U.S. Meddles in French Election!

That's right, Obama has endorsed the French candidate Mecron, just as he supported Netanyahu's opponent in the Israeli elections.

Where's the outrage? Are there any honest liberals out there?

Dude. He's a PRIVATE citizen. Get a grip.
By the way. I endorse Mecron.

Damn...I'm influencing foreign elections! :eek:
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.

Yup. He's already been outed in mucking about in Europe's elections.
The U.S. meddles in every foreign election through the incredible bureaucracy of the CIA and half a dozen other federal agencies and other countries meddle in the U.S. elections.The question is how the hell dumb ass American kids who grew up on video games fail to understand the concept.
Speaking of... hackers dumped Macron's e-mails. Lots of people out there want a weakened west. No doubt Putin had some part in it.

I've never seen so many right wing freedom fries eaters so interested in a French election.
Dude. He's a PRIVATE citizen. Get a grip.

Dude, he was PRESIDENT when he opposed Netanyahu. And Trump was a PRIVATE citizen before his election. Good grief, do you ever THINK before posting?
No doubt Putin had some part in it.

Dude. He's a PRIVATE citizen. Get a grip.

Dude, he was PRESIDENT when he opposed Netanyahu. And Trump was a PRIVATE citizen before his election. Good grief, do you ever THINK before posting?

You need proof of meddling. "Endorsing" is just that - endorsing.

Good grief. Who cares what Trump was before his election? He can say whatever he wants as a private citizen.

Now, this would be a good time to dust off a few of those brain cells.
In reality many nations meddle in foreign elections. Why wouldn't you want to get an advantage in global affairs? I say the American government should meddle where appropriate. Obama's efforts are puzzling to me.

The difference with this particular endorsement is that Obama says in the video, something to the effect "I am supporting Mr. Mecron". Just what does this mean? You cannot vote, you aren't a politician who can offer an olive branch or promise certain economic relations, you probably aren't allowed to make a donation to him. Is this some spiritual support?

Ultimately, the same issues there will be decided based on Globalism/EU vs Nationalism. By most accounts, Mecron will win quite handily and with so much at stake you can be sure those stakeholders who need a strong EU and global marketplace will be working extremely hard to ensure this. The Trump victory and Brexit vote caught everyone off guard, not in this election, they have been well prepared.

The term Nationalism isn't a term that is well received due to examples of history of such nations being less than ideal. To me the better term is patriotism. I don't believe there is any nation that should welcome immigrants without an expectation of patriotism and their national values being respected. To do otherwise is National suicide. Outright hatred for foreigners and immigrants isn't kosher to me, but expectations that any new citizens should first enter legally, be limited to national needs and, share national values is fully desired and moreso expected!

For the record, Obama is zero for three with these efforts. First in Israel where Benjamin won easily, followed by Brexit and then of course Trump. So, the valid question is, does such overt and covert efforts to attempt to persuade an election result mean much when nations are clearly determined to set their own destiny?
In reality many nations meddle in foreign elections. Why wouldn't you want to get an advantage in global affairs? I say the American government should meddle where appropriate. Obama's efforts are puzzling to me.

The difference with this particular endorsement is that Obama says in the video, something to the effect "I am supporting Mr. Mecron". Just what does this mean? You cannot vote, you aren't a politician who can offer an olive branch or promise certain economic relations, you probably aren't allowed to make a donation to him. Is this some spiritual support?

Ultimately, the same issues there will be decided based on Globalism/EU vs Nationalism. By most accounts, Mecron will win quite handily and with so much at stake you can be sure those stakeholders who need a strong EU and global marketplace will be working extremely hard to ensure this. The Trump victory and Brexit vote caught everyone off guard, not in this election, they have been well prepared.

The term Nationalism isn't a term that is well received due to examples of history of such nations being less than ideal. To me the better term is patriotism. I don't believe there is any nation that should welcome immigrants without an expectation of patriotism and their national values being respected. To do otherwise is National suicide. Outright hatred for foreigners and immigrants isn't kosher to me, but expectations that any new citizens should first enter legally, be limited to national needs and, share national values is fully desired and moreso expected!

For the record, Obama is zero for three with these efforts. First in Israel where Benjamin won easily, followed by Brexit and then of course Trump. So, the valid question is, does such overt and covert efforts to attempt to persuade an election result mean much when nations are clearly determined to set their own destiny?

Not unless the persuader has a lot more pull than Obama apparently has. I would say that most of the time citizens don't care much what somebody from another country thinks they should do, so that's not really a knock on the big O.
In reality many nations meddle in foreign elections. Why wouldn't you want to get an advantage in global affairs? I say the American government should meddle where appropriate. Obama's efforts are puzzling to me.

The difference with this particular endorsement is that Obama says in the video, something to the effect "I am supporting Mr. Mecron". Just what does this mean? You cannot vote, you aren't a politician who can offer an olive branch or promise certain economic relations, you probably aren't allowed to make a donation to him. Is this some spiritual support?

Ultimately, the same issues there will be decided based on Globalism/EU vs Nationalism. By most accounts, Mecron will win quite handily and with so much at stake you can be sure those stakeholders who need a strong EU and global marketplace will be working extremely hard to ensure this. The Trump victory and Brexit vote caught everyone off guard, not in this election, they have been well prepared.

The term Nationalism isn't a term that is well received due to examples of history of such nations being less than ideal. To me the better term is patriotism. I don't believe there is any nation that should welcome immigrants without an expectation of patriotism and their national values being respected. To do otherwise is National suicide. Outright hatred for foreigners and immigrants isn't kosher to me, but expectations that any new citizens should first enter legally, be limited to national needs and, share national values is fully desired and moreso expected!

For the record, Obama is zero for three with these efforts. First in Israel where Benjamin won easily, followed by Brexit and then of course Trump. So, the valid question is, does such overt and covert efforts to attempt to persuade an election result mean much when nations are clearly determined to set their own destiny?

Not unless the persuader has a lot more pull than Obama apparently has. I would say that most of the time citizens don't care much what somebody from another country thinks they should do, so that's not really a knock on the big O.

Well yes, in regards to overt support. In the more seedy world of covert operations to influence elections, that's a different ballgame, both in regards to morality and effectiveness. Obama was never going to have a close relationship with Israel after the election as it was well known that there was support for the left wing government who lost. That was covert.

Ironically it happened to Obama when believe it or not our own former PM Harper was rumoured to have directed some support behind the scenes for either McCain or Romney (I forget which one now), this had massive negative consequences for Canada, as the U.S convinced the UN to vote for other nations other than Canada on the Security Council. This was a major hit to Canadas influence. It seems Obama has a bit of a mean streak quite frankly and a long memory when we take all of his efforts behind the scenes.

Maybe the most important covert effort was conducted by the CIA in the late 40's early 50's when they actively and aggressively supported the Catholic Church in Italy in a stroke of genius to topple support for the Communist Party which was looking to be a sure shot winner in their elections. If my memory serves correctly. Instead a capitalist, pro-Western government won. If Communism would have reigned in Italy it could have been a disaster.

So, as it were, meddling has it's place. Of course, sometimes too much meddling; especially when not successful can have negative and embarrassing consequences, a la the Bay of Pigs, but I digress.
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That's right, Obama has endorsed the French candidate Mecron, just as he supported Netanyahu's opponent in the Israeli elections.

Where's the outrage? Are there any honest liberals out there?

Proof once again that whatever Libs claim the other side is guilty of you can be sure is what they are actually doing themselves. Right out of the Alinsky book.
I should add that while so many Libs use attacks against Trump as proof of his unworthiness, unfitness or illegitimacy (your pick), the very fact that so many media, democrats and RINOs are so desperately against him is in fact the very proof of his worthiness and integrity, for their actions prove beyond any doubt the total fear they have for how much he might damage their gravy boat because they know the man cannot be bribed, bought or scared into submission.

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