Two more questions for partisans

Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.
Think back a bit. Obama was attacked, for lack of a better word, by the right as should be expected. They brought up BS stuff about where he was born, his associates, and his lack of written words when at Harvard. All BS issues that really hurt nothing, so what BS.

But what we are seeing with Trump is a D list comedian holding up a likeness of a detached head of the president. We are seeing Republicans being attacked while playing softball. We are seeing Congress actually supporting bills to have the president's mental capacity verified not to mention the many impeachment pipe dreams.

IMO we are seeing a different kind of viciousness coming from the left.
Look, if 2008, where almost all of these assholes lost value in their homes and salaries and stock options didn't change their minds, nothing I'm going to say to them is.

Maybe because unlike you, they studied the problem and rightfully shared the blame with the Democrats instead of running around like a maniac screaming BUSH! BUSH! BUSH!

cant tell who you are responding to, please use the "reply" button.

I did and it's posted as a reply. I don't know what you're looking at.

not on my screen, weird.

No, I think this service works differently with different browsers or systems. There are times when I see quotes with no reply from the poster, but others reply to the post so apparently they see something my computer doesn't. Of course I have a Mac and they don't work with everything on the internet.
Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.
This is why so many polls showed Clinton winning by large numbers. Such polls purposely dishearten the opposition to the candidate of choice. However, like I said, people are beginning to wake up to the practice. Hence Trump was much more effective than people thought he would be. Why do you think that the media was so surprised? They were carefully influencing the election in favor of Clinton, but they failed to control all of the outlets and it got away from them.

Or the people got it right and the system got it wrong.

I do think the media influenced the outcome, but in Trump's favor.

Let's review-

1) They let Trump have a shitload of airtime, mostly because he was entertaining and good for ratings. They didn't do journalistic due diligence by challenging the things he was saying. Why listen to boring old Jeb! Bush talk about Common Core when Trump will call Mexicans rapists?

2) They promoted the narrative that Benghazi and the Emails made Hillary "Just as bad" as Trump with his pussy-grabbing, race-baiting, hateful nonsense, corrupt business dealings, and obvious signs of mental illness. Because they were being "fair" and "Balanced".

3) Combining the two, when they promoted polls saying "Hillary has this in the bag" that encouraged enough people who knew Trump was nuts but really didn't like Hillary to take the coward's way out and vote for a third party schlub they knew had no chance of winning.

Now, if we had a sane system, like France, we'd have simply gone into a second round and see who got a majority. Instead, 54% of us woke up on Wednesday morning and wondered if the world had gone mad.

Easy enough to fix, move to France.

You might add to the list of what got Trump elected, run a political insider who doesn't or isn't incapable of running a proper campaign. She thought it was hers to take, it was by she was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That says more about the state of the democrat party more then anything that the right has done.
Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.
Think back a bit. Obama was attacked, for lack of a better word, by the right as should be expected. They brought up BS stuff about where he was born, his associates, and his lack of written words when at Harvard. All BS issues that really hurt nothing, so what BS.

But what we are seeing with Trump is a D list comedian holding up a likeness of a detached head of the president. We are seeing Republicans being attacked while playing softball. We are seeing Congress actually supporting bills to have the president's mental capacity verified not to mention the many impeachment pipe dreams.

IMO we are seeing a different kind of viciousness coming from the left.
I agree with that, and I hate seeing it, because it existed before Trump and it's a part of the reason he was elected. Something ELSE I'm not thrilled about. And worse, those who act like this clearly don't see the damage it has done. They just keep doing it.

And again, that's the point of the thread. I don't get this. Actually, though, if you look through the thread there are some pretty interesting responses.
All of us have the same wants and desires but the government isn't going to supply those wants and desires. That to me is the biggest difference between left and right. Left wants to expand government in some idealistic dream that the government is going to "take care of them" in ways they won't or can't do for themselves.

You acting as if we were still in the 1960s with democrats standing on the school house steps blocking blacks is just damn disingenuous and helps NO ONE.

Yeah, guy, I used to be one of your right wing assholes who belived in all that hate radio horseshit about "Freedom" and stuff. Usually, when a Wingnut talks about "Freedom", he means the ability of the rich to screw with the rest of us.

And then one day, I got injured, and even though I had been working hard to provide myself with insurance, my Romney loving boss and the insurance company screwed me over with a smirk of "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union"*

(*- Actually said by my ex-boss.)

I don't expect the government to provide my wants and desires. I do expect them to do certain things better than the private sector can.

No, guy, we don't have democrats standing in the school house door. We have Republicans telling stupid people like Ray that minorities are making his life miserable and him buying it.

And the amazing thing is that it works!!! No matter how many recessions the Republicans cause, no matter how much damage they do to that nice middle class white lifestyle his father enjoyed because he belonged to a union, these dumb, uneducated whites will vote for even a mutant like Trump because they "don't like the darkies".
Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

Republicans don't usually cater to different people in different ways. It's the Democrats that separate groups and then decide what to give each group.
Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

There is no plan by the republicans for dealing with it.

They are too short sighted.

A buddy told me of a report he read of the texan state gop being alarmed in the last election that they were completely shut out of Austin city level offices.

They were surprised and alarmed at what it implied for their future in the state.

My response was, the writing has been on the wall for DECADES, and only a drooling moron would be surprised.

By and large, this nation is STILL living in a multicultural fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows and the wake up call won't come until it is too late.

And then, you will be looking back at these as the Good Old Days.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

Republicans don't usually cater to different people in different ways. It's the Democrats that separate groups and then decide what to give each group.
I realize that, but I'm not talking about pandering. I'm talking about offering a better overall alternative (which is what elections are all about) as demographics shift. It does look like the Right feels it can just be the way it is and that will change minds. We'll see.
Easy enough to fix, move to France.

Easier to fix. Change the election laws in this country.

Not to worry, after Trump, BOTH parties will be falling over themselves to get rid of the Electoral College.

You might add to the list of what got Trump elected, run a political insider who doesn't or isn't incapable of running a proper campaign. She thought it was hers to take, it was by she was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That says more about the state of the democrat party more then anything that the right has done.

Um. No. I mean, you can go on and on about how bad Hillary was, but at the end of the day, people like you knew Trump was crazy, knew he was unfit for any office...

And you voted for him anyway.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

There is no plan by the republicans for dealing with it.

They are too short sighted.

A buddy told me of a report he read of the texan state gop being alarmed in the last election that they were completely shut out of Austin city level offices.

They were surprised and alarmed at what it implied for their future in the state.

My response was, the writing has been on the wall for DECADES, and only a drooling moron would be surprised.

By and large, this nation is STILL living in a multicultural fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows and the wake up call won't come until it is too late.

And then, you will be looking back at these as the Good Old Days.
Yeah, that's what I'm perceiving. If the party really thinks it can remain as is and continue to rack up wins, well, I just don't see it.
Fortunately, at present those of us in the middle are still the numeric majority, and I do sense that our numbers are growing.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.
Why does a demographic shift need addressed? Do Mexicans, or any other group, want something other then a place to work and live? And what exactly are the things that need addressed? More welfare? What exactly? Is that the future you predict for America, more catering to a demographic change, whatever that means, more so then just keeping the playing field level? Which I really believe is the case today.

It used to be in America that immigrants assimilated into America.
Easy enough to fix, move to France.

Easier to fix. Change the election laws in this country.

Not to worry, after Trump, BOTH parties will be falling over themselves to get rid of the Electoral College.

You might add to the list of what got Trump elected, run a political insider who doesn't or isn't incapable of running a proper campaign. She thought it was hers to take, it was by she was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That says more about the state of the democrat party more then anything that the right has done.

Um. No. I mean, you can go on and on about how bad Hillary was, but at the end of the day, people like you knew Trump was crazy, knew he was unfit for any office...

And you voted for him anyway.
Hillary was worse, the SCOTUS was too important.
I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

Republicans don't usually cater to different people in different ways. It's the Democrats that separate groups and then decide what to give each group.
I realize that, but I'm not talking about pandering. I'm talking about offering a better overall alternative (which is what elections are all about) as demographics shift. It does look like the Right feels it can just be the way it is and that will change minds. We'll see.

Can't work. The target audience is too inundated with hostile propaganda.
Maybe because unlike you, they studied the problem and rightfully shared the blame with the Democrats instead of running around like a maniac screaming BUSH! BUSH! BUSH!

Democrats weren't in charge of the agencies that allowed that Crash to happen. Bush was. Mostly because the housing bubble gave the illusion that his economic policies were working.

But I'm sure by "studying it", you mean that someone on Hate Radio told you Barny Frank had sex with a guy who worked at Fannie Mae or something.
Well, that would be wonderful, but I'm not so sure.

I'm seeing partisan politics - and its associated behaviors - infecting our society, our culture, on virtually every level. You can't escape it. And (just anecdotally) I'm seeing friends, associates and clients being more and more likely to just lose their shit and start ranting about political stuff at the tiniest opportunity. Holy crap.

I dunno, I hope you're right.

I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.
Why does a demographic shift need addressed? Do Mexicans, or any other group, want something other then a place to work and live? And what exactly are the things that need addressed? More welfare? What exactly? Is that the future you predict for America, more catering to a demographic change, whatever that means, more so then just keeping the playing field level? Which I really believe is the case today.

It used to be in America that immigrants assimilated into America.
I understand the argument. And you may be right, that minorities will change their political trajectory on their own. To this point, though, (and as a person with a pretty rainbow-like family myself), I don't see how that happens on a large enough scale for the GOP.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

Republicans don't usually cater to different people in different ways. It's the Democrats that separate groups and then decide what to give each group.
I realize that, but I'm not talking about pandering. I'm talking about offering a better overall alternative (which is what elections are all about) as demographics shift. It does look like the Right feels it can just be the way it is and that will change minds. We'll see.

Can't work. The target audience is too inundated with hostile propaganda.
I don't see it working either.
This is why so many polls showed Clinton winning by large numbers. Such polls purposely dishearten the opposition to the candidate of choice. However, like I said, people are beginning to wake up to the practice. Hence Trump was much more effective than people thought he would be. Why do you think that the media was so surprised? They were carefully influencing the election in favor of Clinton, but they failed to control all of the outlets and it got away from them.

Or the people got it right and the system got it wrong.

I do think the media influenced the outcome, but in Trump's favor.

Let's review-

1) They let Trump have a shitload of airtime, mostly because he was entertaining and good for ratings. They didn't do journalistic due diligence by challenging the things he was saying. Why listen to boring old Jeb! Bush talk about Common Core when Trump will call Mexicans rapists?

2) They promoted the narrative that Benghazi and the Emails made Hillary "Just as bad" as Trump with his pussy-grabbing, race-baiting, hateful nonsense, corrupt business dealings, and obvious signs of mental illness. Because they were being "fair" and "Balanced".

3) Combining the two, when they promoted polls saying "Hillary has this in the bag" that encouraged enough people who knew Trump was nuts but really didn't like Hillary to take the coward's way out and vote for a third party schlub they knew had no chance of winning.

Now, if we had a sane system, like France, we'd have simply gone into a second round and see who got a majority. Instead, 54% of us woke up on Wednesday morning and wondered if the world had gone mad.

Let me get this straight: you ran a candidate with a mountain of baggage; a woman who was under FBI investigation; a woman who had her won server and stored classified information on it with little encryption protection; a woman who lied to Congress under oath and erased evidence they subpoenaed, but she lost because of the media????

This is probably the only civilized country where a criminal like her even had a chance.
I agree that it is very troubling watching what is going on in our country, it appears that the hate mongers are winning at times. The constant demonizing of a duly elected president has never happened to this extent.

There are parallels in history, the rise of the third reich, Mao's rise to power, Stalin and Mussolini, Pol Pot, the Iranian ayatollahs. In every case the would-be rulers controlled the media and the message and engaged in wide spread indoctrination of the masses.

The question is whether the majority of americans will see through and reject it.
At this point I see zero (0) reason to believe that we'll rise en masse and reject this, because of the very nature of the problem.

The crazed wings have all the passion & energy (due to the fact that they're crazed), and therefore will most likely retain control of the conversation. And if I'm right that more and more people are becoming radicalized, that will only feed on itself.

It's bad enough that the problem has gotten this bad. But worse, when something becomes this deeply cultural, fixing it becomes much tougher.

I am hopeful that the recent congressional votes are an indicator that the radicals are losing influence and that sanity is returning. If I am wrong, this country is headed to another civil war, secessions, break up, or worse.
My general guess (and I'm horrible at guessing at political stuff, stipulated) is that this is more of a last gasp than it is a macro change in direction. That's not a slam, but I'm not seeing the Republicans lifting one finger to address the coming demographic shift.

Maybe there's a plan somewhere, a strategy in place to change minds from where we're probably going. And that kind of leads back to the point of the thread.

There is no plan by the republicans for dealing with it.

They are too short sighted.

A buddy told me of a report he read of the texan state gop being alarmed in the last election that they were completely shut out of Austin city level offices.

They were surprised and alarmed at what it implied for their future in the state.

My response was, the writing has been on the wall for DECADES, and only a drooling moron would be surprised.

By and large, this nation is STILL living in a multicultural fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows and the wake up call won't come until it is too late.

And then, you will be looking back at these as the Good Old Days.
Yeah, that's what I'm perceiving. If the party really thinks it can remain as is and continue to rack up wins, well, I just don't see it.

THe party has not "remained" as anything. From Nixon to REagan, to Bush, to McCain to freaking TRUMP, the GOP has been all over the map.

And it has moved minority voting hardly at all.

The problem is not the GOP.

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