Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Your contempt for the will of the People is noted.
Nah -- I have contempt for trolling dickheads, like you. But what I'm talking about here is the way we do elections. Plurality, winner take all elections are producing shittier and shittier results every round.
The will of the majority is what I have contempt for. Or rather, the notion that the will of the majority should always be forced on everyone else. In most cases that is neither necessary, nor a good idea.
Who here is saying the will of the majority should be absolute?
Nah -- I have contempt for trolling dickheads, like you. But what I'm talking about here is the way we do elections. Plurality, winner take all elections are producing shittier and shittier results every round.
Which is exactly why the Enumerated powers were put in by the Founders.

That has been destroyed. Along with they can use tax payers dollars forwhatever they please. Leads to the corruption we have today.

Buckle up. Wear a parachute. This will not end well.
Nah -- I have contempt for trolling dickheads, like you. But what I'm talking about here is the way we do elections. Plurality, winner take all elections are producing shittier and shittier results every round.
You lash out in your puerile rage because I correctly note that our democratic republic is guided by the will of the People.

Disgruntled losers are upset by that.
It's not relevant to all this whining you're doing between a republic and a democracy? Or are you just too stupid to see it? 😄 Being a Republic and having a Constitution didn't prevent a mob of a majority of whites from violating the rights of a minority of Africans. These words and these institutions, be they Republics, Direct Democracies or Representative Democracies all have the capacity to violate the rights of others if the make up of their citizenry wish it so. They aren't forcefields that will protect you against that violation. You can wave around the Constitution all you like but if the majority of the Supreme Court disagrees with your interpretation you're still just as fucked.
It's as relevant as you calling America a democracy. And that is irrelevant since we are a Republic
You lash out in your puerile rage because I correctly note that our democratic republic is guided by the will of the People.

Disgruntled losers are upset by that.
And how many more times for I need to correct you?
U.S. Government
While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
Everyone calls America a democracy other than you cuck whites. Even the Founders did just not specifically in the constitution.
No not everyone calls America a democracy. Only the misinformed do.
the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
And the founders hated a democracy
No not everyone calls America a democracy. Only the misinformed do.
the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
And the founders hated a democracy
Do you not know what words mean you dipshit? 😄 Saying the Government is more accurately described as a federal republic is still saying it can be accurately described as a democracy. It didn't say describing it as a democracy was inaccurate just that this way was more accurate. Similarly to calling you a white is accurate but calling you a cuck white is even more accurate.
Do you not know what words mean you dipshit? 😄 Saying the Government is more accurately described as a federal republic is still saying it can be accurately described as a democracy. It didn't say describing it as a democracy was inaccurate just that this way was more accurate. Similarly to calling you a white is accurate but calling you a cuck white is even more accurate.
I'm not playing word games with an idiot who believes America is a democracy.
A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.

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