Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

Hill is a contributor to a shit situation that the cop is also a contributor. I want to know the violation he was pulled over for, and how tinted his windows were.

This is Miami, not some Ozark town, these cops are used to pulling over well off rich minorities.

Again, tinted windows are barely worth a pullover, much less what these assholes did.

Yet they still managed to fuck it up and create a public relations nightmare.
Stunning how many people can't put themselves in the cop's shoes for a minute. Traffics stops aren't routine as cops have no idea what state of mind the driver is in or if they have a weapon. They have to be able to assess the situation which includes seeing inside the car. Tyreek was completely uncooperative and totally escalated the situation. Tyreek doesn't role his window down and when he does he chastises the cop for knocking on his window, which the cop HAS TO DO. The real issue starts when Tyreek roles the tinted window back up. The cop is now in high alert as to what is happening. No issue with how the cops handled this. Their safety matters also.
you mean the shoes that swore an oath to protect our rights and not be the person that committs the violence gainst us ??

tyreek cooperated to all the legal levels he was required too,,
Again, tinted windows are barely worth a pullover, much less what these assholes did.

Yet they still managed to fuck it up and create a public relations nightmare.

I want to know what the pull over was for. Then if the windows were tinted.

They are a problem if the person decides to shut their window and then the officer cannot see what the person is doing in the vehicle.

I got pulled over two weeks ago for doing 80 in a 65. Immediately pulled over, lowered both front windows. Hands on the steering wheel. It's not that fucking hard.
you mean the shoes that swore an oath to protect our rights and not be the person that committs the violence gainst us ??

tyreek cooperated to all the legal levels he was required too,,
No Tyreek do not cooperate. You're buying into the "take a knee" BS to much and you refuse to see the real issue. Is this how you act when pulled over? I've been pulled over plenty of times and I've never spoken to a police officer like that. I know I'm not a threat, but I also know the police officer has no idea who I am and what state of mind I'm in. It's in my best interest to fully cooperate and help the make cop's job easier. To bad you and others crying "racism" can't see how easy this can be.
I want to know what the pull over was for. Then if the windows were tinted.

They are a problem if the person decides to shut their window and then the officer cannot see what the person is doing in the vehicle.

I got pulled over two weeks ago for doing 80 in a 65. Immediately pulled over, lowered both front windows. Hands on the steering wheel. It's not that fucking hard.

Unless he had a dead hooker in the trunk, the actions of the police were unwarranted.
It's nice that you kept the windows down so the officer could see you were white.
No Tyreek do not cooperate. You're buying into the "take a knee" BS to much and you refuse to see the real issue. Is this how you act when pulled over? I've been pulled over plenty of times and I've never spoken to a police officer like that. I know I'm not a threat, but I also know the police officer has no idea who I am and what state of mind I'm in. It's in my best interest to fully cooperate and help the make cop's job easier. To bad you and others crying "racism" can't see how easy this can be.
I can act any fucking way I want to when pulled over as long as I dont break the law,, and tyreek didnt break any law,,

your problem is you have some nazi in your blood that thinks cops have ultimate power over the people and can demand anything they want too,,

they cat,,
he had no legal obligation to roll down his window all the way or be a nice guy,,

the cops actually did have a legal requirement to not violate his rights and beat him up for no reason..
Unless he had a dead hooker in the trunk, the actions of the police were unwarranted.
It's nice that you kept the windows down so the officer could see you were white.

My windows also aren't illegally tinted. And I didn't mouth off to him.

What was he originally pulled over for? My guess would be a blown stop sign or traffic signal, as he was on the way to the game.
For the people criticizing the police. If they’re honest with themselves, they will acknowledge that we live in a country with violent drug dealers, brutal people who carry guns or illegally. What world are these people living in when they don’t respect the police. If a police officer tells you “roll down the window” ..well roll down the window. I mean, this is completely ridiculous that this stuff has to be said.

Pro blm People think it’s OK to drive violently and swerve in between traffic? And they think that the police don’t have a right to pull that person over? What the hell?

And for those people who keep bringing race into this. Stop cut the crap. White or black if people violently swerve in between traffic and are rude to a police officer they shouldn’t expect the best outcome. It’s amazing that you have these anti-police people who keep saying things that they are apparently not caring that often drug dealers and robbers are violently swerving through traffic and driving like maniacs to get away from a crime.

Some people think it’s OK to be rude to cops? Did their parents bring them up that way? It’s not OK to be rude to anybody
For the people criticizing the police. If they’re honest with themselves, they will acknowledge that we live in a country with violent drug dealers, brutal people who carry guns or illegally. What were these people living in when they don’t respect the police. If a police officer tells you roll down the window roll down the window. I mean, this is completely ridiculous that this stuff has to be said.

People think it’s OK to drive violently and swerve in between traffic. And they think that the police don’t have a right to pull that person over? What the hell?
go fuck yourself you cocksucking nazi fuck,,

we have rights and laws in this country and the cops are pissing on their oaths and violating both,,

the more shit like this happens the more I dont care of cops are shot in the back of the head while sitting in their cars,,
People think it’s OK to drive violently and swerve in between traffic. And they think that the police don’t have a right to pull that person over? What the hell?
show me one person that says they cant do this??

youre trying to spin the narrative like the nazi leftist you are,,

if all you have is lies its best you shut your penis holster and go away,,
I can act any fucking way I want to when pulled over as long as I dont break the law,, and tyreek didnt break any law,,

your problem is you have some nazi in your blood that thinks cops have ultimate power over the people and can demand anything they want too,,

they cat,,
he had no legal obligation to roll down his window all the way or be a nice guy,,

the cops actually did have a legal requirement to not violate his rights and beat him up for no reason..
Beat him up? LMAO!! Tyreek ran for 130 with a TD right after the stop.

You act how ever you want at your next traffic stop. I'll be the guy driving by laughing at your dumb-ass as you lay face down in the street in cuffs.
You don’t have to roll your window down for a cop further than a crack to hand documents and speak to them.

They can ask you to get out of the car but I don’t think they had any grounds to lay hands on him after mere seconds of giving him the order to get out of the car.

I wish cops would act like they want people to respect them.
Do you have respect for the stress that police have to go through.? They pull someone over. They don’t know if that guy has a machine gun in his car.

And you got these anti-police people who keep on bringing up individual rights. What about the right of a police officer to go home safe to his family? Hill escaleted the situation in the first place by driving violently and then refusing to comply with the officer.

Those people who keep bringing up individual rights or saying you don’t have to do this for police. You don’t have to do that for police…. they don’t care or don’t acknowledge or don’t know that in America a lot of violent people carry guns and Will at the drop of a second shoot a police officer. It’s better that a police officer can see the person they are talking with on a traffic stop …so therefore yes roll down the window. That this has stuff has to be said it’s wild . But that’s the word we live in today because of stupid stuff like BLM, and making up the view that there is systemic racism in America
Beat him up? LMAO!! Tyreek ran for 130 with a TD right after the stop.

You act how ever you want at your next traffic stop. I'll be the guy driving by laughing at your dumb-ass as you lay face down in the street in cuffs.
you will also be the dumb cocksucker paying the bill to me for that violence,,
Do you have respect for the stress that please have to go through.? They pull someone over. They don’t know if that guy has a machine gun in his car

And you got these anti-police people who keep on bringing up individual rights. What about the right of a police officer to go home safe to his family.

Those people who keep bringing up individual rights or saying you don’t have to do this for police. You don’t have to do that for police…. they don’t care or don’t acknowledge or don’t know that in America a lot of violent people carry guns and Will at the drop of a second port on a police officer. It’s better that a police officer can see the person they are talking with on a traffic stop so therefore, yes roll down the window. That this has stuff has to be said it’s completely insane. But that’s the word we live in today because of stupid stuff like BLM, and making up the view that there is systemic racism in America
How many of our constitutional rights are you willing to abandon to protect cops?

The cop can ask you to get out of the car. They can’t just immediately open the door, rip you out and throw you in the pavement.
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That is silly. You must comply with a Cops instructions. They have to deal with the scum of the Earth every day, just do what they say. I've never had a problem following their instructions. Black people seem to have a genetic disposition to disobeying Police instructions.
I still think it’s a minority of black and whites that disobey the police. Let’s keep in mind that a good many Black people are police officers themselves. What we see on television on the media and from Hollywood with regards to black folks melting off against cops, or claiming that there are systemic racism is not a representation of blacks in general.

CNN and MSNBC have to say is not what most people agree with. That’s why alternative media is crushing those outlets.
the cop was paid and swore an oath to not do what he did,,
Indeed, and Tyreek could’ve just cooperated like an adult and avoided the unnecessary altercation. Regardless, it’s an example to all in regards to dealing with law enforcement. Best not to aggravate them, even if you have the right to do so.

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