes...and then they showed the thousands of homeless people in the streets.

I mean, this doesn´t fit. Why can we give you one new factory after the other, meanwhile you´re still scrapping down your owns?

As a German you're going to find my next statement chilling:


Doesn't that sound vaguely familiar to the complaint that drive Hitler into power?

That's because it is.

The world really oughty to be terrible concerned about the growing recogntion of the average American that we are being screwed by our WALL STREET masters.

Such events often end quite badly not only for the people in that nation, but for the people in the rest of the world, too.

America is developing into a police state of the have and have nots, amigo.

Now imagine what happens when average Americans have our backs to the wall.

Can you say radical solutions?
is it really wall street who traited your country? i have another suspect in my mind.

Ah - a man with a head - "another suspect." Good for you. I'd like to offer up some guesses as to that other suspect.

1. The American "Progressives," those "Left Leaning" persons who want complete government control (the "Nanny State") that will take care of all our needs, who feel the rich should be stripped of all their wealth and redistribute it to the poor - among other things.

2. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) whose founders were of Communist, Marxist, Leninist, and other socialist leaning persons. This organization has done more damage to this country and it's laws than it will ever do any good.

3. A corrupt government of BOTH our primary political parties - Republicans AND Democrats. There is plenty of blame to go around to all. Instead of living within sensible budgets, it instead borrows more and more to fund "empty promises." And that is just ONE item on the list of failures of an ever expanding and wasteful government.

4. The people of America who never vote; the people of America who continue to vote the same officials in term after term. The Obama quasi-dictatorship has enraged many Americans who are waking up "after the ship has sailed" so to speak and now they are trying to "pull the ship back into port." One such group is the "Tea Party" which is NOT a political party, but a group of concerned citizens from coast to coast who want to turn the tide and bring America back to its former self. A PART of that movement is to encourage Americans to vote the bastards out and replace them with new blood. (You'll see a great deal of Tea Party bashing on USMB - most of which is groundless.)

There are plenty more "other suspects" that you could consider.
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No. The US has the same problems you once had.:eusa_hand:
They'll start companies in the name of greed and slave labor anywhere they can to increase profits since they have ZERO loyalty to anyone but themselves.
Pssssssssssst. It aint the Scottish.:eusa_shhh:

Bill Gates. India
Steve Jobs. Taiwan/China, cheapest bidder.
Joseph P. Schneider/China/Bangladesh
Here in Alabama, we LOVE the Germans! :)

And the Koreans :)

And the Japanese :)

Foreign industry has been very kind to the Southeast, and we go after it aggressively.

That said, 50 years ago, Bama's primary exports were cotton and steel. Now, we rank #4 in automobile production in the US, and IT/Aerospace are still the fastest growing areas. While unemployment is high, we have tended to stay below the national average. Without those foreign companies, we wouldn't be in that position.

Gambling is the next boom in Bama, likely in the next 5 years as we are just now beginning the battle with a corrupt quasi-gaming system and stepping to the edge of the "gaming commission" abyss. IMO, gambling/lottery will be Bama's savior, with the revenue generated being spread among a relatively small population (4 Mill).

Some of it is flex, and "progress," but I often look down at the most fertile soil in the world for cotton production and wonder "why are we just letting that lay there? Why aren't we farming what isn't being developed?"

I predict that at some point in the future, Alabama will return to cotton, and make a freaking killing. And I suspect that when that day comes, the Germans, Japanese, and Koreans will have long ago moved on to greener pastures as well. They are here (in the US, and in Bama) only because of financial, workforce, and tax incentives. When a better offer comes along, they will wisely move on, just as American companies abroad will also.
The problem Mr. Sauerkraut is that America has become much like Germany in the 1920's and early 30's

The Jews control the banks, financial institutions, media, factories, and many are lawyers.

They also control the pornography and sex industry and seek to destroy morality and American cultural values.

All they care about is making money for themselves and other Jews.

They could care less about America or the majority non Jewish population.
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@ sunni man

huh, hard words. I have read about the Bernhard Madoff Case and i find it´s a piece of historic satire thart the biggest traitor and cheater the world has ever seen is a jew. But that meants nothing in my opinion.

What about the "Shareholder value" opinion leaders? Was Roger Smith a jew? What about the business consultans? We define here McKinsey+Co as locusts or virus attacks which infects one enterprise after the other, sucking it out and leaving them in chaos or insolvence.

But about your "Jewish argumentation" i like to tell you this -
this is a serious warning:

The central lesson of the holocaust is this: If this could happen here, the land of thinkers and poets, inventors and proud craftsmen - it could happen anywhere. The central question is not "Why did the germans did this to the jew?" but "How could men do this to other human?"

If a little country like mine can set the world into flames and produce a matchless genocide like the holocaust, what will happen if you will go this way?

Stop thinking or acting in this direction. There is no truth on the end of the road. No honour, no rescue, no cure. All what´s waiting for you is chaos.
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