Types of Forum Trolls


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Not limiting it to this Forum, but was wondering what "Flavor" of Trolls there are.

Going to start with a few and see what we can come up with

1. The single topic Troll.

This troll is an expert at one topic, and one topic only. Thier position is entrenched, and they basically get in the same argument with the same people of an opposite viewpoint over and over and over and over again. Common topics are 1) Jews 2) the communist takeover of the US 3) 9/11 was done by X

2. The contrarian troll

This troll, on a case by case basis will pick a post and disagree to the point of absurdity with the original poster and anyone who agrees with the original poster. The topic doesnt matter, as long as the troll can piss off the OP to the point of name calling

3. The one line responder.

This troll's replys consist of less than 2 lines, contain no real content, and can basically be summed up as "The OP is an ass." Adds zero to the conversation, and is usually not even entertaining as they do not take the effort to really flesh out thier insults.

Any more?
Not limiting it to this Forum, but was wondering what "Flavor" of Trolls there are.

Going to start with a few and see what we can come up with

1. The single topic Troll.

This troll is an expert at one topic, and one topic only. Thier position is entrenched, and they basically get in the same argument with the same people of an opposite viewpoint over and over and over and over again. Common topics are 1) Jews 2) the communist takeover of the US 3) 9/11 was done by X

2. The contrarian troll

This troll, on a case by case basis will pick a post and disagree to the point of absurdity with the original poster and anyone who agrees with the original poster. The topic doesnt matter, as long as the troll can piss off the OP to the point of name calling

3. The one line responder.

This troll's replys consist of less than 2 lines, contain no real content, and can basically be summed up as "The OP is an ass." Adds zero to the conversation, and is usually not even entertaining as they do not take the effort to really flesh out thier insults.

Any more?

The boring troll and the untalented troll should be whipped to death, but the bored troll (witness this thread) should be held up to all; as an example on the dangers of hanging around a boring message board too long.

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Not limiting it to this Forum, but was wondering what "Flavor" of Trolls there are.

Going to start with a few and see what we can come up with

1. The single topic Troll.

This troll is an expert at one topic, and one topic only. Thier position is entrenched, and they basically get in the same argument with the same people of an opposite viewpoint over and over and over and over again. Common topics are 1) Jews 2) the communist takeover of the US 3) 9/11 was done by X

2. The contrarian troll

This troll, on a case by case basis will pick a post and disagree to the point of absurdity with the original poster and anyone who agrees with the original poster. The topic doesnt matter, as long as the troll can piss off the OP to the point of name calling

3. The one line responder.

This troll's replys consist of less than 2 lines, contain no real content, and can basically be summed up as "The OP is an ass." Adds zero to the conversation, and is usually not even entertaining as they do not take the effort to really flesh out thier insults.

Any more?

The boring troll and the untalented troll should be whipped to death, but the bored troll (witness this thread) should be held up to all; as an example on the dangers of hanging around a boring message board too long.


Forgot another one:

4. The Bickersons

A tag team troll duo. The second one replies in a thread, even if a real reply, the other one instantly replies to the comment, igonring the OP's topic and precedes to berate the first ones position, looks, body odor etc. This then goes back and forth for at least 15 pages, and the original discussion is lost in a sea of mother jokes.
5. The Whiny Bitch

A troll who starts bitch ass whiny threads about how annoying trolls can be.
5. The Whiny Bitch

A troll who starts bitch ass whiny threads about how annoying trolls can be.

or maybe some super mad genius who posts a thread guaranteed to attract trolls to post, thereby provding examples of what he is talking about.

marty needs to pay more attention and open his fat mouth up less.

Why the negative rep? I wasnt naming any names. Are you so insecure about a light hearted topic that you have to attack me? Yeesh, grow a spine.

And the "NOOB" basic response is kind of lowball.
Newsflash: We are all trolls.

Except for the Bare Knuckle Pundit. He's not a troll.
Not limiting it to this Forum, but was wondering what "Flavor" of Trolls there are.

Going to start with a few and see what we can come up with

1. The single topic Troll.

This troll is an expert at one topic, and one topic only. Thier position is entrenched, and they basically get in the same argument with the same people of an opposite viewpoint over and over and over and over again. Common topics are 1) Jews 2) the communist takeover of the US 3) 9/11 was done by X

2. The contrarian troll

This troll, on a case by case basis will pick a post and disagree to the point of absurdity with the original poster and anyone who agrees with the original poster. The topic doesnt matter, as long as the troll can piss off the OP to the point of name calling

3. The one line responder.

This troll's replys consist of less than 2 lines, contain no real content, and can basically be summed up as "The OP is an ass." Adds zero to the conversation, and is usually not even entertaining as they do not take the effort to really flesh out thier insults.

Any more?
I think I am all of the above.

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