U.S. State Dept.: Killig ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.


State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.
"giving these people jobs"?
Wow. Just wow.

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.
"giving these people jobs"?
Wow. Just wow.

I know, its hard to wrap your mind around this level of retarded thinking and absurdity.
Who is ISIL recruiting? Poor young men with no prospects.
ISIS......Not "ISIL"...
You can stop cheeleading for them now...
What's distracting is how ANY woman, especially a liberal woman, empowered, educated, career minded could off up a scintilla of support for Islamists...
These people view women at best as mere chattel. At worst, having ZERO rights and 100% subservient to men.
Are you so immersed in and guided by political ideology that you would ignore the hypocrisy of your support for the very same people that view your gender with all the respect they would have for a stray cat?
Not killing em to the best of our ability.
what would you like us to do that we aren't doing?
Lead..with a comprehensive plan.
that's rather generic - in fact it's a bit of a cop-out.

specifically, what would you like the united states to do?
As I have said a number of times my plan is to quietly and confidentially advise all muslim nations that we expect them to eliminate the radical Islamic jihadists that live among them...and to stop any assistance to them...of any kind. If they cooperate they will be helped by us. If they don't, they face annihilation by nuke bombs. I would hope that our first demonstration of our threat would get their attention. If not, press on until it does.
so you live in fantasy land.
So you live in surrender land...

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.

Get it? AFTER the war,,,And you rebuild and help ONLY the survivors....if we bother to leave any.

The ladies statements are ridiculous on any face you wish to put to it.

These people are brain-washed from crib to hate. They will no more be amendable to altering their point of view on the world than anyone who thinks they are living a life that is good and wholesome. Plainly said, they're hearts and minds are already lost to reason and civil behavior. The ONLY way we can win is to destroy them.

If you want to reach out and reason with them, or change their minds, then the ONLY recourse you have is to take all their children under the age of 4 away from them, and raise them in a civilized belief system. The rest, are write-offs.

The woman is an idiot and had no point, only a parrot squawking a talking point.

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.
"giving these people jobs"?
Wow. Just wow.

I know, its hard to wrap your mind around this level of retarded thinking and absurdity.
I now have a headache

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,


Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.

But we bombed them into submission first.
"We're killing them and we're going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians."
so what's the problem?

Not killing em to the best of our ability.
what would you like us to do that we aren't doing?

Seriously? We could start by stopping our attempts to overthrow Assad.

It's his country after all and we should let him go hell bent for leather to blast the shit out of ISIS.

But alas, Obama is not content to let Assad stay in power because he wants to pass the country on to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

AND that's what's got us all in this freaking mess to begin with.
Same ole silly Communist/Progressive gobbledygook. We've heard this argument from the Left for many years. It's been proven to be Bullshite time & time again. Bin Laden was a Multimillionaire. Islamic fundamentalism is a movement. It's a fanatical agenda. It has nothing to do with income or jobs. So as usual, the Communists/Progressives are embarrassingly incorrect.
Holy toledo! You have maniacs running the country!!!! I just heard this woman responding to Chris Matthews in a clip on the radio. She thinks shovel ready jobs are the answer.

Oh and "we can't win this war by killing them". Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

Good plan actually TD. Put them to work rebuilding their country after our carpet bombing

Win/win aye?
The Communist Organizer in Chief is clearly out of touch. He's lost it. Jobs have absolutely nothing to do with Islamic Fundamentalism.
Who believes that any of these guys in ISIS really wants a shovel ready job?

Beheading and living like a jihadist as a day job or flipping burgers?


The fact is the Iraq Surge failed until we paid off the Sunni fighters. Iraq's Prime Minister fired them & that caused the civil war.
Maybe the Libs will propose a jobs bill for ISIS....

I suggested a job fair.
I can see it now....Okay Haji what job skills do you have?
Besides beheading infidels and children? I'm a fantastic IED builder and I can build a camel dung fire like no ones business.
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actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.

But we bombed them into submission first.
"We're killing them and we're going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians."
so what's the problem?

Not killing em to the best of our ability.
what would you like us to do that we aren't doing?

Seriously? We could start by stopping our attempts to overthrow Assad.

It's his country after all and we should let him go hell bent for leather to blast the shit out of ISIS.

But alas, Obama is not content to let Assad stay in power because he wants to pass the country on to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

AND that's what's got us all in this freaking mess to begin with.
Obama favors the advancement of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is a brother. He will not be satisfied until Americans are beheaded on Miami Beach...by the hundreds. He loves all this shit he's started! He gets SS protection for the rest of his miserable life. The common folk are on their own.
The Communist Organizer in Chief is clearly out of touch. He's lost it. Jobs have absolutely nothing to do with Islamic Fundamentalism.
He can't admit that Islamic Fundamentalism is the driving cause. That would be hurtful to his Muslim friends.
Sorry bout that,

1. I will explain why there is a problem.
2. The problem remains in the back of your minds.
3. Way back there you think that perhaps islam may be indeed a peaceful religion.
4. Sorry dude/dude'ts, it is not, if you read their crazy book and took in on face value you would have to come to the conclusion that islam is evil and comes from the depths of hell.
5. But I know there is no way you will ever truly believe that, and the reason is you are programed to not believe it.
6. What will be will be.
7. You will just have to see where this goes.


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