U.S. President: Strong and Transparent vs Weak and Invisible


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007

You may hate Trump and Vance. You may think them scum of the Earth and should be eliminated from the human race.

But they're both out there. They take calls from the press, they do not dodge or duck questions unless they're of the 'when did you stop beating your wife' variety--(those are given the treatment they deserve.) They are eager to do interviews and whether or not you agree with their agenda for America, they have a reasoned rationale for it and are eager to talk about it. They don't need a script to express what they think.


Compare that with our current absentee President. He hasn't been since or heard from personally in a week. No public appearance to announce that he will not seek a second term--just a statement posted on X that he obviously did not write. No public appearance to endorse Kamala. Again just a written statement he obviously did not write and likely doesn't even know was written.

As much as possible for some time now he is not allowed to answer any unscripted questions--even official press conferences are engineered with reporters assigned scripted questions and called on in order so Biden can read the pre-written answers in order. Official appearances in which unscripted interaction cannot be avoided are kept short with the staff immediately cleaning up the gaffes and misspeaks.

And despite the efforts of a DNC controlled media to make him smart, effective, efficient, energetic--that was Kamala's primary role as well--neither he nor she can run on his honest record in which he is seriously underwater in the polls on virtually every important issue. Seriously underwater on approval overall despite the MSM's best efforts to protect him.

And then there is Kamala with approval ratings lower than his, a Soros backed extreme left prosecutor with a really shit*y track record in California and a nothing track record as VP having accomplished absolutely nothing since inauguration day. She was a DEI selection having no political pull--she ran for President with so little support she didn't receive a single primary vote. She too doesn't think well on her feet and is a poor, mostly incoherent speaker without a script. She too has been avoiding the press--refused to take questions in the two appearances she has had the past week--and is otherwise inaccessible. (I'm guessing she' is under orders to just lay low and not say anything stupid.)

I don't know how it will turn out November 4 as I can't read the tea leaves as to how the public will receive whatever propaganda the DNC controlled media will put out for Kamala or how much they will be able to suppress the message from the Republicans or how much the unscrupulous will be able to manipulate the election process this time.

I pray for my country though.

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As would you if you were being fraudulently tried for a crime you did not commit. And now would you like to comment on the topic or are you just here to troll?
Just pointing out the obvious. It was too easy.

But I support your right to believe that Trump is "strong and transparent"!

You may hate Trump and Vance. You may think them scum of the Earth and should be eliminated from the human race.
Yeesh. Ugly violent projection fantasy there, one that makes you look awful. You don't see anyone of the left thinking like that. Such exterminationist fantasies only come from the right.

Trump's "Surrender first!" foreign policy towards Russia was definitely the most craven foreign policy of our lifetimes, and led to the Ukraine war.

The way Trump worked to help Iran get nukes, also disgraceful. And all just because he was butthurt because Obama stopped Iran from getting nukes.

Trump's sucking up to foreign dictators, disgusting. Lil' Kim and Trump were basically trying to crawl up each other's butts. The scumbags of the world knew that if they just flattered Trump enough, he'd sell out the USA and give away the store to them.

See also "Trump's unconditional surrender to the Taliban."

The USA had become a joke under Trump, and as usual, the Democrats had to clean up the mess.
Yeesh. Ugly violent projection fantasy there, one that makes you look awful. You don't see anyone of the left thinking like that. Such exterminationist fantasies only come from the right.

Trump's "Surrender first!" foreign policy towards Russia was definitely the most craven foreign policy of our lifetimes, and led to the Ukraine war.

The way Trump worked to help Iran get nukes, also disgraceful. And all just because he was butthurt because Obama stopped Iran from getting nukes.

Trump's sucking up to foreign dictators, disgusting. Lil' Kim and Trump were basically trying to crawl up each other's butts. The scumbags of the world knew that if they just flattered Trump enough, he'd sell out the USA and give away the store to them.

See also "Trump's unconditional surrender to the Taliban."

The USA had become a joke under Trump, and as usual, the Democrats had to clean up the mess.
Thank you for your assigned talking points not one of which you can back up with any honest facts or credible source. Nor offers a single fact to refute the OP. Have a lovely afternoon.
Just pointing out the obvious. It was too easy.

But I support your right to believe that Trump is "strong and transparent"!
Until you are willing to address the OP instead of trying to derail the thread that you obviously cannot refute, I'll spare myself a lot of wasted time by keeping my New Year's resolution.
Thank you for your assigned talking points

Funny, how this is a discussion board, yet you always get triggered hard whenever you're challenged to actually discuss something.

Don't fret about the laughter too much. You've been running from all discussions here for many years, so nobody expects better of you.
We see EVERYONE on the left thinking like that. Where the fuck have you been the last decade? :cuckoo:
If you're not proudly lying for the glory of fascism, and because Satan owns your pus-oozing soul, I'm sure you can show us many examples of liberals calling to exterminate Trump and Vance.

This is where you run, so you may as well get started.
Funny, how this is a discussion board, yet you always get triggered hard whenever you're challenged to actually discuss something.

Don't fret about the laughter too much. You've been running from all discussions here for many years, so nobody expects better of you.
Again I will happily discuss any point in the OP with you. I choose not to humor those obviously avoiding the OP but trying to change the subject or start a food fight. People who do that have no shame. (As well as no credibility.)

You may hate Trump and Vance. You may think them scum of the Earth and should be eliminated from the human race.

But they're both out there. They take calls from the press, they do not dodge or duck questions unless they're of the 'when did you stop beating your wife' variety--(those are given the treatment they deserve.) They are eager to do interviews and whether or not you agree with their agenda for America, they have a reasoned rationale for it and are eager to talk about it. They don't need a script to express what they think.


Compare that with our current absentee President. He hasn't been since or heard from personally in a week. No public appearance to announce that he will not seek a second term--just a statement posted on X that he obviously did not write. No public appearance to endorse Kamala. Again just a written statement he obviously did not write and likely doesn't even know was written.

As much as possible for some time now he is not allowed to answer any unscripted questions--even official press conferences are engineered with reporters assigned scripted questions and called on in order so Biden can read the pre-written answers in order. Official appearances in which unscripted interaction cannot be avoided are kept short with the staff immediately cleaning up the gaffes and misspeaks.

And despite the efforts of a DNC controlled media to make him smart, effective, efficient, energetic--that was Kamala's primary role as well--neither he nor she can run on his honest record in which he is seriously underwater in the polls on virtually every important issue. Seriously underwater on approval overall despite the MSM's best efforts to protect him.

And then there is Kamala with approval ratings lower than his, a Soros backed extreme left prosecutor with a really shit*y track record in California and a nothing track record as VP having accomplished absolutely nothing since inauguration day. She was a DEI selection having no political pull--she ran for President with so little support she didn't receive a single primary vote. She too doesn't think well on her feet and is a poor, mostly incoherent speaker without a script. She too has been avoiding the press--refused to take questions in the two appearances she has had the past week--and is otherwise inaccessible. (I'm guessing she' is under orders to just lay low and not say anything stupid.)

I don't know how it will turn out November 4 as I can't read the tea leaves as to how the public will receive whatever propaganda the DNC controlled media will put out for Kamala or how much they will be able to suppress the message from the Republicans or how much the unscrupulous will be able to manipulate the election process this time.

I pray for my country though.

Trump is a pussy who stood next to Putin on the world stage and punked out. So don't even try making Trump strong. And JD Vance is a freakin joke.

You may hate Trump and Vance. You may think them scum of the Earth and should be eliminated from the human race.

But they're both out there. They take calls from the press, they do not dodge or duck questions unless they're of the 'when did you stop beating your wife' variety--(those are given the treatment they deserve.) They are eager to do interviews and whether or not you agree with their agenda for America, they have a reasoned rationale for it and are eager to talk about it. They don't need a script to express what they think.


Compare that with our current absentee President. He hasn't been since or heard from personally in a week. No public appearance to announce that he will not seek a second term--just a statement posted on X that he obviously did not write. No public appearance to endorse Kamala. Again just a written statement he obviously did not write and likely doesn't even know was written.

As much as possible for some time now he is not allowed to answer any unscripted questions--even official press conferences are engineered with reporters assigned scripted questions and called on in order so Biden can read the pre-written answers in order. Official appearances in which unscripted interaction cannot be avoided are kept short with the staff immediately cleaning up the gaffes and misspeaks.

And despite the efforts of a DNC controlled media to make him smart, effective, efficient, energetic--that was Kamala's primary role as well--neither he nor she can run on his honest record in which he is seriously underwater in the polls on virtually every important issue. Seriously underwater on approval overall despite the MSM's best efforts to protect him.

And then there is Kamala with approval ratings lower than his, a Soros backed extreme left prosecutor with a really shit*y track record in California and a nothing track record as VP having accomplished absolutely nothing since inauguration day. She was a DEI selection having no political pull--she ran for President with so little support she didn't receive a single primary vote. She too doesn't think well on her feet and is a poor, mostly incoherent speaker without a script. She too has been avoiding the press--refused to take questions in the two appearances she has had the past week--and is otherwise inaccessible. (I'm guessing she' is under orders to just lay low and not say anything stupid.)

I don't know how it will turn out November 4 as I can't read the tea leaves as to how the public will receive whatever propaganda the DNC controlled media will put out for Kamala or how much they will be able to suppress the message from the Republicans or how much the unscrupulous will be able to manipulate the election process this time.

I pray for my country though.

Quoting the New York Post on anything is pointless. Rupert Murdoch - billionaire owned right wing media that lies to you ceaselessly.

When will you learn not to believe the liars?????

The DNC doesn't control the mainstream media, but the Trump Campaign most definitely controls what Murdoch controlled media tells you.
We see EVERYONE on the left thinking like that. Where the fuck have you been the last decade? :cuckoo:
They can't come up with a single credible refutation--much less one they can actually support with any credible source--of the premise of the OP.

We have an absentee and inaccessible President and a mostly inaccessible Democrat candidate for President neither of whom are prepared or able to defend the Biden/Harris administration. That is weakness any way you look at it.

Just look at their posts so far. Not a single one has even attempted to refute the OP. Instead they try to change the subject, start a food fight, detract, derail, gaslight and otherwise keep any discussion from happening.

It's pretty pathetic both on the part of the President and VP and those presuming to support them. And. . .they've obviously put out whatever sort of signal they use to arrive en masse to destroy the thread if they can, all using the similar tactics in their effort to do that. That is also pathetic.
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They can't come up with a single credible refutation--much less one they can actually support with any credible source--of the premise of the OP.

We have an absentee and inaccessible President and a mostly inaccessible Democrat candidate for President neither of whom are prepared or able to defend the Biden/Harris administration. That is weakness any way you look at it.
You made a sonsense post. Trump is a pussy who refused to confront Putin on the world stage. Instead he went against his own intelligence to defend Putin. That's not strong. And JD Vance? What has he done?

They take calls from the press, they do not dodge or duck questions unless they're of the 'when did you stop beating your wife' variety--(those are given the treatment they deserve.) They are eager to do interviews and whether or not you agree with their agenda for America, they have a reasoned rationale for it and are eager to talk about it. They don't need a script to express what they think
One is a notorious orange bag of shit that only gets softballs thrown at him by the 'press'. Only addresses about 10% of questions, rambles like a retard for the other 90%.

The other one has been here 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

Compare that with our current absentee President. He hasn't been since or heard from personally in a week.
And? I personally like politics when I don't hear from the president every single fucking day. :dunno:

No public appearance to announce that he will not seek a second term--just a statement posted on X that he obviously did not write. No public appearance to endorse Kamala. Again just a written statement he obviously did not write and likely doesn't even know was written.
I'm not sure why you care about this.
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If you're not proudly lying for the glory of fascism, and because Satan owns your pus-oozing soul, I'm sure you can show us many examples of liberals calling to exterminate Trump and Vance.

This is where you run, so you may as well get started.
Do i REALLY need to give you links to Trump being beheaded by comedians, Snoop Dog executing him in a music video, Madonna fantasizing about killing the president at an awards show, etc, etc, etc? You lefties have shitty memories. :cuckoo:
You made a sonsense post. Trump is a pussy who refused to confront Putin on the world stage. Instead he went against his own intelligence to defend Putin. That's not strong. And JD Vance? What has he done?


But Putin didn't invade on Trumps watch, he invaded under Biden.
But Putin didn't invade on Trumps watch, he invaded under Biden.
He was already in Crimea on Trumps watch. Trump gave Putin Syria too.

Here’s What Has Happened in Syria in the Week Since Trump Abandoned the Kurds​

ISIS, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey are happy. America's allies are not

AS EXPECTED, PRESIDENT Trump’s decision to pull U.S. troops away from the Syria–Turkey border, effectively endorsing a Turkish assault on the U.S.-allied Kurds occupying northern Syria, has been a disaster. Trump made the call last Sunday after a phone call with Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, and without consulting the Pentagon or Congress. Less than a week later, Trump ordered the removal all U.S. troops from the region, further endangering the Kurdish people, strengthening ISIS, and ceding influence to some of America’s chief adversaries. In return, the U.S. has, to date, received nothing.

Here’s what else Trump has wrought:

130,000 Kurds have been forced to flee their homes, hundreds have died

The United Nations announced on Sunday that 130,000 Kurds have evacuated their homes as a result of the invasion, nothing that the number stands to rise as Turkey continues its assault. According to CBS News, an independent war-monitoring group in the U.K. found that as of Monday 60 civilians and more than 200 fighters (121 SDF members and 86 pro-turkey militants) have been killed as a result of the offensive.

Weakness. Seems like a lot of people have forgotten the real Trump presidency.
He was already in Crimea on Trumps watch. Trump gave Putin Syria too.

Here’s What Has Happened in Syria in the Week Since Trump Abandoned the Kurds​

ISIS, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey are happy. America's allies are not

AS EXPECTED, PRESIDENT Trump’s decision to pull U.S. troops away from the Syria–Turkey border, effectively endorsing a Turkish assault on the U.S.-allied Kurds occupying northern Syria, has been a disaster. Trump made the call last Sunday after a phone call with Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, and without consulting the Pentagon or Congress. Less than a week later, Trump ordered the removal all U.S. troops from the region, further endangering the Kurdish people, strengthening ISIS, and ceding influence to some of America’s chief adversaries. In return, the U.S. has, to date, received nothing.

Here’s what else Trump has wrought:

130,000 Kurds have been forced to flee their homes, hundreds have died

The United Nations announced on Sunday that 130,000 Kurds have evacuated their homes as a result of the invasion, nothing that the number stands to rise as Turkey continues its assault. According to CBS News, an independent war-monitoring group in the U.K. found that as of Monday 60 civilians and more than 200 fighters (121 SDF members and 86 pro-turkey militants) have been killed as a result of the offensive.

Weakness. Seems like a lot of people have forgotten the real Trump presidency.

Already in Crimea because Putin took Crimea under Obama.

Annexation: 18 March 2014 Military operation: 27 February – 26 March 2014

Nice try.

You want to keep playing this game?

So far we have:

Putin taking Crimea under Obama
Putin invading Ukraine under Biden.
Putin did NOTHING under Trump.

I'll take Trump for 500, Alex.
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