Two Months After Clown Show UK CDC Admits Sky-High Non-COVID Excess Deaths, Fixes Problem by Redefining Excess Deaths


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
File under you can't mak this stuff up.

Two months after the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) finally admitted, as many nations are, that more people are dying than ever before, of causes other than COVID, the ONS has pulled a startling reverse and announced the problem was actually in how deaths were counted. The ONS is the equivalent of the CDC in keeping national deaths statistics.

In an article in The Lancet in December 2023 the ONS wrote:

“Many countries, including the UK, have continued to
experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the
peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
and 2021.1,2 Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this
period are considerable. The UK Office for National
Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or
44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 based
on comparison with the five-year average (excluding
2020).1 This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024
more deaths registered in the first six months of the year
than expected.”

ONS Lancet article detailing high post-2020, non-COVID deaths (click for larger image)

On Oct. 20, 2023, in a now famous speech, British MP Andrew Bridgen made waves worldwide by, for the first time, questioning on the floor of a European Parliament the high number of non-COVID deaths now being seen around the world.

But this month, in a what can only be called a hilarious clown show backflip, the ONS announced that, in fact, all is well, there are not so many excess deaths in the UK after all, and the problem was in the way one was defining “excess deaths.”

It appears that the magic show was performed by two principle devices:

  • Exaggerating the number of deaths which are expected each year from the aging Baby Boomer demographic, which in the previous decade added less than 1% per year to the previous year’s death levels. Excess deaths around the world are at around 20%.

  • Averaging into the baseline recent time periods with high excess deaths, which lowers the number of “excess deaths” because many are now baked into the baseline of normally expected deaths. In essence this would allow many deaths caused by the COVID vaccines to be counted as normal.
Non-COVID excess deaths globally since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines are about 20 million, a shocking figure given no attention by the heavily pharmaceuticals-influenced media. This represents over three Holocausts in three years. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which ordinarily vary by less than one percent from year to year.

In the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines, excess, non-COVID deaths are 904,000 deaths.

Long after COVID has subsided, in the US and worldwide, deaths are about 20% higher than they were before 2020.

Thousands of doctors and scientists have long maintained that the novel mRNA COVID vaccines are responsible for the rise in excess deaths, but voices are silenced if they disagree with the official position of WHO that the mRNA vaccines are safe.

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4.

Former Wall Street – Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd testifies on new ONS methodology for counting “excess deaths.” Flanked by Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines (view at Rumble)
File under you can't mak this stuff up.

Two months after the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) finally admitted, as many nations are, that more people are dying than ever before, of causes other than COVID, the ONS has pulled a startling reverse and announced the problem was actually in how deaths were counted. The ONS is the equivalent of the CDC in keeping national deaths statistics.

In an article in The Lancet in December 2023 the ONS wrote:

“Many countries, including the UK, have continued to
experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the
peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
and 2021.1,2 Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this
period are considerable. The UK Office for National
Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or
44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 based
on comparison with the five-year average (excluding
2020).1 This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024
more deaths registered in the first six months of the year
than expected.”

ONS Lancet article detailing high post-2020, non-COVID deaths (click for larger image)

On Oct. 20, 2023, in a now famous speech, British MP Andrew Bridgen made waves worldwide by, for the first time, questioning on the floor of a European Parliament the high number of non-COVID deaths now being seen around the world.

But this month, in a what can only be called a hilarious clown show backflip, the ONS announced that, in fact, all is well, there are not so many excess deaths in the UK after all, and the problem was in the way one was defining “excess deaths.”

It appears that the magic show was performed by two principle devices:

  • Exaggerating the number of deaths which are expected each year from the aging Baby Boomer demographic, which in the previous decade added less than 1% per year to the previous year’s death levels. Excess deaths around the world are at around 20%.

  • Averaging into the baseline recent time periods with high excess deaths, which lowers the number of “excess deaths” because many are now baked into the baseline of normally expected deaths. In essence this would allow many deaths caused by the COVID vaccines to be counted as normal.
Non-COVID excess deaths globally since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines are about 20 million, a shocking figure given no attention by the heavily pharmaceuticals-influenced media. This represents over three Holocausts in three years. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which ordinarily vary by less than one percent from year to year.

In the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines, excess, non-COVID deaths are 904,000 deaths.

Long after COVID has subsided, in the US and worldwide, deaths are about 20% higher than they were before 2020.

Thousands of doctors and scientists have long maintained that the novel mRNA COVID vaccines are responsible for the rise in excess deaths, but voices are silenced if they disagree with the official position of WHO that the mRNA vaccines are safe.

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4.

Former Wall Street – Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd testifies on new ONS methodology for counting “excess deaths.” Flanked by Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines (view at Rumble)
When will Trump be held accountable for the Trump vaccine?

Should he not at least be subpeanad by Jordan and questioned?
When will Trump be held accountable for the Trump vaccine?

Should he not at least be subpeanad by Jordan and questioned?

How come Jim won't do it?

He'll do it if you libs howl loud enough and I will support it. This is something we can unite on.

My guess is Trump's defense will be he is not a scientist and had to rely on Fauci and the FDA/CDC gang. Just throw them under the bus. By the time Biden stole the election vaxxers were dropping like flies and you didn't need to be a scientist to notice.

Former Wall Street – Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd testifies on new ONS methodology for counting “excess deaths.” Flanked by Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines (view at Rumble)

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He'll do it if you libs howl loud enough and I will support it. This is something we can unite on.

Do you actually believe pressure from Democrats would compel Jim Jordan to subpeana Trump?

Come on now.

Let's try to keep this real.

My guess is Trump's defense will be he is not a scientist and had to rely on Fauci and the FDA/CDC gang.

Trump ignored Fauci's warning on the EUA, threw millions of socialist money at big pharma and bullied his own agencies to hurry up and approve the vaccine because he had an election to win.

...oh, and Trump was the president of the United States, not Fauci.

Just throw them under the bus.

That is what he has been doing. It works for his supporters...but what wouldn't?

By the time Biden stole the election vaxxers were dropping like flies and you didn't need to be a scientist to notice.

The election wasn't stolen but feel free to make what would be the hundredth thread in it if you wish to push your conspiracy.

Former Wall Street – Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd testifies on new ONS methodology for counting “excess deaths.” Flanked by Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines (view at Rumble)

He should take his evidence to Jim Jordan so Jim can protect Trump and his vaccine by doing nothing.
File under you can't mak this stuff up.

Two months after the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) finally admitted, as many nations are, that more people are dying than ever before, of causes other than COVID, the ONS has pulled a startling reverse and announced the problem was actually in how deaths were counted. The ONS is the equivalent of the CDC in keeping national deaths statistics.

In an article in The Lancet in December 2023 the ONS wrote:

“Many countries, including the UK, have continued to
experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the
peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
and 2021.1,2 Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this
period are considerable. The UK Office for National
Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or
44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 based
on comparison with the five-year average (excluding
2020).1 This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024
more deaths registered in the first six months of the year
than expected.”

ONS Lancet article detailing high post-2020, non-COVID deaths (click for larger image)

On Oct. 20, 2023, in a now famous speech, British MP Andrew Bridgen made waves worldwide by, for the first time, questioning on the floor of a European Parliament the high number of non-COVID deaths now being seen around the world.

But this month, in a what can only be called a hilarious clown show backflip, the ONS announced that, in fact, all is well, there are not so many excess deaths in the UK after all, and the problem was in the way one was defining “excess deaths.”

It appears that the magic show was performed by two principle devices:

  • Exaggerating the number of deaths which are expected each year from the aging Baby Boomer demographic, which in the previous decade added less than 1% per year to the previous year’s death levels. Excess deaths around the world are at around 20%.

  • Averaging into the baseline recent time periods with high excess deaths, which lowers the number of “excess deaths” because many are now baked into the baseline of normally expected deaths. In essence this would allow many deaths caused by the COVID vaccines to be counted as normal.
Non-COVID excess deaths globally since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines are about 20 million, a shocking figure given no attention by the heavily pharmaceuticals-influenced media. This represents over three Holocausts in three years. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which ordinarily vary by less than one percent from year to year.

In the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines, excess, non-COVID deaths are 904,000 deaths.

Long after COVID has subsided, in the US and worldwide, deaths are about 20% higher than they were before 2020.

Thousands of doctors and scientists have long maintained that the novel mRNA COVID vaccines are responsible for the rise in excess deaths, but voices are silenced if they disagree with the official position of WHO that the mRNA vaccines are safe.

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4.

Former Wall Street – Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd testifies on new ONS methodology for counting “excess deaths.” Flanked by Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines (view at Rumble)
Babies died because Biden proscribed medical help for the non-vaccinated, the bastard

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