Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

“The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.”

Thomas Jefferson
Why do you hate our democratic elections?

View attachment 863248
"This democracy of ours,
which sometimes we've treated so lightly,
is more than ever a comfortable cloak,
so let us not tear it asunder,
for no man knows,
once it is destroyed,
where or when he will find its

protective warmth again."

View attachment 863250
He Never did. He is addressing your ignorance on our Republic.

Your side is good at trying to redifine things like Gender. We are simply expressing our views to call you an idiot.

Cherry picking over and over again small cuts of a speech are meaningless. Reagan knew we were a Republic
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.

Is that why Trump always called us a democracy also?
He Never did. He is addressing your ignorance on our Republic.

Your side is good at trying to redifine things like Gender. We are simply expressing our views to call you an idiot.

Cherry picking over and over again small cuts of a speech are meaningless. Reagan knew we were a Republic
Your prissy ad hominems do not compensate for your contempt for American democracy.

I have no interest in re-defining gender. I respect every American's right to their gender identity, as well as medical expertise regarding gender dysphoria, rather than surrendering to authoritarian politicians the power to dictate in such a personal matter.

Do you deny that our nation, in which the will of the People is expressed in democratic elections, is a democratic republic?

Your prissy ad hominems do not compensate for your contempt for American democracy.

I have no interest in re-defining gender. I respect every American's right to their gender identity, as well as medical expertise regarding gender dysphoria, rather than surrendering to authoritarian politicians the power to dictate in such a personal matter.

Do you deny that our nation, in which the will of the People is expressed in democratic elections, is a democratic republic?

We are a Republic and understand why your side doesnt like it.

Perhaps your side will stop pucking and choosing which laws you will obey huh??

The Left is a Cancer on this nation.
We are a Republic and understand why your side doesnt like it.
I don't know who you presume to define as "my side."

As I have repeatedly acknowledge, the United States is a democratic republic.

Some election losers get in a tizzy over the "democratic," because our democratic elections are an expression of the will of the People.
Perhaps your side will stop pucking and choosing which laws you will obey huh??

The Left is a Cancer on this nation.
I am not facing 91 felony charges, nor has our judicial system found me to be an insurrectionist, a sexual aggressor or guilty of tax fraud.

Your hyper-partisan disgruntlement is noted. If you are upset about some "side," that is unfortunate,

You might try expressing your vehemence in our democratic elections.
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I don't know who you presume to define as "my side."

As I have repeatedly acknowledge, the United States is a democratic republic.

Some election losers get in a tizzy over the "democratic," because our democratic elections are an expression of the will of the People.

I am not facing 91 felony charges, nor has our judicial system found me to be a sexual aggressor or guilty of tax fraud.

Your hyper-partisan disgruntlement is noted. If you are upset about some "side," that is unfortunate,

You might try expressing your vehemence in our democratic elections.
I vote once. Maybe your side should do the same. Want a Banana?
Your prissy ad hominems do not compensate for your contempt for American democracy.

I have no interest in re-defining gender. I respect every American's right to their gender identity, as well as medical expertise regarding gender dysphoria, rather than surrendering to authoritarian politicians the power to dictate in such a personal matter.

Do you deny that our nation, in which the will of the People is expressed in democratic elections, is a democratic republic?

Numbnuts George Thomas id a leftist of course he hates a republic
It's not relevant to all this whining you're doing between a republic and a democracy? Or are you just too stupid to see it? 😄 Being a Republic and having a Constitution didn't prevent a mob of a majority of whites from violating the rights of a minority of Africans. These words and these institutions, be they Republics, Direct Democracies or Representative Democracies all have the capacity to violate the rights of others if the make up of their citizenry wish it so. They aren't forcefields that will protect you against that violation. You can wave around the Constitution all you like but if the majority of the Supreme Court disagrees with your interpretation you're still just as fucked.
A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
Of course you know that Senators in the Roman Republic we’re not elected right?

So democracy is not a requisite of a Republic.

When you have elections you have democracy… to one degree or another
I vote once. Maybe your side should do the same. Want a Banana?
You seem to fixate on that "side" that festers in your noggin. (Is that the one that respects the certified election results of all 50 states in a presidential election?)

Your churlishness aside, I encourage you to participate in elective democracy, and try voting again sometime.

Bananas are nice.
You seem to fixate on that "side" that festers in your noggin. (Is that the one that respects the certified election results of all 50 states in a presidential election?)

Your churlishness aside, I encourage you to participate in elective democracy, and try voting again sometime.

Bananas are nice.
I know you enjoy Bananas.

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