U-haul crashes into barrier at White House

Can you tell me why the same policies they were fighting for back in the 50's and 60's are the very exact policies Conservatives hate and wish to weaken today?

Now, can you tell me the difference between the radical right MLK was talking about back then and the radical right now?

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I'll wait while you keep deflecting like a bitch
MLK was a whoring alcoholic. What has this got to do with THE FBI using a non white to fake an attack on the white house?
He certainly has an Indian name. Black features though. Particularly the liver lips. Enemy democrats are quick to categorize Indians as, at the very least, POCmarks. Maybe he's biracial. A biracial, POCmark Nazi. Good call. It's Hitler's revenge. Nazis are now all races and cultures.
Kinda focused on skin pigment and facial features huh?
MLK was a whoring alcoholic. What has this got to do with THE FBI using a non white to fake an attack on the white house?
He isn't black....

Or are you saying Nikki Haley is black?

Because she has worked really hard to get you to accept her as one of the "good ones"
It's alleged the perp exited the vehicle waving that flag. We'll see if that pans out. Won't help your paranoia, mind you, but it will establish clarification.


DOJ Mysteriously and Dramatically Downgrades Charges Against 'White Supremacist' Who Rammed White House Barricade

24 May 2023 ~~ By Bonchie

On Tuesday, a U-Haul crashed into a barricade outside the White House grounds. Immediately, speculation that the driver was a “white supremacist” after a Nazi flag was allegedly pulled from the wreck. In fact, the flag was spread out and displayed for reporters by the FBI agents on the scene.
Why did they do that? Someone will have to ask them, but the narrative became a lot more complicated after the driver was identified as Sai Varshith Kandula. Needless to say, he didn’t exactly fit the “white supremacist” profile.
Now, in a move that is sure to spark much speculation, the DOJ has suddenly downgraded the charges involved. The original charges were as follows.
While authorities have not provided specific details on the alleged threat, the US Park Police said the man faces the charge of threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a President, vice president or family member.
The driver also was also arrested on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, destruction of federal property and trespassing, according to the Park Police.
According to a new report (The New York Post), those charges have all been wiped away, and Kandula only faces a single count of depredation of property of the United States.
He had allegedly planned the attack for six months, with his goal to “get to the White House, seize power, and be put in charge of the nation,” records show.
Kandula was accused of threatening to “Kill the President If that’s what I have to do,” and praised Nazism and Hitler.
He was originally charged with threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a president, vice president or family member, as well as assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, trespassing and destruction of federal property, US Park Police said.
His federal charges have since been downgraded to a single count of depredation of property of the United States in excess of $1,000. Prosecutors told the court Kandula is not a US citizen, according to Fox News.​
The first thing that jumps out when reading that excerpt is that Kandula is clearly mentally ill. To the extent that he has any actual ideology, it’s overshadowed by the fact that no sane person would think they could seize the White House and be installed as the nation’s leader. That makes the media’s rush to paint this as some kind of right-wing “white supremacist” attack appear rather silly in retrospect. There was no plan here, and I’m pretty sure a guy named Sai Varshith Kandula isn’t actually a white supremacist. Whether he’s a real proponent of Nazism at all is even in doubt.

Equity=Systemic Racism Against Whites, Jews, Asians, and Hispanics:
Once the name and picture of the van driver was released, we were pretty certain this would happen. No more reporting on the perp was done by the media following his arrest. Poof, the story disappeared once the "white supremacist" narrative was gone.
The FBI should have used those inoperable pipe bombs they planted at the DNC and RNC in the early morning hours of January 6th, but maybe it was too soon to recycle them.
If it had been an actual mentally ill White guy, he would have been indicted and convicted with10 years minimum.
The American FSB chose the wrong guy, a guy named Sai Varshith Kandula.
The article claims that Kandula is not an American citizen. Well I find it hard to believe that a 22 yr. old legally immigrated to the U.S.A., so my assumption is he’s also an illegal.
We can’t have our beloved illegal aliens committing crimes like this that somebody actually sees.
This Hollywood skit is poor production of the tail wagging the dog.
It’s almost laughable how transparent the Stasi/FBI have become. They're is losing their touch. Maybe hiring some Hollywood script writers to pen their false flags and entrapments would help them out..
White supremacists are in such short supply that the Stasi/FBI have had to hire foreigners to play White Supremacists.
So were you one of those who were saying Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were a bunch of radical leftist Communists who were down there in Mississippi causing trouble by registering black folks to vote?

Are you one of those idiots who will rewrite history to try to pretend they were "conservatives" and the people who killed them were the "liberals"??

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And that fight these 3 men were carrying on.....what fight was that and why were Conservatives on the OTHER SIDE OF THAT FIGHT??
what does this have to do with the topic?

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