Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

You didn't correct anything. You, like a dumb Bingo revealed you don't understand what the words, more accurately imply.
I corrected you
Therefore you made my point you hate the word Republic because to closely resembles the word Republican and you hate the Constitution because it represents law and rights
So you admit that the Republic was still at war with individual rights?
So you admit that the democrat party, the Party of Slavery, literally fought a war to perpetuate the practice of slavery that was entirely at exception to the Declaration of Independence.

What was the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution?
I'm not playing games, I'm asking for some verification of your claim. Do you have any? If not you're the one playing games.

What does this mean specifically other than wanting to get rid of the electoral college and why shouldn't we?

I want to debate it because I think you're argument is full of shit. Conservatives want more state power in some areas and less in others vice versa for liberals. There is no black and white dichotomy where one party wants less State power and the other wants more. It really depends on the issue.
Why shouldn't we? The electorial college gives voice to smaller populated states things you see in a Republic. Protection of rights for individuals
I'm not playing games, I'm asking for some verification of your claim. Do you have any? If not you're the one playing games.

What does this mean specifically other than wanting to get rid of the electoral college and why shouldn't we?

I want to debate it because I think you're argument is full of shit. Conservatives want more state power in some areas and less in others vice versa for liberals. There is no black and white dichotomy where one party wants less State power and the other wants more. It really depends on the issue.
I'm not saying liberals are any worse than modern conservatives - especially Trump style conservatives - when it comes to dismissing the Constitution. But liberals consistently lean on the "will of the people" as though it's sacrosanct.

Democrats want more democracy, and most of them will admit it. If you won't, that's fine.
I'm not saying liberals are any worse than modern conservatives - especially Trump style conservatives - when it comes to dismissing the Constitution. But liberals consistently lean on the "will of the people" as though it's sacrosanct.

Democrats want more democracy, and most of them will admit it. If you won't, that's fine.
What is it about Conservatives that is anything closely resembling leftists? And I don't recall anyone calling Trump a Conservative
Why shouldn't we? The electorial college gives voice to smaller populated states things you see in a Republic. Protection of rights for individuals

“Eliminate the electoral college” is another screeching tirade coming from the Dems / Socialists for the reasons you described.

The “Democracy” wanted by the Dems / Socialists is where the large, coastal, leftist controlled states with greater populations can squash representation of the less populated states.
“Eliminate the electoral college” is another screeching tirade coming from the Dems / Socialists for the reasons you described.

The “Democracy” wanted by the Dems / Socialists is where the large, coastal, leftist controlled states with greater populations can squash representation of the less populated states.
That's it total control
What is it about Conservatives that is anything closely resembling leftists? And I don't recall anyone calling Trump a Conservative
Depends on how you define "conservative" I suppose. I'm referring more to the right wing of the culture war, and not so much limited-government conservatives (Goldwater, etc ..) The culture warriors are different from leftists, in that their zeal for more intrusive government comes in the form of autocracy, rather than democracy. But they're just as happy to use the government to impose their will on society.
Depends on how you define "conservative" I suppose. I'm referring more to the right wing of the culture war, and not so much limited-government conservatives (Goldwater, etc ..) The culture warriors are different from leftists, in that their zeal for more intrusive government comes in the form of autocracy, rather than democracy. But they're just as happy to use the government to impose their will on society.
How do you use the government when you want a smaller limited government?
You keep acting like that's a true statement we aren't a democracy and we've had elections for over 200 years that what you call a Republic
You want to push the democrascy shit so you get the mob acting crazy. That shit don't fly in a Republic
Is it a republic if we don’t let minorities and women vote?
And that election makes it a democracy ya nitwit
Your reading comprehension is lacking no word in what was posted spelled out democrascy
I do realize a republic kills the mob mentality
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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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