Two questions for theists

Wow that was really gentle. I guess you reserve your hate for people who believe in edible god's.

“And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. "
A couple of questions for believers.

1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.
Every answer you seek you will find in the Bible. Asking people on USMB is silly and wreaks of you not actually looking for divine answers, but rather interested in challenging the faith of others.
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.
Your entire premise is built off of the very arrogant position that you know. I'll give you an example: many people would say that the most awful thing that ever happened was the torture and subsequent murder of Jesus Christ. We had a supreme being here on Earth who was working miracles, curing the sick, etc. And we murdered him. All of that ended at that moment.

But the wise man says that the murder of Jesus Christ was the most wonderful thing that ever happened. All of us were destined for hell. It was only through Jesus's misery on the cross that all of humanity was saved. What some consider the most awful moment in world history is actually the most wonderful moment in world history.

The problem is the lense you view it through. You consider life on earth to be the end all, be all, and you consider man to be the supreme being in the universe. God operates on a level you cannot even begin to fathom and His objective is for the kingdom of Heaven - not Earth. Once you grasp that everything which occurs is with a focus on eternity instead of the short term reality you exist in, it's becomes exponentially easier to comprehend that God didn't stop it because it was necessary.
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it
Purify and refine your own mind and then, when you die, you will be received into an eternal abode whether you believe in God or not..
And you know this how? Like, do you have any serious proof?

Proof of what? That you don't have to believe, just do it?

Ahem, thats up to you....
Proof that "Purify and refine your own mind and then, when you die, you will be received into an eternal abode ". You must have a solid reason for believing that.

I do. I have already been intimately acquainted with my new ride waiting for me in the sky and have even had the opportunity to take it out for a test drive. The very next day in the paper there were many eyewitness reports of a UFO seen in the night sky . lol...

You really have no idea what can be accomplished in the fraction of a second when you are not bound by space or time.

And it was about as difficult to attain as cleaning house.

You should give it a try. Go on a search and destroy mission into the depths of your rancid mind, if you dare, to extirpate every unclean thing that causes your mind to stumble in thought and perception.

What have you got to lose?

If you ever hope to find a place in a better world with bigger motor cars, start saving up for a new and improved vehicle worthy of a space

You got a job now so go to work already you lazy bastard.

Do you need proof that your current jalopy has an expiration date?
L:et me see if I got you right, you want to "Purify and refine your own mind and then, when you die, you will be received into an eternal abode" because an alien is going to come for you?
Wow that was really gentle. I guess you reserve your hate for people who believe in edible god's.

“And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. "
So you are quoting from the Gospel of the Book of the edible god? In what world does that make any sense for you to quote from it?
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)
L:et me see if I got you right, you want to "Purify and refine your own mind and then, when you die, you will be received into an eternal abode" because an alien is going to come for you?

No, you will be received into an eternal abode because, in the doing, you will become like one .

“Behold, the man has become like one of us"

I have opened up for you a way to walk on dry land across to the other side of that vast ocean that separates the living from the dead, to the legendary paradise where in the very middle, the tree of life stands.

Once you get there,

Reach out your hand , take, and eat of the tree of life and you will never know what it is to die.
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Wow that was really gentle. I guess you reserve your hate for people who believe in edible god's.

“And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. "
So you are quoting from the Gospel of the Book of the edible god? In what world does that make any sense for you to quote from it?

Sorry, I never read any Gospel of the book of the edible god.

But I know how it ends....
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

One place it says so is in 1 John 3:4-10

No one who does not do what is right is Gods child. neither is anyone who does not love his brother.

And don't worry about any Hitler types sneaking into heaven by saying, sorry, one millisecond before they die.

The nature of evil is brazen defiance all the way to the grave. I'm sorry, please forgive me, to those who have been taken away by evil is an unintelligible expression of an unknown language that they are incapable of speaking.
1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

Witnessing is not about whether God knows, it's about whether the angels see. The testing for Job is not for God to know how much job can stand, but letting the angels to witness who Job is and how much he can stand.

The purpose of planet earth is not for God to know who we are, it is rather a stage for God to show the angels (and other chosen witnesses) who we are then to legitimately bring us (i.e., His Elect) to heaven. God on the other hand knows from the beginning who we are before the creation.

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

In God's plan, planet earth is never the final place. It's more like the filter of an aquarium. Earth is for evil to show up and be destroyed once and for all in order to secure a sinless Heaven. Heaven is the final goal. You shall see all kinds of evil here on earth, such that you won't be able to see any evil in Heaven. The same as you shall see all the dirty things in side the filter such that they won't pollute the aquarium.

Your questions have simple answers like these. My question on the other hand is why your intelligence failed to get to these simple answers to your question. If the intelligence of your kind is so unreliable, why do you still choose to use it to judge the situation which determines your own death or alive?

Earthly warning of Genesis:
Tree of Knowledge - the day you choose of eat of it, the same day you shall surely die!

Your kind are doomed! And your behavior was well predicted from the very beginning (i.e., Genesis)! Your relying on your intelligence (or rather stupidity) is the agent killing you!
Earthly warning of Genesis:
Tree of Knowledge - the day you choose to eat of it, the same day you shall surely die!
Your kind are doomed! And your behavior was well predicted from the very beginning (i.e., Genesis)! Your relying on your intelligence (or rather stupidity) is the agent killing you!

Your kind are doomed? lol... As if you never swallowed a lie.

He isn't anymore doomed than you are, knowing good and evil, if you haven't gotten past that dang Cherubim with the flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)

Did you just say hate can not exist in God's presence? I was taught God is everywhere. Is that not true? Is there hate in the world? Then you are wrong. Hate can and does exist in God's presence.
1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

Witnessing is not about whether God knows, it's about whether the angels see. The testing for Job is not for God to know how much job can stand, but letting the angels to witness who Job is and how much he can stand.

The purpose of planet earth is not for God to know who we are, it is rather a stage for God to show the angels (and other chosen witnesses) who we are then to legitimately bring us (i.e., His Elect) to heaven. God on the other hand knows from the beginning who we are before the creation.

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

In God's plan, planet earth is never the final place. It's more like the filter of an aquarium. Earth is for evil to show up and be destroyed once and for all in order to secure a sinless Heaven. Heaven is the final goal. You shall see all kinds of evil here on earth, such that you won't be able to see any evil in Heaven. The same as you shall see all the dirty things in side the filter such that they won't pollute the aquarium.

Your questions have simple answers like these. My question on the other hand is why your intelligence failed to get to these simple answers to your question. If the intelligence of your kind is so unreliable, why do you still choose to use it to judge the situation which determines your own death or alive?

Earthly warning of Genesis:
Tree of Knowledge - the day you choose of eat of it, the same day you shall surely die!

Your kind are doomed! And your behavior was well predicted from the very beginning (i.e., Genesis)! Your relying on your intelligence (or rather stupidity) is the agent killing you!

So you believe one day you will be a god yourself. Never get sick, mad, angry, hurt, sad and you will live forever? Wow! I never met a god before. Or a god in training.
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)

Did you just say hate can not exist in God's presence? I was taught God is everywhere. Is that not true? Is there hate in the world? Then you are wrong. Hate can and does exist in God's presence.

How am I wrong? Where there is light there is no darkness, where there is darkness there is no light. What you were taught was wrong.

Ask around, God is nowhere to be found and its not because he doesn't exist its because people have defiled and contaminated their minds, their only means of perception.

Do me a favor please. Don't cite christian dogma that you do not believe and know is wrong and then tell me if they are right then I am wrong.

Its just a little to early in the morning for you to screw with my mind.
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But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)

Did you just say hate can not exist in God's presence? I was taught God is everywhere. Is that not true? Is there hate in the world? Then you are wrong. Hate can and does exist in God's presence.

How am I wrong? Where there is light there is no darkness, where there is darkness there is no light. What you were taught was wrong.

Ask around, God is nowhere to be found and its not because he doesn't exist its because people have defiled and contaminated their minds, their only means of perception.

Do me a favor please. Don't cite christian dogma that you do not believe and know is wrong and then tell me if they are right then I am wrong.

Its just a little to early in the morning for you to screw with my mind.

That's why I jack off in the dark. He's not watching then.
You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)

Did you just say hate can not exist in God's presence? I was taught God is everywhere. Is that not true? Is there hate in the world? Then you are wrong. Hate can and does exist in God's presence.

How am I wrong? Where there is light there is no darkness, where there is darkness there is no light. What you were taught was wrong.

Ask around, God is nowhere to be found and its not because he doesn't exist its because people have defiled and contaminated their minds, their only means of perception.

Do me a favor please. Don't cite christian dogma that you do not believe and know is wrong and then tell me if they are right then I am wrong.

Its just a little to early in the morning for you to screw with my mind.

That's why I jack off in the dark. He's not watching then.

LOL... Just because you cannot see God does not mean that God cannot see you..

Carry on...

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L:et me see if I got you right, you want to "Purify and refine your own mind and then, when you die, you will be received into an eternal abode" because an alien is going to come for you?

No, you will be received into an eternal abode because, in the doing, you will become like one .

“Behold, the man has become like one of us"

I have opened up for you a way to walk on dry land across to the other side of that vast ocean that separates the living from the dead, to the legendary paradise where in the very middle, the tree of life stands.

Once you get there,

Reach out your hand , take, and eat of the tree of life and you will never know what it is to die.
Who is saying this “Behold, the man has become like one of us"?
Did you just say hate can not exist in God's presence? I was taught God is everywhere. Is that not true? Is there hate in the world? Then you are wrong. Hate can and does exist in God's presence.

Reminds me of the question we posed to nuns in middle school: If God is everywhere, does that mean God is in hell? :D

Exodus relates a story about Moses, that when God passed in front of Moses, God had to shield Moses' eyes. From what I was given to understand is that hate cannot exist in the full presence of God, or the presence that is purely God. An analogy example: Mankind can exist in sunlight; but we cannot exist on the sun.
But that's the beauty of Christianity. Even ones that hate go to heaven.

You never really paid very much attention during Sunday school, did you......
Where does it say you can't be a Christian if you have hate in your heart?

What you will find is that there is no crime you can commit that God won't forgive. Hitler could even be in heaven for god sakes as long as he said sorry and meant it

Chapter 18 in Ezekiel has a better grasp:

But if the wicked, turning from the wickedness he has committed,
does what is right and just,
he shall preserve his life;
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Words mean little; God judges the heart. Hitler did not turn away from the wickedness he had committed--he committed another wicked act in order to escape facing what he had done. While we cannot judge Hitler's heart, we can take note of his acts, especially those that spring from the heart.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light. If hate is all you have, then that does mean either separation from God, or annihilation (depending on belief). In that same passage from Ezekiel, it says God does not take pleasure from the death of the wicked; rather He rejoices when the evil man turns from his evil ways. (God does not say He rejoices when someone says "sorry".)
since he has turned away from all the sins that he committed,
he shall surely live, he shall not die.

that is a fabrication in your book, taking a life is an irredeemable sin the life taken can not be restored by who took it, sorry - if self defense then its not asking for forgiveness but is Judged. - the killer is doomed, better enjoy their life while they can.

Hate cannot exist in God's presence, anymore than darkness can exist in the presence of light.

oh really, a good person can not hate ... what about during a war, what about the Almighty and those that were not Noah at that time.

christians make a mistake not wanting to correct their fallible 4th century book - they are the ones who have lost their way.

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