Twice as many people working for the government than in all of manufacturing!

Great example of class war fare. How does the CEO not deserve his/her pay? By what right does anyone have to take his/her property? Why are you oppose to economic freedom? This going after the rich, is how we all ended up with our tax burden.

H. Ross Perot warned us our factories would disappear if NAFTA passed and he was right. Our governments, Federal, State and local don't want factories. It cost one billion dollars more to build a factory in the United States than else where. Businesses exist to make a profit. If I wanted to build a factory, I would build it in Mexico and save a billion. It is immoral for anyone to take my profits or tell me how much I can pay my CEO.

I hate socialism. In all its forms. I hate others forcing me to live under it. This country was not designed to be a socialist country. Socialism sees only groups, not individuals. I believe it has harmed every group it tried to help. It is human nature to act in ones own self interest. This acting in ones self interest is why socialism always fails. It is failing in every country in the western world.

The above is a perfect example of the far right's thought process. Defend the CEO's salaries and thusly endorse their policies of destroying the Middle Class.
Why is it that this thought process is the norm for the far right and why do they have no problem with a disappearing working middle class?
I wonder if I have ever seen any far right poster defend the Middle Class, I don't think so.

I am a part of the middle class! What has eroded my life style is moving up into higher and higher tax brackets. This has happen because my government has continuously debase the currency. You propose class warfare. how are you not a Marxist?

How can one be a Marxist for wanting the working class to get their fair share of the economy which they earned via high productivity? It used to be that way in the US, thus the growth of the middle class and the economic growth of the US to the point of having the world's top economy. It all stopped in the 1980's despite the fact the US economy has grown by 90% since 1980. There has been just one group who have seen real income growth and it isn't the bottom 90%.
So let me ask you, you're a Plutocrat, right?
Ok, I see whats going on here...Anyone who thinks American workers cannot compete with third world nations is a socialist or a marxist.

If that is the case then I am both of those. Americans cannot and should not have to compete against nations that are stuck in the stone age. The founding fathers feared unchecked power and influence in the hands of a few.

Somehow (through branding) that has changed in America and now we argue and fight each other over giving them more power over us.
What's happening here is a thread about bureaucracy sucking the economy dry, being derailed into yet another stale-assed bitch-and-moan festival about CEOs and "dyetukaryobs!"

The topic of the thread is how leviathan bureaucracy is a complete drag upon the general economy, not about CEO pay and menial assembly jobs moving out of the country.

Ok, I see whats going on here...Anyone who thinks American workers cannot compete with third world nations is a socialist or a marxist.

If that is the case then I am both of those. Americans cannot and should not have to compete against nations that are stuck in the stone age. The founding fathers feared unchecked power and influence in the hands of a few.

Somehow (through branding) that has changed in America and now we argue and fight each other over giving them more power over us.
What's happening here is a thread about bureaucracy sucking the economy dry, being derailed into yet another stale-assed bitch-and-moan festival about CEOs and "dyetukaryobs!"


I'm not saying anyone took our jobs...Our jobs, were never our jobs. Bureaucracy and red tape can always be made more effiecient so I dont understand your point unless you know of some better system that is perfectly effiecient and perfectly perfect. The OP tried to compare Govt jobs to Manufacturing jobs without even acknowledging that the US doesnt manufacture shit anymore. It's like saying there are more Computer jobs vs the job of being a Cobbler or Milk Man.

Why dont we have manufacturing jobs? Because Corps can make bigger profits with less restrictions in other poorer countries with despotic leaders. Thats a fact. Now if you know of a way for americans to deal with third world wages go for it.
The topic of the thread is how leviathan bureaucracy is a complete drag upon the general economy, not about CEO pay and menial assembly jobs moving out of the country.

You're talking about drags on the Economy, and so is the person you've responded to, you just don't like what he said.

The rich are doing better than ever before, in History, in America. If there's no correlation between that, the middle class shrinking, and the Economy doing horrible, then I just live on another planet.
The last people on Earth who can afford the bureaucratic parasite class are the middle class, you fool.
Great example of class war fare. How does the CEO not deserve his/her pay? By what right does anyone have to take his/her property? Why are you oppose to economic freedom? This going after the rich, is how we all ended up with our tax burden.

H. Ross Perot warned us our factories would disappear if NAFTA passed and he was right. Our governments, Federal, State and local don't want factories. It cost one billion dollars more to build a factory in the United States than else where. Businesses exist to make a profit. If I wanted to build a factory, I would build it in Mexico and save a billion. It is immoral for anyone to take my profits or tell me how much I can pay my CEO.

I hate socialism. In all its forms. I hate others forcing me to live under it. This country was not designed to be a socialist country. Socialism sees only groups, not individuals. I believe it has harmed every group it tried to help. It is human nature to act in ones own self interest. This acting in ones self interest is why socialism always fails. It is failing in every country in the western world.

The above is a perfect example of the far right's thought process. Defend the CEO's salaries and thusly endorse their policies of destroying the Middle Class.
Why is it that this thought process is the norm for the far right and why do they have no problem with a disappearing working middle class?

Even if you cut the CEO's salary down to $1 the cost per unit for most items will still be far higher if made here than made overseas. Most of your cost is labor, materials, and regulatory, and all are cheaper in some other countries.

How is paying a guy $19M destroying the middle class when the cost of him per unit is under 1% of the total item cost?

That's some funky math right there.

It destroys the middle class in multiple ways:

1. The money that the one person makes generally just sits in one place. Believe it or's pretty difficult to spend that much money very quickly. If one thinks of the economy like Plumbing..and money like water..putting so much money into one person's hand creates a huge flood.

2. Money buys that person political power. It can be used to directly lobby politicians to influence legislation.

3. Many companies cry poverty when it comes to benefits for workers. At the very least, paying one person say 19 million..when the cost of insuring workers is 18 million, looks bad.
Government is a growth industry.

But not to worry sooner or later the parasite kills the host. We'll all be dead very soon at this rate.

lol will we? What will be the cause of death?

You can't grasp the concept of metaphor can you.

I'll type very slowly for you and it's OK to move your lips as you read.

The government is a financial parasite living off of the money of taxpayers. Parasites are creatures that need a host to survive because they are incapable of independence.

Soon the government will be demanding so much of our money that we will be hard pressed to survive financially.
The last people on Earth who can afford the bureaucratic parasite class are the middle class, you fool.

I'm pretty sure the bureaucratic parasite class and the innocent CEO's you champion for the Government to "leave alone" all sleep in one big bed and fuck each other daily, and probably giggle with glee while you ridicule one and have a hard-on for the other.
The above is a perfect example of the far right's thought process. Defend the CEO's salaries and thusly endorse their policies of destroying the Middle Class.
Why is it that this thought process is the norm for the far right and why do they have no problem with a disappearing working middle class?

Even if you cut the CEO's salary down to $1 the cost per unit for most items will still be far higher if made here than made overseas. Most of your cost is labor, materials, and regulatory, and all are cheaper in some other countries.

How is paying a guy $19M destroying the middle class when the cost of him per unit is under 1% of the total item cost?

That's some funky math right there.

It destroys the middle class in multiple ways:

1. The money that the one person makes generally just sits in one place. Believe it or's pretty difficult to spend that much money very quickly. If one thinks of the economy like Plumbing..and money like water..putting so much money into one person's hand creates a huge flood.

2. Money buys that person political power. It can be used to directly lobby politicians to influence legislation.

3. Many companies cry poverty when it comes to benefits for workers. At the very least, paying one person say 19 million..when the cost of insuring workers is 18 million, looks bad.

My math is fine, you just dont like the outcome. Look at the calcs I did for a boeing jet.

Your argument is about if the person deserves the money, which is seperate. My point only shows the impact of said money, which on a per unit basis is negligible.
Government is a growth industry.

But not to worry sooner or later the parasite kills the host. We'll all be dead very soon at this rate.

lol will we? What will be the cause of death?

You can't grasp the concept of metaphor can you.

I'll type very slowly for you and it's OK to move your lips as you read.

The government is a financial parasite living off of the money of taxpayers. Parasites are creatures that need a host to survive because they are incapable of independence.

Soon the government will be demanding so much of our money that we will be hard pressed to survive financially.

The Government was designed to live off of taxes, idiot.
lol will we? What will be the cause of death?

You can't grasp the concept of metaphor can you.

I'll type very slowly for you and it's OK to move your lips as you read.

The government is a financial parasite living off of the money of taxpayers. Parasites are creatures that need a host to survive because they are incapable of independence.

Soon the government will be demanding so much of our money that we will be hard pressed to survive financially.

The Government was designed to live off of taxes, idiot.

But not off of income taxes moron.
Ok, I see whats going on here...Anyone who thinks American workers cannot compete with third world nations is a socialist or a marxist.

If that is the case then I am both of those. Americans cannot and should not have to compete against nations that are stuck in the stone age. The founding fathers feared unchecked power and influence in the hands of a few.

Somehow (through branding) that has changed in America and now we argue and fight each other over giving them more power over us.
What's happening here is a thread about bureaucracy sucking the economy dry, being derailed into yet another stale-assed bitch-and-moan festival about CEOs and "dyetukaryobs!"


I'm not saying anyone took our jobs...Our jobs, were never our jobs. Bureaucracy and red tape can always be made more effiecient so I dont understand your point unless you know of some better system that is perfectly effiecient and perfectly perfect. The OP tried to compare Govt jobs to Manufacturing jobs without even acknowledging that the US doesnt manufacture shit anymore. It's like saying there are more Computer jobs vs the job of being a Cobbler or Milk Man.

Why dont we have manufacturing jobs? Because Corps can make bigger profits with less restrictions in other poorer countries with despotic leaders. Thats a fact. Now if you know of a way for americans to deal with third world wages go for it.
We have manufacturing jobs coming out our asses. Companies like BMW and Honda are building assembly plants here all the time. However, assembly jobs as such have become more and more automated over the years....This has absolutely nothing with menial jobs in textiles and toy making going to other nations.

Still none of that has to do with the explosion of bureaucracy at all levels, which is running out of productive workers to leech off of.
Even if you cut the CEO's salary down to $1 the cost per unit for most items will still be far higher if made here than made overseas. Most of your cost is labor, materials, and regulatory, and all are cheaper in some other countries.

How is paying a guy $19M destroying the middle class when the cost of him per unit is under 1% of the total item cost?

That's some funky math right there.

It destroys the middle class in multiple ways:

1. The money that the one person makes generally just sits in one place. Believe it or's pretty difficult to spend that much money very quickly. If one thinks of the economy like Plumbing..and money like water..putting so much money into one person's hand creates a huge flood.

2. Money buys that person political power. It can be used to directly lobby politicians to influence legislation.

3. Many companies cry poverty when it comes to benefits for workers. At the very least, paying one person say 19 million..when the cost of insuring workers is 18 million, looks bad.

My math is fine, you just dont like the outcome. Look at the calcs I did for a boeing jet.

Your argument is about if the person deserves the money, which is seperate. My point only shows the impact of said money, which on a per unit basis is negligible.

You're working on a model that says said CEO is totally responsible for the manufacture, sale and distribution of these products.

They are not.

If anything..they add very little value to their companies.
You can't grasp the concept of metaphor can you.

I'll type very slowly for you and it's OK to move your lips as you read.

The government is a financial parasite living off of the money of taxpayers. Parasites are creatures that need a host to survive because they are incapable of independence.

Soon the government will be demanding so much of our money that we will be hard pressed to survive financially.

The Government was designed to live off of taxes, idiot.

But not off of income taxes moron.

As of 1913..the government clarified that with the 16 amendment. So yeah..they are..
The last people on Earth who can afford the bureaucratic parasite class are the middle class, you fool.

I'm pretty sure the bureaucratic parasite class and the innocent CEO's you champion for the Government to "leave alone" all sleep in one big bed and fuck each other daily, and probably giggle with glee while you ridicule one and have a hard-on for the other.

That's some funky math right there.

It destroys the middle class in multiple ways:

1. The money that the one person makes generally just sits in one place. Believe it or's pretty difficult to spend that much money very quickly. If one thinks of the economy like Plumbing..and money like water..putting so much money into one person's hand creates a huge flood.

2. Money buys that person political power. It can be used to directly lobby politicians to influence legislation.

3. Many companies cry poverty when it comes to benefits for workers. At the very least, paying one person say 19 million..when the cost of insuring workers is 18 million, looks bad.

My math is fine, you just dont like the outcome. Look at the calcs I did for a boeing jet.

Your argument is about if the person deserves the money, which is seperate. My point only shows the impact of said money, which on a per unit basis is negligible.

You're working on a model that says said CEO is totally responsible for the manufacture, sale and distribution of these products.

They are not.

If anything..they add very little value to their companies.

it has nothing to do with what they do, it has to do with the overall cost per unit, as in my boeing example. Again, I was responding to someone that referred to the CEO cost of items vs. the worker cost, and I was pointing out that the CEO cost is LESS THAN 1% for the boeing example.

The math is correct, again, what you dont like is the results, which show that CEO salary in the case of boeing means ZERO when it comes to the cost of producing a unit.
Well gee I don't know how about insane environmental policy's. Or the asinine cost of doing business in this nation. or hell how the fact that the left has failed so badly in our education system that our work force is an utter joke compared to nations like India for good sakes.

I'm betting you don't remember being told what was going to happen a very long time ago with the left's policy's but we were told 'Oh no we want a "Service based economy" well now you've got your "service based economy" don't like it so much eh?

Let's look at today shall we .......what do we see from the left Business are EVIL tax them into non existence Business owner are rich fat cat TAX THEM into non existence the complete demonetization of our Business's by the left and now you're whining they've moved over sea's?........Really?

They build the i-pad overseas with workers that are paid 30 cents an hour.

How do you propose we bring those jobs to America?

How much can we save by polluting to make up for that?

So are you suggesting that we continue being utterly hostile to the business like we are currently seeing now? Do you really think being more aggressive against business will help the situation?

This class warfare crap the left left seems to like is coming back to bite to bite them as we are seeing I sure as hell wouldn't stay here if I had the chance to move overseas it makes no sense to do so

I asked you a question. can you answer it or not?

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