Twinkies Raised from The Dead.

Actually, the Hedge funds sucked the life out of that brand like the cream filling out of spongy body, leaving only an unappetizing husk.

A few more years of these vultures, Twinkies will probably be all the American worker can afford.

One of these days the "American worker" will wise up and start making a living for himself. Until then, I expect more whining and neo-Marxist pablum from the left.

Again, guy, I've worked for enough companies to realize that the managers and investors you guys idolize are not all that.

Words I never heard after work at the bar. "Man, my boss is a genius!"
Actually, the Hedge funds sucked the life out of that brand like the cream filling out of spongy body, leaving only an unappetizing husk.

A few more years of these vultures, Twinkies will probably be all the American worker can afford.

No... The unsustainable Union demands killed the Twinkie.

Maybe you need to study the history of what these hedge funds did.

They bought Hostess, and one CEO after another went in, borrowed a bunch of money against Hostess' assets to pay off investors, and equipment wasn't updated, factories were closed, and so on.

In fact, the Union had already made numerous concessions, and when they did, the Hedge Funds just looted more out of the company.
Oh, come on, JoeB131. You lefties got Hollyweird in yer pockets. Make them put the smooch on the Hostess people to fortify twinkies with antioxidants and vitamins. Use your charm and personality and natty clothing to convince the beautiful people to promise nice promos for Hostess for this little favor. I'm counting on you!

Pretty please?

I think you miss the point. Here, let me draw you a picture.


So we all get to work for less so the 1% can have more? You really think this is good for anyone?

$180M in accrued Workers' Compensation Liabilities is for the 1%?

Hostess had been bailed out with debt ($850M)...and still couldn't be turned around due to excessive union comp and bennies. The workers screwed themselves.

Those debts did not go to pay the workers. Or the worker's comp liabilities. The money that SHOULD have gone towards salaries, etc. were spent paying investors. This is pretty much how your boy Mitt Romney made his fortune. Buy a company, borrow against its assets, pay off the investors, let the company go bankrupt.
These are way better. Fresher too

TastyKake is much better than hostess cakes ever thought about being



GoodBye forever Hostess

The chocolatey ones need the squiggly Jack Lew signature!
I didn't write this, therefore I'm irresponsible, yet humored..:wink_2:..:wink_2:


Twinkie Oh Twinkie

oh Twinkie you are my friend
you are always there until the end
creamy filled goodness thru the night
my sponge cake, loving, happy delight
cellophane wrapper with a sugary smell
you are my heaven, my bliss, in this earthly hell
Twinkie oh the starry sky
i need your ecstacy.. i need your high
if Twinkie had a would sing a song
if Twinke had would hold me all night long
Twinkie is freshly packed and stamped for me
filling me with comfort that he is healthy
i know in my heart Twinkie is da man
with his cowboy boots and hat
that Twinkie the kid is p.h.a.t
all is well in hostess land...
Twinkie plays with Strawberry Shortcake
and Mr. Ding Dong on hand
a menage a trois of delectable delight
i dream of my Twinkie in bed all thru the night
The End
Half Past

Twinkie Oh Twinkie by Half Past
Actually, the Hedge funds sucked the life out of that brand like the cream filling out of spongy body, leaving only an unappetizing husk.

A few more years of these vultures, Twinkies will probably be all the American worker can afford.
Oh, come on, JoeB131. You lefties got Hollyweird in yer pockets. Make them put the smooch on the Hostess people to fortify twinkies with antioxidants and vitamins. Use your charm and personality and natty clothing to convince the beautiful people to promise nice promos for Hostess for this little favor. I'm counting on you!

Pretty please?

Many a Twinky I devoured as a lad, along with an RC Cola and a healthy burp.

God Bless America. :)
These are way better. Fresher too

TastyKake is much better than hostess cakes ever thought about being



GoodBye forever Hostess

still an Imposter. Fresher! Impossible! Twinkies are so chemically preserved that they can sit on a shelf for three months past their expiration date before turning green. Even then they are still soft and spongy,and certainly not stale.

TastyKake vs Twinkies....the gauntlet has been thrown... this is WAR..:lol:

see ther eis no contest Twinkies are the best out there.
Actually, the Hedge funds sucked the life out of that brand like the cream filling out of spongy body, leaving only an unappetizing husk.

A few more years of these vultures, Twinkies will probably be all the American worker can afford.

One of these days the "American worker" will wise up and start making a living for himself. Until then, I expect more whining and neo-Marxist pablum from the left.

Again, guy, I've worked for enough companies to realize that the managers and investors you guys idolize are not all that.

Words I never heard after work at the bar. "Man, my boss is a genius!"

In a Chicago bar? lol....Good bosses Bad Bosses everywhere.One time a Japanese Boss came into my office when I was asleep at my desk and said "So sorry to wake you go back to sleep" (used to have to travel for 90% of the time) Its when you have Unions/stewerts that are to powerful at a company when it gets ridiculous.
Last edited:
still an Imposter. Fresher! Impossible! Twinkies are so chemically preserved that they can sit on a shelf for three months past their expiration date before turning green. Even then they are still soft and spongy,and certainly not stale.

TastyKake vs Twinkies....the gauntlet has been thrown... this is WAR..:lol:

see ther eis no contest Twinkies are the best out there.

You know last year when I was a major grocery store I noticed hosstes was getting to high priced, went to Dollar general and got the cheap stuff, tasted the same and I didnt even know they existed..
TastyKake vs Twinkies....the gauntlet has been thrown... this is WAR..:lol:

see ther eis no contest Twinkies are the best out there.

You know last year when I was a major grocery store I noticed hosstes was getting to high priced, went to Dollar general and got the cheap stuff, tasted the same and I didnt even know they existed..

Wow...another Trader..

The Twinkie army is dropping like flies...:eek:
see ther eis no contest Twinkies are the best out there.

You know last year when I was a major grocery store I noticed hosstes was getting to high priced, went to Dollar general and got the cheap stuff, tasted the same and I didnt even know they existed..

Wow...another Trader..

The Twinkie army is dropping like flies...:eek:

lol no I will go back to twinkies was talking about my favorite ho ho's and cup cakes. the fake twinkies taste like crap to me..
You know last year when I was a major grocery store I noticed hosstes was getting to high priced, went to Dollar general and got the cheap stuff, tasted the same and I didnt even know they existed..

Wow...another Trader..

The Twinkie army is dropping like flies...:eek:

lol no I will go back to twinkies was talking about my favorite ho ho's and cup cakes. the fake twinkies taste like crap to me..

Wow...that re-education camp is really working out..welcome back...:lol:
Actually, the Hedge funds sucked the life out of that brand like the cream filling out of spongy body, leaving only an unappetizing husk.

A few more years of these vultures, Twinkies will probably be all the American worker can afford.

You misspelled "Unions," Comrade Stalin..

I'm betting this iteration of Hostess is a non-union company....

In a Chicago bar? lol....Good bosses Bad Bosses everywhere.One time a Japanese Boss came into my office when I was asleep at my desk and said "So sorry to wake you go back to sleep" (used to have to travel for 90% of the time) Its when you have Unions/stewerts that are to powerful at a company when it gets ridiculous.

You haven't lived until you've been in a Chicago Bar. :razz:

Besides the fact you misspelled "Steward", yeah, I'd probably agree, there is a point where a union becomes too powerful. A great example is Public Schools where they can't fire pedophile teachers and have to pay them for years while resolving their cases.

But frankly, I've seen the flip side.

Managers who fired employees for getting pregnant or being gay.

Companies that lie to employees about their plans to close down a branch so no one quits while they are getting ready to carry out their plan.

I think there needs to be reasonable worker protections. I don't think they should be excessive. It should not be impossible to fire a bad employee, but good employees should have some protection against capricious bosses.
I'm angry at the Union because when I worked for a company in which they dictated policy, at my first meeting, the idiot boss told us office girls to ignore the "no higher than 4 inches above the knee" rule for miniskirts. He wanted them at the highest area of the thigh before it turned into a butt. I went home and threw up because that was against my principles. He wanted to break up some management marriages using us young office women as the home wreckers. I never went to another union meeting after that and married the single-man company engineer before they had another union meeting. Management said only one of us could continue to work at the company after we were married. And that ended my miserable union job. :D

They did it to themselves, Joe. I didn't engage in their amoral bordering on criminal plans. Not to worry. My replacement broke up my old boss's marriage as they required, and his wife had to explain to their teenage children why Daddy left with the office gal. :evil:

You'll have to pardon me, but I'm a little confused by this narrative.

The union steward dictated this or the boss dictated this?

Here's my non-union narrative. I was with the company when it started. Worked 60 hours weeks. Worked from home. Developed programs and procedures they are using to this very day.

Then I required an operation to fix my leg after I slipped on some ice while on my way to work.
I was told that not only did I have to wait until after a computer migration before I could get surgery to get this fixed, but after it was all over, I would be put into a job that would eventually vanish. Oh, but a gal they hired a month before was going to be kept.

When I pointed out this was not only unfair but slightly retarded. hIs response. "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union."

This guy eventually took a job with a vendor I recruited and developed before they fired his ass for incompetence. Unfortunately, not before 80% of us lost our jobs due to his bad decisions.
How is that possible? Did you throw ice on your kitchen floor, purposely fall, and then try to claim it as a worker comp injury?

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