TV Ratings: Trump's Congress Address In The Tank, Far From Comparable Obama Speech

you mean more people in your living room watched the address?

how about a link, quit bullshitting
Like I said Google it, but even being in black and white. Like most liberals you will still deny it. Sucks that Trump is more popular now, than Obama was in the end.

you google it and post it right here

what, cant handle the truth?
Don't know how to do links. But Google audience numbers for obamas last state of the union speech. Truth will be right there.

So you don't know how to copy/paste a link?

No I don't.

Me either. Shhhh don't tell anyone.
Like I said Google it, but even being in black and white. Like most liberals you will still deny it. Sucks that Trump is more popular now, than Obama was in the end.

you google it and post it right here

what, cant handle the truth?
Don't know how to do links. But Google audience numbers for obamas last state of the union speech. Truth will be right there.

So you don't know how to copy/paste a link?

No I don't.

Me either. Shhhh don't tell anyone.

Actually I do know how... just not on my tablet and my laptop seems to have contracted a fatal disease
you google it and post it right here

what, cant handle the truth?
Don't know how to do links. But Google audience numbers for obamas last state of the union speech. Truth will be right there.

So you don't know how to copy/paste a link?

No I don't.

Me either. Shhhh don't tell anyone.

Actually I do know how... just not on my tablet and my laptop seems to have contracted a fatal disease
I only use my phone, I could do it when I had my computer hooked up.
Again, yes Trump won. Nobody is questioning that. Trump won without the support of the largest number of voters. Only an idiot trumpbot would question that.

Is California still a state?
Ah the good ole days! Actually I am a tech retardo. I.have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the next new thing. If it weren't for him I'd still be listening to 8tracks
So why did you bring up the three million voters!?!

Because in your mind Clinton won.

No. Trump won the election, and Clinton lost, but that still doesn't change the fact that more voters voted for Clinton, and more voters wanted her to be president.

California slanted vote does not change the fact Trump won.

I know you believe one state should dictate to the rest of the nation what little Trostkies like you want but Clinton lost, and California slanted vote will never change that reality!

Now show me where I mentioned anything about illegal voters and who give a damn what California voters want and you can leave with them if they ever leave the Union!?!

Again, yes Trump won. Nobody is questioning that. Trump won without the support of the largest number of voters. Only an idiot trumpbot would question that.

The true idiot is the one that keep on writing about three million votes that came from California and thinking that they're the only votes that matter...

Trump won the election and Clinton winning the popular vote only counts in the mind of mental midgets that believe the electoral college is outdated and racist...

Again, you keep on skipping my request for you to show where I ever mentioned anything about illegal voters!?!

It amazes me you accused me of being the idiot and yet the real idiot is someone that accuses someone of something and then never offer evidence to support their accusation!?!

Actually, I only said I expected you to say something about illegal voters. That is the standard RWNJ claim at that point. I'm not going to bother checking to see if you ever made claims about illegal voters in California, but that is the standard RWNJ claim. If you didn't specifically follow your party line in this one case, I apologize for being wrong. Clinton winning the popular vote matters in the minds of at least 3 million more people than voted for Trump, and from the 10's of millions of people who have, and will continue protesting Trump, I would say that number is now much more than 3 million.

More lies about me!?!

I am not Republican and you should know by now I am Libertarian leaning, so you keep on making claims with no evidence to support them.

Next, Trump won the election and yet you keep on writing about three million voters in California like they even matter.

If Clinton had won the Electoral College and lost by three million you would be writing about how she actually won, but she lost now you want the popular vote to override the actual way the President get elected.

It seem you need to keep on telling yourself that slanted vote in California is more important than what the rest of the nation had to say seeing Trump won more States than Clinton which is how you win the Electoral College...

So again Trump won, Clinton LOST, those three million votes from California matter not, and you wrote a bunch of lies and need to lie to yourself so you can believe Clinton won because you're hatred for the American Voter...

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