Two Questions for Atheists

I am not a subscriber to any organized religious belief. I am a Spiritualist who believes in "Spiritual Nature" as my God. Religions are simply manifestations of human spiritual connection and proof that humans are intrinsically spiritually-inspired creatures. Being religions are the constructs of fallible man, they are all flawed.
Do you only hope so or is that your conviction? In any, case, thanks for clearing that up.
I believe some Atheists are bigger believers in God than some Christians.
Which implies Christians do not really believe in God!!!
Looking at Christian behavior as exemplified by DoTard Trump, they obviously don't.

It implies SOME Christians don't really believe in God. It also implies SOME Atheists do indeed believe in God. Trump has nothing to do with this thread. Please stay on topic.
If an Atheist believed in God, they would NOT be Atheists!!! DUH!
If Christians believed in God they would NOT lie about Atheists.

Yes, I think maybe I should have qualified my rather profound statement by using the old "air quotes" to denote meaning. I think there are so-called "Atheists" who DO believe in God and they are simply adopting the label of Atheism as a form of protest against a God they certainly believe in. Likewise, I believe there are so-called "Christians" who, if you could look inside of their heart, do not truly believe God exists and will hold them accountable.

People can SAY they are anything they please and they often do. Just because someone professes a certain belief, does not automatically mean that's what they honestly believe. Some people are inherently dishonest about their beliefs.
Agnostic is derived from two Greek words, a ("no" or "against") and gnosis("knowledge"). When combined as agnosia, it is translated as "ignorance."

I didn’t like being ignorant so I did a lot of homework to find the truth, one way or the other.
what about when he ordered the death of untold amounts of children?

Let me answer your question with a question of my own. If there indeed is a creator, who created the universe and created both you and me, do you presume to know more than the creator about what is just and good? If this creator exists and he saw fit to end the physical lives of children, do you believe you are in an intellectual and moral position to pass judgment on the creator? Or is it possible and even probable that the creator knows what he is doing and that, one day, you too will understand?
Back a few weeks ago, I posed my first question to Atheists and I was surprised how suddenly we had so many posters proclaim themselves "Agnostic!" It was an amazing thing to see. We constantly get bombarded with the so-called "naysayers" on this forum regularly but for some odd reason, my question turned them away from Atheism to Agnosticism instantly. I don't think I ever got an honest answer to my question. So I decided it would be a good idea for a thread OP.

First Question for Atheists:

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

It's not a trick question. It's relatively easy. Just answer it honestly. If you can't answer, perhaps you need to ask yourself the question in quiet contemplation? How you answer is important and I will explain later.

The second question is:

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

Again, not a trick question, relatively easy to answer.

Now, I wish that I could take credit for these profoundly brilliant questions but I can't. They are presented by Dennis Prager in an article he posted some time back. I will outline a little more about what he had to say later on. For now, I just want to get some feedback from our Atheist contingent... if we have one.
What does hope have to do with it? Do I think I'm right or do I think I'm wrong? I think I'm right.

No doubts. I am 99.999% sure there is no god. It's that .000001% that makes me agnostic.

If there is no atheists (because no one can know 100% that there is no god. You'd have to be a god yourself) then there is no theists. Do theists know 100% that there is a god? No they do not. So if there is no atheists then there is no theists.

And you are not a god in waiting Boss. Your spirit doesn't live for eternity after you die. That would make you a god. Now do I hope I'm a god in waiting? Sure. That's why humans invented god.

It's simply a question to ponder. Do you hope that you are wrong? Do you hope that you're right? You must have some opinion there. What we can't seem to get to is what that is. I think that is very revealing of your truest feelings. Everyone always THINKS they are right about what they believe, that wasn't what I asked.
He can mock anything he wants

A point not in dispute. Who said he can't? Next you're going to enthrall us with the revelation that one can walk away from their computer if they so choose. Thanks for the enlightenment.
what about when he ordered the death of untold amounts of children?

Let me answer your question with a question of my own. If there indeed is a creator, who created the universe and created both you and me, do you presume to know more than the creator about what is just and good? If this creator exists and he saw fit to end the physical lives of children, do you believe you are in an intellectual and moral position to pass judgment on the creator? Or is it possible and even probable that the creator knows what he is doing and that, one day, you too will understand?
A creator is accountable for his actions

Just like anyone else

Killing innocent children to punish a Pharaoh cannot be justified
what about when he ordered the death of untold amounts of children?

Let me answer your question with a question of my own. If there indeed is a creator, who created the universe and created both you and me, do you presume to know more than the creator about what is just and good? If this creator exists and he saw fit to end the physical lives of children, do you believe you are in an intellectual and moral position to pass judgment on the creator? Or is it possible and even probable that the creator knows what he is doing and that, one day, you too will understand?
A creator is accountable for his actions

Just like anyone else

Killing innocent children to punish a Pharaoh cannot be justified
You were there? You know they were innocent?
Back a few weeks ago, I posed my first question to Atheists and I was surprised how suddenly we had so many posters proclaim themselves "Agnostic!" It was an amazing thing to see. We constantly get bombarded with the so-called "naysayers" on this forum regularly but for some odd reason, my question turned them away from Atheism to Agnosticism instantly. I don't think I ever got an honest answer to my question. So I decided it would be a good idea for a thread OP.

First Question for Atheists:

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

It's not a trick question. It's relatively easy. Just answer it honestly. If you can't answer, perhaps you need to ask yourself the question in quiet contemplation? How you answer is important and I will explain later.

The second question is:

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

Again, not a trick question, relatively easy to answer.

Now, I wish that I could take credit for these profoundly brilliant questions but I can't. They are presented by Dennis Prager in an article he posted some time back. I will outline a little more about what he had to say later on. For now, I just want to get some feedback from our Atheist contingent... if we have one.
Filed under here we go again...

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

I hope that you are wrong

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

I watch Ancient Aliens and I know the truth!
Not true. Try not conflating this: belief without proof is a mockable offense. its mocking dishonesty, and lack of a logical foundation. Its ok, lots of folks have a hard time with not conflating these hard as fuck concepts. Take your time.

Is it dishonest to believe it's going to rain when one can't PROVE it's going to rain? On another note, you seem to be getting upset. Maybe you should take a break.
I am not a subscriber to any organized religious belief. I am a Spiritualist who believes in "Spiritual Nature" as my God. Religions are simply manifestations of human spiritual connection and proof that humans are intrinsically spiritually-inspired creatures. Being religions are the constructs of fallible man, they are all flawed.
Do you only hope so or is that your conviction? In any, case, thanks for clearing that up.

No, that's my convicted belief but I hope that I am right. I'd hate to die and get to the "Pearly Gates" and be detained because I didn't get the Holy Water sprinkled on my head or something. I would hope to at least have a brief conversation with Christian God so that He could answer a few questions for me before casting me into eternal damnation. But that's just me. :dunno:
Not true. Try not conflating this: belief without proof is a mockable offense. its mocking dishonesty, and lack of a logical foundation. Its ok, lots of folks have a hard time with not conflating these hard as fuck concepts. Take your time.

Is it dishonest to believe it's going to rain when one can't PROVE it's going to rain? On another note, you seem to be getting upset. Maybe you should take a break.
when you wanna uncorny yourself ill continue the chat dude, nice canaard
Filed under here we go again...

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

I hope that you are wrong

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

I watch Ancient Aliens and I know the truth!

And yet ANOTHER example of someone who is unwilling to honestly answer my question! Why is this question so profoundly hard for Atheists to answer?
if she is old enough now to know that these are common instances of hallucination..yet dismisses the possibility....then shes a liar. If she doesnt know about hallucinations as a concept and common occurance involving NDEs, then shes not a liar but just ignorant on the subject. NDEs dont even do that for oneself, because of hallucinations.

Is it your belief that she was hallucinating and that she is simply mistaken? In other words, she's not a liar because she really believes she had the experience, correct?

Is it arrogant to believe that the seemingly countless numbers of people who have shared their "nde" experiences are all either lying or mistaken?
what about when he ordered the death of untold amounts of children?

Let me answer your question with a question of my own. If there indeed is a creator, who created the universe and created both you and me, do you presume to know more than the creator about what is just and good? If this creator exists and he saw fit to end the physical lives of children, do you believe you are in an intellectual and moral position to pass judgment on the creator? Or is it possible and even probable that the creator knows what he is doing and that, one day, you too will understand?
He even ordered the death of their livestock. Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries. Remember, he brought death and destruction for expressing their "free will"
Punishing someone for doing something you gave the option of doing is in no way intelligent, sane, thoughtful, considerate, loving or basically any term that describes goodness.
if she is old enough now to know that these are common instances of hallucination..yet dismisses the possibility....then shes a liar. If she doesnt know about hallucinations as a concept and common occurance involving NDEs, then shes not a liar but just ignorant on the subject. NDEs dont even do that for oneself, because of hallucinations.

Is it your belief that she was hallucinating and that she is simply mistaken? In other words, she's not a liar because she really believes she had the experience, correct?

Is it arrogant to believe that the seemingly countless numbers of people who have shared their "nde" experiences are all either lying or mistaken?
Her belief is not a lie, its that if she proclaims to 'know for certain' while the possibility that it was a hallucination exists.

She cant know that for certain visa vie the nature of hallucinations.

A pragmatic person knows how to think about these things in such a way.
Is it possible that it's not so much that God "kills" children, but rather, permits the law of nature to run its course, which sometimes entails that children die?
Proof that Christians never believed the bible in the first place and only profess a belief in God for political purposes.

And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
They always blow the Passover incident and they call themselves Christian too!
Proving something means establishing the impossibility of the contrary.

Again, a point not in dispute. I've noticed that non-believers have a penchant for making statements on things that nobody is disputing.

On another note, if you're expecting to find "proof" in one of these religious threads of either the existence or non-existence of a creator, you're wasting your time. It will NEVER be found here.

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