Twitter and Facebook Execs Should be Indicted for Interfering in a US Election

Twitter and Facebook Execs Should be Indicted for Interfering in a US Election

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They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

Requiring posters to refrain from posting lies and fake news, isn't "suppressing news". Saying the Biden Laptop story shouldn't be suppressed, is what is going to be the end of Section 230 in the very foreseeable future. It's not "news", it's a made up story intended to slander the Biden Family, with no basis in fact.

Of course it is, dingbat, because there is no ultimate authority on what is true. Whether something is a lie should be left up to the readers, not the owners of the media. There could be nothing more obvious than that the story is credible. How could they get pictures of Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth if it wasn't true? How fucking stupid and gullible are you?

There are far too many simple, gullible fools like yourself in the world, who are falling prey to radicalization and brainwashing, to allow lies and disinformation to go unchallenged.

The irony is excruciating.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

No they are not. The New York Post has a website and they can push this article. Twitter and Facebook are not obligated to do so. They have broken no laws. You seem to think this is Nazi Germany.

Actually, Twitter and Facebook have far more obligations than you want to believe right now because they're serving your agenda, and you're too piss-stupid to realize that the oppression you cheer today against your enemies can and will be turned against YOU tomorrow. You keep thinking this is about how BAAAAAAAD people are for disagreeing with you, and you're immune because you're "good" according to the masters who create and hand you your thoughts. And then, just like every dumbass in history who gave away his freedoms to march for the "wonderful leader" who turned out to be a dictator, you're shocked when you find out that it was all about HIS power, and you were just the last slave to be clapped in chains.
The first people to go to the Gulag after the Bolsheviks took over were the Mensheviks who were also communists.

Yeah, and poor Dementia Joe might want to take a good look at what happened to Leon Trotsky.

Once again, our resident good Christian lady is wishing death on others. Your pastor must be so proud!
Goodness! I read her post and didn't see any such thing. Could it be the voices in your head again?
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?

What I want to know from all these drones parroting, "He said 'downplay', THAT MEANS HE LIED!!!" is this: can they name an ACTUAL LIE he told, something specific he said which contradicted what the medical experts were telling us at the time?

Even Woodward the Hack has said that at the time of the interview, he thought Trump was just bloviating about what he thought was true regarding Covid-19, not that he was stating things he actually knew and was keeping from the public. That jibes a lot more with what we know of Trump himself, and what we know the medical experts actually knew and didn't know at the time.

How could Trump POSSIBLY have known in February that the virus was definitely airborne? No one else in the world knew that for sure at the time. That's just an example.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?

What I want to know from all these drones parroting, "He said 'downplay', THAT MEANS HE LIED!!!" is this: can they name an ACTUAL LIE he told, something specific he said which contradicted what the medical experts were telling us at the time?

Even Woodward the Hack has said that at the time of the interview, he thought Trump was just bloviating about what he thought was true regarding Covid-19, not that he was stating things he actually knew and was keeping from the public. That jibes a lot more with what we know of Trump himself, and what we know the medical experts actually knew and didn't know at the time.

How could Trump POSSIBLY have known in February that the virus was definitely airborne? No one else in the world knew that for sure at the time. That's just an example.
All it amounts to, all it EVER amounts to, is these people are the lyingest scum that have ever been.
Requiring posters to refrain from posting lies and fake news, isn't "suppressing news". Saying the Biden Laptop story shouldn't be suppressed, is what is going to be the end of Section 230 in the very foreseeable future. It's not "news", it's a made up story intended to slander the Biden Family, with no basis in fact.

There are far too many simple, gullible fools like yourself in the world, who are falling prey to radicalization and brainwashing, to allow lies and disinformation to go unchallenged.

Funny, but it wasn't news that Trump's tax information was "hacked" but Twitter, Facebook and the MSM had no problems with it. Russian collusion was debunked a long time ago but it was all over the news. Facebook and Twitter said they took down the tweets and posts because they wanted their fact checkers to verify it. Weird, because I know they didn't do the same with anything regarding Trump.

The brainwashing is clearly on your side of the aisle. Just think, your side is defending censorship of the media and you are ok with it since it is benefitting your side of the argument. I would never be for censorship on either side. The very fact that the Democrats are ok with this, packing the courts, making PR and DC states, etc. should tell you all you need to know, but YOUR side is completely brainwashed...a cleansing that has taken place since elementary school for many.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

Requiring posters to refrain from posting lies and fake news, isn't "suppressing news". Saying the Biden Laptop story shouldn't be suppressed, is what is going to be the end of Section 230 in the very foreseeable future. It's not "news", it's a made up story intended to slander the Biden Family, with no basis in fact.

There are far too many simple, gullible fools like yourself in the world, who are falling prey to radicalization and brainwashing, to allow lies and disinformation to go unchallenged.

Requiring posters to refrain from posting things you don't agree with, because you think that's the definition of "lies", IS suppressing news. I'm afraid none of us, particularly those of us who live in a country YOU ARE NOT PART OF WHICH DOES NOT WANT YOU, is at all obligated to sacrifice our right to say what we want on the altar of your desire to feel like you are somehow not a stain on humanity.

There are far too many simple, gullible fools like yourself in the world who are falling prey to evil and tyranny in exchange for a threadbare promise that they will somehow make you less of a piece of shit. So no, we won't be allowing you to sacrifice our rights on the altar of your desperate desire to justify your continued existence despite serving no useful purpose to the world by doing so.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

No they are not. The New York Post has a website and they can push this article. Twitter and Facebook are not obligated to do so. They have broken no laws. You seem to think this is Nazi Germany.

Actually, Twitter and Facebook have far more obligations than you want to believe right now because they're serving your agenda, and you're too piss-stupid to realize that the oppression you cheer today against your enemies can and will be turned against YOU tomorrow. You keep thinking this is about how BAAAAAAAD people are for disagreeing with you, and you're immune because you're "good" according to the masters who create and hand you your thoughts. And then, just like every dumbass in history who gave away his freedoms to march for the "wonderful leader" who turned out to be a dictator, you're shocked when you find out that it was all about HIS power, and you were just the last slave to be clapped in chains.
The first people to go to the Gulag after the Bolsheviks took over were the Mensheviks who were also communists.

Yeah, and poor Dementia Joe might want to take a good look at what happened to Leon Trotsky.

Once again, our resident good Christian lady is wishing death on others. Your pastor must be so proud!

Let me guess, ignorant foreign cow: you have no fucking clue who Leon Trotsky is and what actually happened to him, because it wasn't in your talking points.

Leon Trotsky, you wrinkled moron, was one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution, a member of their very first Politburo. Once his colleagues and co-revolutionists had the power, they exiled and then assassinated him.

So far from threatening Dementia Joe, I was warning him to be careful of outliving his usefulness to his own people. Way to make a fool of yourself in public. This effort even outdid what usually spews from your cakehole. In case you're wondering, we're all laughing at you even harder than we normally do.

Oh, and I take advice from the likes of you on what's Christian the day after I take it on how to be an American. Whatever you don't like is automatically the right thing to do.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
Its not democrats who signed onto that, one of them is Bill Weld, a republican.

No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
Its not democrats who signed onto that, one of them is Bill Weld, a republican.

Bill Weld is a RINO. He's indistinguishable from a Democrat.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
Its not democrats who signed onto that, one of them is Bill Weld, a republican.

Bill Weld is a RINO. He's indistinguishable from a Democrat.

Only someone who actually comes out and TELLS you he's a dud would think anyone on the right gives a rat's fat furry ass what Bill Weld thinks about anything.

They always have this notion that because THEY worship at the feet of anyone who has the right letter after his name, everyone else is going to do that, as well.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Why would they be? They're private platforms, abide by their rules or GTFO.
you keep saying that but it's so not true. a platform, in order to be "protected" from how people use it, can't dictate HOW it is used. you offer a platform to users, it must be the same for all or you're not a platform but something else.

since twitter and FB don't enforce their rules evenly, they are not a platform but again - something else. now i don't think they're a publisher and i simply think sect 230 doesn't really apply, but they use it to hide behind and that needs to be removed and a new way to regulate them established.

when you control thought to the point these very few companies do, it's a problem. you may be too stubborn to admit it cause hey - you like THIS outcome. but i can guarantee the day will come where you don't like it.

careful about the world you're building. you'd think by now the dems would see their stupid shit blow up in their faces time and again and would stop thinking it only goes OUT from them.
They do enforce the rules evenly, mostly. They tend to let tRumplings get away with more than anyone else, but then again if they didn't they'd spend all day deleting their posts.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
Its not democrats who signed onto that, one of them is Bill Weld, a republican.

Bill Weld is a RINO. He's indistinguishable from a Democrat.
Youre redefining republican.
There are 450 signatories to that letter; Trump is guilty of obstruction.

back to twitter & facebook:

Sec 230 gives the First Amendment and defamation a run for it's money in the most misinterpreted law in the country. As a reminder:

There is no neutrality requirement as a basis for maintaining Sec 230 safe harbor protections

You can moderate your own online communities as you wish so long as you comply with express other regulatory laws like terrorism/human trafficking/IP. The entire "acting like an Editor" nonsense is a myth.

Twitter and Facebook are private platforms and have no obligation to serve the need of conservative politicians.

Conservatives forget their defense of private property when it serves their needs. They really have no consistent baseline for anything. It’s just do whatever they want to get whatever they can.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

First Amendment, censorship.
It’s a private platform. They set the rules of what content gets presented. You should have seen the video of Mandingo doing anal with Donny that was posted yesterday. Don’t know why they deleted that one either!!!!
We've heard this shit a million times. You know that it's bullshit. Twitter doesn't even follow its own rules.
They are Twitters rules! Haha.
What twitter rules?
Content guidelines
Twitter doesn't follow them, so how are they rules?
Because that’s what they set up for their Business.

Ever seen a cop make a lane change without their blinker or drive faster than the speed limit? Ever see them give themselves a ticket for doing so?
Huh? What part of "they don't follow their so-called rules" didn't you understand? Rules that aren't followed aren't rules. They are nothing more than suggestions.

All you're saying is that cops are corrupt. Yes, a lot of them are.
Call them guidelines then... they are how Twitter wants to moderate their own private platform.
Calling them "guidelines" means they are abitrary. Rule 230 doesn't allow them to have "guidelines" they can ignore whenever they like. Only a douchebag would be comfortable with such an arrangement.
Dude, it’s their fucking company. You can call them rule guidelines or paddywhacks I don’t give a shit. They can do what they want within the law. I dont see any laws broken.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Why would they be? They're private platforms, abide by their rules or GTFO.
you keep saying that but it's so not true. a platform, in order to be "protected" from how people use it, can't dictate HOW it is used. you offer a platform to users, it must be the same for all or you're not a platform but something else.

since twitter and FB don't enforce their rules evenly, they are not a platform but again - something else. now i don't think they're a publisher and i simply think sect 230 doesn't really apply, but they use it to hide behind and that needs to be removed and a new way to regulate them established.

when you control thought to the point these very few companies do, it's a problem. you may be too stubborn to admit it cause hey - you like THIS outcome. but i can guarantee the day will come where you don't like it.

careful about the world you're building. you'd think by now the dems would see their stupid shit blow up in their faces time and again and would stop thinking it only goes OUT from them.
They do enforce the rules evenly, mostly. They tend to let tRumplings get away with more than anyone else, but then again if they didn't they'd spend all day deleting their posts.
That's utter horseshit, and you know it. They persecute Trump supporters.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

First Amendment, censorship.
It’s a private platform. They set the rules of what content gets presented. You should have seen the video of Mandingo doing anal with Donny that was posted yesterday. Don’t know why they deleted that one either!!!!
We've heard this shit a million times. You know that it's bullshit. Twitter doesn't even follow its own rules.
They are Twitters rules! Haha.
What twitter rules?
Content guidelines
Twitter doesn't follow them, so how are they rules?
Because that’s what they set up for their Business.

Ever seen a cop make a lane change without their blinker or drive faster than the speed limit? Ever see them give themselves a ticket for doing so?
Huh? What part of "they don't follow their so-called rules" didn't you understand? Rules that aren't followed aren't rules. They are nothing more than suggestions.

All you're saying is that cops are corrupt. Yes, a lot of them are.
Call them guidelines then... they are how Twitter wants to moderate their own private platform.
Calling them "guidelines" means they are abitrary. Rule 230 doesn't allow them to have "guidelines" they can ignore whenever they like. Only a douchebag would be comfortable with such an arrangement.
Dude, it’s their fucking company. You can call them rule guidelines or paddywhacks I don’t give a shit. They can do what they want within the law. I dont see any laws broken.
The government protects them from lawsuits. What the government gives, the government can take away. I hope they get sued into bankruptcy, and they probably will.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
Its not democrats who signed onto that, one of them is Bill Weld, a republican.

Bill Weld is a RINO. He's indistinguishable from a Democrat.
Youre redefining republican.
There are 450 signatories to that letter; Trump is guilty of obstruction.

back to twitter & facebook:

Sec 230 gives the First Amendment and defamation a run for it's money in the most misinterpreted law in the country. As a reminder:

There is no neutrality requirement as a basis for maintaining Sec 230 safe harbor protections

You can moderate your own online communities as you wish so long as you comply with express other regulatory laws like terrorism/human trafficking/IP. The entire "acting like an Editor" nonsense is a myth.

Twitter and Facebook are private platforms and have no obligation to serve the need of conservative politicians.

Conservatives forget their defense of private property when it serves their needs. They really have no consistent baseline for anything. It’s just do whatever they want to get whatever they can.

There is no neutrality requirement as a basis for maintaining Sec 230 safe harbor protections"

Says who? Serving as a platform means not interfering. Otherwise they are actnig a publishers
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

First Amendment, censorship.
It’s a private platform. They set the rules of what content gets presented. You should have seen the video of Mandingo doing anal with Donny that was posted yesterday. Don’t know why they deleted that one either!!!!
We've heard this shit a million times. You know that it's bullshit. Twitter doesn't even follow its own rules.
They are Twitters rules! Haha.
What twitter rules?
Content guidelines
Twitter doesn't follow them, so how are they rules?
Because that’s what they set up for their Business.

Ever seen a cop make a lane change without their blinker or drive faster than the speed limit? Ever see them give themselves a ticket for doing so?
Huh? What part of "they don't follow their so-called rules" didn't you understand? Rules that aren't followed aren't rules. They are nothing more than suggestions.

All you're saying is that cops are corrupt. Yes, a lot of them are.
Call them guidelines then... they are how Twitter wants to moderate their own private platform.
Calling them "guidelines" means they are abitrary. Rule 230 doesn't allow them to have "guidelines" they can ignore whenever they like. Only a douchebag would be comfortable with such an arrangement.
Dude, it’s their fucking company. You can call them rule guidelines or paddywhacks I don’t give a shit. They can do what they want within the law. I dont see any laws broken.
The government protects them from lawsuits. What the government gives, the government can take away. I hope they get sued into bankruptcy, and they probably will.
If they are protected by law for moderating their sites then what would they be sued for?
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

First Amendment, censorship.
It’s a private platform. They set the rules of what content gets presented. You should have seen the video of Mandingo doing anal with Donny that was posted yesterday. Don’t know why they deleted that one either!!!!
We've heard this shit a million times. You know that it's bullshit. Twitter doesn't even follow its own rules.
They are Twitters rules! Haha.
What twitter rules?
Content guidelines
Twitter doesn't follow them, so how are they rules?
Because that’s what they set up for their Business.

Ever seen a cop make a lane change without their blinker or drive faster than the speed limit? Ever see them give themselves a ticket for doing so?
Huh? What part of "they don't follow their so-called rules" didn't you understand? Rules that aren't followed aren't rules. They are nothing more than suggestions.

All you're saying is that cops are corrupt. Yes, a lot of them are.
Call them guidelines then... they are how Twitter wants to moderate their own private platform.
Calling them "guidelines" means they are abitrary. Rule 230 doesn't allow them to have "guidelines" they can ignore whenever they like. Only a douchebag would be comfortable with such an arrangement.
Dude, it’s their fucking company. You can call them rule guidelines or paddywhacks I don’t give a shit. They can do what they want within the law. I dont see any laws broken.
You never do.

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