Twitter and Facebook Execs Should be Indicted for Interfering in a US Election

Twitter and Facebook Execs Should be Indicted for Interfering in a US Election

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NO it doesn't. It says if they want to be protected from lawsuits, then they have to act as a common carrier. They can't censor based purely on their whims.
You have no idea what you're talking about because common carrier is a term that does not apply to social media platforms. A common carrier applies to telecommunications providers like phone companies. It does not apply to content providers.
You're such a dumbass. Everything you post is wrong.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
Twittered censored the content, dumbass. That's the contribution worth $100 million.
It's not a contribution. That's twitter exercising their rights over their platform. The right to free speech is also the right NOT to speak, therefore taking down these posts is an extension of their first amendment rights. Since first amendment right to speech cannot be considered campaign contributions, your premise is false.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.
Right after Trump is thrown in jail for sedition. Cool
ROFL! Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Yates, Brennan, and Clapper are the ones guilty of sedition. They are guilty of treason.

"October Surprise" Comey? He's guilty of something. On that we can agree.
Trump is only guilty of being a Republican. You're guilty of being a moron and a douchebag.
450 prosecutors said Trump is guilty of obstruction.

Also, since Woodward has Trump recording explaining how bad coronavirus is and he wanted to play it down back in March, its grounds for 2nd degree murder.

And all of these investigations on-going.
You mean 450 Dim hacks said so. Their opinion doesn't matter.

Trump didn't want to panic people. That was Fauci's advice, moron. Don't you believe Trump should follow the science?
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.

last i checked they're run by americans.....?

It's not illegal lol
Actually it is illegal ......and made far worse once you realize that they have gotten rich and largely tax free because the swamp politicians like Biden for their special tax and regulation loopholes... so out of pure greed to keep their corruption going they are attempting to take away any dissenters civil rights and free speech to affect the political process.

That's alike a double whammy----------------that should be used to go after them both criminally and civilly.
Lotta industries run around basically tax free

And what they're doing isn't some loophole. It's specifically designed to work that way.

This forum would not function without it

The only people left on the internet would be people who could afford lawyers to defend themselves without it. Vastly increasing the cost of doing business on the internet for just about anyone but retailers

What you're talking about is rolling back the whole internet to some archaic age. Search engines might not even survive that change. Back to AOL
"Doing business" means flushing our democracy down the toilet. I have no trouble if they go bankrupt trying to accomplish that.

You actually believe censoring people who dont' support your agenda to be some kind of advance to society? In the old days we called that tyranny. Of course, you're a Stalinist, so it's no surprise that you defend it.

How are we flushing our democracy down the toilet? What?

There is all sorts of evidence people connected to things like facebook, whether they're right or left wing. Are on the facts better informed than those who do not engage

Now a lot of that is probably just ease of access and time spent. Instead of watching a movie you're reading poltiical articles. But it's not flushing our democracy down teh toilet....Voters are better informed than ever

Watching Fox News you will know less objective facts about our politics than if you didn't (and probably in 2020 MSNBC has similar effects). Social media has no such effect

Just because you're upset that you can't compete on a platform doesn't mean democracy is over. Right wing news dominates the radio.....There is no audience for left wing radio. It didn't flush our democracy down teh toilet. It changed things....But that's how the cookie crumbles
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

No they are not. The New York Post has a website and they can push this article. Twitter and Facebook are not obligated to do so. They have broken no laws. You seem to think this is Nazi Germany.

Actually, Twitter and Facebook have far more obligations than you want to believe right now because they're serving your agenda, and you're too piss-stupid to realize that the oppression you cheer today against your enemies can and will be turned against YOU tomorrow. You keep thinking this is about how BAAAAAAAD people are for disagreeing with you, and you're immune because you're "good" according to the masters who create and hand you your thoughts. And then, just like every dumbass in history who gave away his freedoms to march for the "wonderful leader" who turned out to be a dictator, you're shocked when you find out that it was all about HIS power, and you were just the last slave to be clapped in chains.
The first people to go to the Gulag after the Bolsheviks took over were the Mensheviks who were also communists.

Yeah, and poor Dementia Joe might want to take a good look at what happened to Leon Trotsky.
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.

Yes they should but the election was in 2016 and Trump will be gone soon, so it's too late now.

Hey, shitforbrains, the foreign country YOU are interfering in is having another election right now, which they are ALSO interfering in.

If you really must insert your ignorant and unwanted opinion, you could at LEAST try to be current.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

Requiring posters to refrain from posting lies and fake news, isn't "suppressing news". Saying the Biden Laptop story shouldn't be suppressed, is what is going to be the end of Section 230 in the very foreseeable future. It's not "news", it's a made up story intended to slander the Biden Family, with no basis in fact.

There are far too many simple, gullible fools like yourself in the world, who are falling prey to radicalization and brainwashing, to allow lies and disinformation to go unchallenged.
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

No they are not. The New York Post has a website and they can push this article. Twitter and Facebook are not obligated to do so. They have broken no laws. You seem to think this is Nazi Germany.

Actually, Twitter and Facebook have far more obligations than you want to believe right now because they're serving your agenda, and you're too piss-stupid to realize that the oppression you cheer today against your enemies can and will be turned against YOU tomorrow. You keep thinking this is about how BAAAAAAAD people are for disagreeing with you, and you're immune because you're "good" according to the masters who create and hand you your thoughts. And then, just like every dumbass in history who gave away his freedoms to march for the "wonderful leader" who turned out to be a dictator, you're shocked when you find out that it was all about HIS power, and you were just the last slave to be clapped in chains.
The first people to go to the Gulag after the Bolsheviks took over were the Mensheviks who were also communists.

Yeah, and poor Dementia Joe might want to take a good look at what happened to Leon Trotsky.

Once again, our resident good Christian lady is wishing death on others. Your pastor must be so proud!
They aren't abiding by the rules, dumbass.
What rules?

It's also against the law to interfere in a U.S. election. That's what they are doing by suppressing this news.

No they are not. The New York Post has a website and they can push this article. Twitter and Facebook are not obligated to do so. They have broken no laws. You seem to think this is Nazi Germany.

Actually, Twitter and Facebook have far more obligations than you want to believe right now because they're serving your agenda, and you're too piss-stupid to realize that the oppression you cheer today against your enemies can and will be turned against YOU tomorrow. You keep thinking this is about how BAAAAAAAD people are for disagreeing with you, and you're immune because you're "good" according to the masters who create and hand you your thoughts. And then, just like every dumbass in history who gave away his freedoms to march for the "wonderful leader" who turned out to be a dictator, you're shocked when you find out that it was all about HIS power, and you were just the last slave to be clapped in chains.
The first people to go to the Gulag after the Bolsheviks took over were the Mensheviks who were also communists.

Yeah, and poor Dementia Joe might want to take a good look at what happened to Leon Trotsky.

Once again, our resident good Christian lady is wishing death on others. Your pastor must be so proud!
Goodness! I read her post and didn't see any such thing. Could it be the voices in your head again?
No article here. I just want to start a discussion on the subject.

last i checked they're run by americans.....?

It's not illegal lol
Actually it is illegal ......and made far worse once you realize that they have gotten rich and largely tax free because the swamp politicians like Biden for their special tax and regulation loopholes... so out of pure greed to keep their corruption going they are attempting to take away any dissenters civil rights and free speech to affect the political process.

That's alike a double whammy----------------that should be used to go after them both criminally and civilly.
Lotta industries run around basically tax free

And what they're doing isn't some loophole. It's specifically designed to work that way.

This forum would not function without it

The only people left on the internet would be people who could afford lawyers to defend themselves without it. Vastly increasing the cost of doing business on the internet for just about anyone but retailers

What you're talking about is rolling back the whole internet to some archaic age. Search engines might not even survive that change. Back to AOL
"Doing business" means flushing our democracy down the toilet. I have no trouble if they go bankrupt trying to accomplish that.

You actually believe censoring people who dont' support your agenda to be some kind of advance to society? In the old days we called that tyranny. Of course, you're a Stalinist, so it's no surprise that you defend it.

How are we flushing our democracy down the toilet? What?

There is all sorts of evidence people connected to things like facebook, whether they're right or left wing. Are on the facts better informed than those who do not engage

We're not discussing "people connected to Facebook." We're talking about Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, a couple of billionaire monopolists.

Now a lot of that is probably just ease of access and time spent. Instead of watching a movie you're reading poltiical articles. But it's not flushing our democracy down teh toilet....Voters are better informed than ever

When they only get the information that Zuckerberg and Dorsey want them to receive, then we are flushing our democracy down the toilet. You have to a moron not to understand that.

Watching Fox News you will know less objective facts about our politics than if you didn't (and probably in 2020 MSNBC has similar effects). Social media has no such effect

If you only get news censored according to the whims of Zuckerberg and Dorsey, then you're ignorant.

Just because you're upset that you can't compete on a platform doesn't mean democracy is over. Right wing news dominates the radio.....There is no audience for left wing radio. It didn't flush our democracy down teh toilet. It changed things....But that's how the cookie crumbles

"Compete?" We're being censored, you fucking moron. Do you understand the meaning of "censored?" Please refer to Nazi German and the USSR.

The left has control over TV news, Academia, K-12, Hollywood and the bureaucracy,
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