U.S. has intel that Russian commanders have orders to proceed with Ukraine invasion


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
In case any world leaders are interested in our intel, we seem to be announcing or leaking it in real time.

Washington — The U.S. has intelligence that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield, a U.S. official told CBS News.

Zelendky was so concerned about our daily assertions of an imminent invasion that he headed to Germany for the weekend. Biden administration urged Zelensky not to leave Ukraine and visit Munich

We are such a joke. And that makes the world more dangerous.
U.S. Intelligence had info that Saddam was hiding WND also. US Intelligence told us we would be in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan also.

U.S. Intelligence lied to us under oath.
Yeah, we'll find out soon enough.

Putin must have an ace up his sleeve that hasn't occurred to anyone. Or, he's just another sick authoritarian who can't control his megalomania.
Yeah, we'll find out soon enough.

Putin must have an ace up his sleeve that hasn't occurred to anyone. Or, he's just another sick authoritarian who can't control his megalomania.

Agreed, like Obammy

US intell lied about Saddam's WMD's but the lie was upheld long after the rest of the world knew it was a lie.

The US can pull off a false flag incident that's blamed on Russia and 99% of Americans will believe it was Putin.

As with the WMD's the lie will eventually be exposed but it will be brushed off as not important and for the greater good, or something else that Americans will swallow.

The Russian invasion is critical for Nato and so this scenario is pretty well guaranteed.

Anybody opposing Biden's proxy war with Russia will get behind their military in a hurry when the flag starts waving for war to save the Ukraine, this time. And not a single soul will believe it was a false flag operation.
U.S. Intelligence had info that Saddam was hiding WND also. US Intelligence told us we would be in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan also.

U.S. Intelligence lied to us under oath.
True. Guess we won't know until the balloon goes up. May not be long, though.
US intell lied about Saddam's WMD's but the lie was upheld long after the rest of the world knew it was a lie.

The US can pull off a false flag incident that's blamed on Russia and 99% of Americans will believe it was Putin.

As with the WMD's the lie will eventually be exposed but it will be brushed off as not important and for the greater good, or something else that Americans will swallow.

The Russian invasion is critical for Nato and so this scenario is pretty well guaranteed.

Anybody opposing Biden's proxy war with Russia will get behind their military in a hurry when the flag starts waving for war to save the Ukraine, this time. And not a single soul will believe it was a false flag operation.
They still believe that Saddam was in cahoots with Bin Laden.
U.S. Intelligence had info that Saddam was hiding WND also. US Intelligence told us we would be in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan also.

U.S. Intelligence lied to us under oath.
Can you directly quote the lie and prove it is a lie, or are you just full of shit, as usual?

I'd say you're just full of shit and mindlessly repeating what the fake news media easily brainwashed your feeble mind into believing.

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