Tweet That Didn’t Age Well, Just Do It Right Next Time Edition

Democratic socialism. I want three houses. You shouldn’t be allowed to own one. I want fine meals. You need to kill a rat for dinner. I want a government that takes care of me. You could stand to lose a few pounds.

Democratic socialism. The government that makes the government rich at your expense. Pay up dupes! It’s all for the people.
I saw another tweet by Keith Ellison calling for Franken to resign. Has not aged well with his current scandal
It’s interesting that we have a lack of USMB left winger presence in this thread.

When they are shown to be jackasses, they just run and hide and scream about Trump.

Michael Moore is a dipshit. He should give 75% of his diet to Venezuela, it could easily feed the nation.

What is he getting fat on? Does he eat his stupidity?
It’s interesting that we have a lack of USMB left winger presence in this thread.

When they are shown to be jackasses, they just run and hide and scream about Trump.

Michael Moore is a dipshit. He should give 75% of his diet to Venezuela, it could easily feed the nation.

What is he getting fat on? Does he eat his stupidity?
Funny thing is, every one of their public figures is an idiot just like Moore.
When is Michael Moore’s documentary about the wonderful socialist success story of Venezuela going to be released?
I mean this sincerely, I encourage everyone who doesn’t think America is a great country to move to Venezuela.

It should be required for all college students in the USA to live in Venezuela for at least one semester.

You know, diversity and all.
View attachment 211081

If Moore went to Venezuela today, he would be rendered for oil. Or be eaten.

Next talking point: Socialism allows people to obtain low body fat physiques.

It's Moore's personal utopia.

I would like to see Moore a day without toilet paper and food. I doubt he has gone five minutes without stuffing himself in the last decade.

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We should declare Michael Moore's diet to be belong to the people. Could feed the entire nation not to mention the health benefits, but no... he must have all of it for himself.
I take it the left wingers love and agree with Michael Moore...Venezuela is what they want America to be.

Venezuela is great.

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