Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

The ones who want to pack the USSC with Dem/ Socialist DIE hires who will follow the Dem / Socialist model of governance.
How is that against the constitution you fuckwit? The constitution doesn't ever stipulate how many members of the Supreme Court there should be. They leave that determination up to Congress.
And a representive democracy is where you elect people to represent you in government. That also sounds a lot like us, don't it?
Your link correctly states, …”the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic”, not a democracy.
Your link correctly states, …”the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic”, not a democracy.
It's not my link and more accurately does not have the same meaning as inaccurately. In fact the words more accurately imply that it is still accurate just not as accurate as the other.
How is that against the constitution you fuckwit? The constitution doesn't ever stipulate how many members of the Supreme Court there should be. They leave that determination up to Congress.

Let’s not pretend the Dems / Socialists have not been whining about not getting the decisions that are favorable to their sociopath-political ideology.

Threats by the Dems / Socialists to pack the USSC are made clear. The threats are to put in place Dems / Socialists who will further that socio- political agenda.
Let’s not pretend the Dems / Socialists have not been whining about not getting the decisions that are favorable to their sociopath-political ideology.
Let's not pretend Republicans don't wish the same with their racist, xenophobic agenda. That's kind of what separates the political parties you dumb bitch. We want different things.
Threats by the Dems / Socialists to pack the USSC are made clear. The threats are to put in place Dems / Socialists who will further that socio- political agenda.
And those threats aren't unconstitutional you dumb bitch. Congress has the constitutional authority to decide how many members sit on the Supreme Court bench.
It's not my link and more accurately does not have the same meaning as inaccurately. In fact the words more accurately imply that it is still accurate just not as accurate as the other.
It was not your link and my error for attributing that to you.

However, the Founders knew the difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic. The latter is what they formed.

“Thomas Jefferson is our second Founder to see profound issues with democracy. Jefferson said, “The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.”
Republicans love gerrymandering and use it extensively, especially in state houses.

A republic isn’t very democratic when the elected officials can distort the system to maintain power without the consent of the public.
It was not your link and my error for attributing that to you.

However, the Founders knew the difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic. The latter is what they formed.

“Thomas Jefferson is our second Founder to see profound issues with democracy. Jefferson said, “The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.”
This is the same Thomas Jefferson who famously owned slaves? How was the early Slave Republic of the United States not in an open or secret war with the rights of mankind? Their violation of those rights famously resulted in the Civil War....
Let's not pretend Republicans don't wish the same with their racist, xenophobic agenda. That's kind of what separates the political parties you dumb bitch. We want different things.

And those threats aren't unconstitutional you dumb bitch. Congress has the constitutional authority to decide how many members sit on the Supreme Court bench.

Your retreat to the silly racist™ slogan is time wasting. Similarly, your juvenile attempts at insult doesn’t conceal the obvious intention of the Dem / Socialist court packing wish.

As to your tirade about Congress having the authority to decide the number of justices, it was exclusively Dems / Socialists who put forth legislation toward expanding the court.
This is the same Thomas Jefferson who famously owned slaves? How was the early Slave Republic of the United States not in an open or secret war with the rights of mankind? Their violation of those rights famously resulted in the Civil War....

Yes. Jefferson owned slaves.

It was the same Constitutional Republic that fought a war to end slavery… you know…. slavery that one party from one part of the country chose to secede from in order to continue slavery.

The party that wanted to continue slavery was the Democrat party, the Party of Slavery.
Your retreat to the silly racist™ slogan is time wasting. Similarly, your juvenile attempts at insult doesn’t conceal the obvious intention of the Dem / Socialist court packing wish.
I responded in kind to your silly quip about socialism and Marxism. Don't name call people and then cry like a bitch when they do the same to you. 😄 Or you know what, be a bitch. I don't care. 😄
As to your tirade about Congress having the authority to decide the number of justices, it was exclusively Dems / Socialists who put forth legislation toward expanding the court.
And? Guess what. We get to propose legislation, even if a little bitch like you disagrees with it. That's part of being in federal republic. 😄
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I'm not going to play this kind of game with you.

I'm not playing games, I'm asking for some verification of your claim. Do you have any? If not you're the one playing games.
Liberals want more majority rule and less limits on state power.
What does this mean specifically other than wanting to get rid of the electoral college and why shouldn't we?
If you just want to deny it, you can do that. But I'm not going to chase you around while you do.
I want to debate it because I think you're argument is full of shit. Conservatives want more state power in some areas and less in others vice versa for liberals. There is no black and white dichotomy where one party wants less State power and the other wants more. It really depends on the issue.
Yes. Jefferson owned slaves.

It was the same Constitutional Republic that fought a war to end slavery… you know…. slavery that one party from one part of the country chose to secede from in order to continue slavery.

The party that wanted to continue slavery was the Democrat party, the Party of Slavery.
So you admit that the Republic was still at war with individual rights?
I responded in kind to your silly quip about socialism and Marxism. Don't name call people and then cry like a bitch when they do the same to you. 😄 Or you know what, be a bitch. I don't care. 😄

And? Guess what. We get to propose legislation, even if a little bitch like to disagrees with it. That's part of being in federal republic. 😄

What name calling? Your Dem / Socialist heroes self-identify as democratic socialists. Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc.

You do tend to retreat to the same time wasting attempts at personal insult.

Yes, the Dems / Socialists get to propose legislation that is intended exclusively to pack the court with DIE hires who will press the Dem / Socialist agenda. How sad for the Dems / Socialists that they’re addled with and are lead by people such as AOC.

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