U.S. State Dept.: Killig ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.

Fewer hopey-changey rainbow-brite Ken & Barbie dolls at State, and more realists and pragmatists, please.
I am shocked just put of touch the obama administration is. Miss harf has no idea what she is talking about. Neither does any politician. She and her ilk studied in universities and hung out with the upper echelon that think because of a college degree they know more than anyone else. They have no idea what the real world is like. And continuing this nonsense is crazy.

The root cause of this is religion, its not jobs or freedom. If it was jobs and freedom you would not see an influx of people from across the world joining them. Isis is the perfect storm, religion and a power vacuum people seeking a higher answer, attracting people from all spectrums of life. They feel they belong. Obama admin nor any admin will ever understand this, because life has no meaning to these people. Religion told them it is alright to kill they are just doing gods work. the current admin is acting like Isis are Americans in utero, That all they need is jobs and freedom and all will be good. Like bush in Iraq thinking all Iraq needed was freedom and all would work out. They can't think how to stop this problem because they don't believe people are like this.

Most Americans can't understand these people because they are not like anything they have ever seen. It's obvious.

One way to stop it is, stop this diversity crap. Diversity in the Mideast will never work Sunni Shiite Kurds and Christians will never get along there. They will always fight and kill other religions. It's a fact. Diversity is not natural. Over time it can work but it takes centuries. Redraw the borders give each religion domane over their flock. They will still fight each other but this centralized goverent in tribal regions will never work they will always kill each other and anyone else. And one important thing is that the certain religions will have protection from their tribal authority within the borders of their new country. Human right disasters will happen everyday unless they do this and will happen anyway... But you will not see obama even talk about doing this. They think they know it all and that things will work out over time....idiotic cowards
I am shocked just put of touch the obama administration is. Miss harf has no idea what she is talking about. Neither does any politician. She and her ilk studied in universities and hung pit with the upper echelon. They have no idea what the real world is like. And continuing this nonsense is crazy.

The root cause of this is religion, it not jobs or freedom. If it was jobs and freedom you would not see an influx of people from across the world joining them. Isis is the perfect storm, religion and a power vacuum people seeking a higher answer, attracting people from all spectrums of life. They feel they belong. Obama admin nor any admin will ever understand this, because life has no meaning to these people. Religion told them it is alright to kill they are just doing gods work. the current admin is acting like Isis are Americans in utero, That all they need is jobs and freedom and all will be good. Like bush in Iraq thinking all Iraq needed was freedom and all would work out. They can't think how to stop this problem because they don't believe people are like this.

Most Americans can't understand these people because they are not like anything they have ever seen. It's obvious.

One way to stop it is, stop this diversity crap. Diversity in the Mideast will never work Sunni Shiite Kurds and Christians will never get along there. They will always fight and kill other religions. It's a fact. Diversity is not natural. Over time it can work but it takes centuries. Redraw the borders give each religion domane over their flock. They will still fight each other but this centralized goverent in tribal regions will never work they will always kill each other and anyone else. And one important thing is that the certain religions will have protection from their tribal authority within the borders of their new country. Human right disasters will happen everyday unless they do this and will happen anyway... But you will not see obama even talk about doing this. They think they know it all and that things will work out over time....idiotic cowards

Kudos to your post. ISIS is beyond Nazi, as the Nazis' tried to hide their atrocities. Our Gov't is on drugs.......very, very strong psychotic inducing drugs.........
Actually we helped to rebuild Germany and Japan which created jobs. Who doesn't know that?

The difference is that when Republicans disbanded the Iraqi Military, they let go a couple of hundred thousand armed and trained soldiers who had no where to go and no jobs.

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Daily Mail Online

Envoy Bush OK d Plan To Disband Iraq Army - CBS News

Early U.S. Decisions on IraqNow Haunt American Efforts - WSJ

Many have called it the worst fuck up of the entire engagement.
Where on Earth do they get people like this?

Did we get the Japanese and Germans jobs, to get them to end WWII?

No. We killed them. Lots of them.

And we kept on killing them. And we developed bigger and better tanks, warships, planes, and bombs (some of them nuclear), to kill them even better and faster. And we demonstrated we were willing and able to use those things to kill unprecedented numbers of them. And we persuaded them that we would go on doing so until none of them were left alive to crawl out of the rubble. And that there was nothing they could do, to stop us.

And at that point, they agreed to end the war against us. And they were defeated.

(BTW, the Germans and Japanese weren't nearly as vicious as ISIS is today.)

And we didn't offer them a single job. (Until much later.)

Because back then, we knew that getting them jobs WOULD NOT MAKE THEM STOP ATTACKING US AND THEIR NEIGHBORS.

Did this State Department "spokesman" come up with this new "plan" by herself, that she announced yesterday?

Or did some higher State Dept official tell it to her, and tell her to go out and announce it?

Are the people who came up with this plan and announced it as U.S. policy yesterday, collecting unemployment benefits today?

If not, WHY NOT???

Why are we still paying these people money, to work at the State Dept.?


State Department spokeswoman floats jobs as answer to ISIS Fox News

State Department spokeswoman floats jobs as answer to ISIS

Published February 17, 2015

What the West really needs to take on the Islamic State is ... a jobs program.

That's what a top State Department spokeswoman suggested when asked in a TV interview Monday night about what the U.S.-led coalition is doing to stop the slaughter of civilians by Islamic State militants across the region.

"We're killing a lot of them, and we're going to keep killing more of them. ... But we cannot win this war by killing them," department spokeswoman Marie Harf said on MSNBC's "Hardball." "We need ... to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it's lack of opportunity for jobs, whether --"

At that point, Harf was interrupted by host Chris Matthews, who pointed out, "There's always going to be poor people. There's always going to be poor Muslims."

Harf continued to argue that the U.S. should work with other countries to "help improve their governance" and "help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people."

She acknowledged there's "no easy solution" and said the U.S. would still take out ISIS leaders. But Harf said: "If we can help countries work at the root causes of this -- what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47 instead of trying to start a business?"
How can Obama get jobs for the muslim terrorists when he can't even find jobs for American citizens????
Will the muslim terrorists work the vegi fields as seasonal workers??
The illegal aliens are going to be pissed if we give away THEIR jobs!!
Are the muslim terrorist willing to work part time, less than 30 hrs a week?
The muslim terrorists will be forced to go on obamacare .................................... THAT'LL teach em'!!!!!!!
Maybe the best way to kill off the muslim terrorist is to make them live in the inner city where the drug gangs rule the streets ................................ The muslim terrorists would all be dead in less than a week!!!
Actually we helped to rebuild Germany and Japan which created jobs. Who doesn't know that?

The difference is that when Republicans disbanded the Iraqi Military, they let go a couple of hundred thousand armed and trained soldiers who had no where to go and no jobs.

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Daily Mail Online

Envoy Bush OK d Plan To Disband Iraq Army - CBS News

Early U.S. Decisions on IraqNow Haunt American Efforts - WSJ

Many have called it the worst fuck up of the entire engagement.
You are correct and I have states this as well. One reason Japan Germany South Korea Italy have prospered is that we stayed our military stayed and help rebuild and built relations over time and jobs over time. This packing up and leaving was idiotic and I knew in less then 5 years we would be back. All the evidence is in the history of what can work. I worked with NATO and the constant training we did and so builds relationships and helps a bond grow stronger. With the Mideast certain things would have to be adapted but leaving Iraq when we would have had a foothold in the region for Syria and Iran was beyond retarded. Perhaps we should never have invaded Iraq but at the time I thought it was to build a relationship and a foothold near Iran since the Saudis removed us from psab back in 02. I thought for sure we would gain ground. But if that was the plan it was never implemented.
I'm surprised she didn't get the Secretary of Defense position.
She DOES have obama's position down pat though.
Obama sure gives a lot of lip-service to "the war on terror", BUT according to his actions ........................... ????ARE YOU SURE HE AIN'T MUSLIM???? :)
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.
good but......until they start sharing intel until they start cooperating...until they start coordinated cooperated attacks. It won't work and is just white noise...leadership is what they need and someone to tell them what to do and how to do it and when. Or else it will always fester and wait for a chance. Who is that leader?
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.
good but......until they start sharing intel until they start cooperating...until they start coordinated cooperated attacks. It won't work and is just white noise...leadership is what they need and someone to tell them what to do and how to do it and when. Or else it will always fester and wait for a chance. Who is that leader?

It is best if that leadership comes from the region.
We are resented in the region for our interventions. The more we do - the easier it is for groups like ISIS to play on that resentment for recruiting purposes.
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.

Common sense should dictate that they need us to take the lead. Unfortunately, that takes leadership, which we currently lack. We should be spearheading overwhelming quick-strike forces that strike and do not occupy. After we decimate ISIS, we should withdraw, then, when they re-appear, go back and do it over again. This stuff isn't rocket science. With no leadership to pull it off and no stomach for collateral damage, ISIS continues unfettered reign.
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.

Common sense should dictate that they need us to take the lead. Unfortunately, that takes leadership, which we currently lack. We should be spearheading overwhelming quick-strike forces that strike and do not occupy. After we decimate ISIS, we should withdraw, then, when they re-appear, go back and do it over again. This stuff isn't rocket science. With no leadership to pull it off and no stomach for collateral damage, ISIS continues unfettered reign.

No - common sense should dictate that the leadership come from that region. We are resented for our interventions and so the more we assert our "leadership" the easier it is for groups like ISIS to play on that resentment for recruiting.
Curious that people are calling Isis a death cult. When looking at the list of extreme terror organizations I see a pattern of Islamic terror organizations that use the same methods. Kidnapping beheading extortion bombing. Yet just Isis is the one that's a cult....and these Islamic terror organizations are all over the world, Africa to the Philippians and everywhere in between. Maybe it's just a coincidence that they are Islamic. Lol
ISIS is not like a rational foe. They are a doomsday cult. They don't care about jobs, they don't care about dying or whether or not their cause is "lost". They just want to bring about the apocalypse that their prophet predicted.

A better economic outlook might help keep them from attracting SOME, but I find it hard to believe that there are Muslims who are trying to decide between a job and a suicide mission.

Like most leftists, you have not a clue what ISIS is about.

ISIS is the Islamic State. They seek to create a modern Caliphate. They care very much about about protecting the holy sites of Islam and projecting Muslim influence across the globe. They are willing to die for their beliefs and will not hesitate a moment to commit atrocities.

But you leftists are very wrong if you think they are a "doomsday cult" and care about nothing. Start bombing Mosques and Islamic holy sites and they will blink. Their god Allah lives in a hunk of stone in Mecca, in the Kaaba. Make it clear that we will nuke the black stone and ISIS will yield without a fight. Or if that is too radical, have special forces raid the Kaaba and take the idol, with a promise to destroy it if there is anymore Islamic terrorism.

Piss us off, and Allah is dead.
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.

Common sense should dictate that they need us to take the lead. Unfortunately, that takes leadership, which we currently lack. We should be spearheading overwhelming quick-strike forces that strike and do not occupy. After we decimate ISIS, we should withdraw, then, when they re-appear, go back and do it over again. This stuff isn't rocket science. With no leadership to pull it off and no stomach for collateral damage, ISIS continues unfettered reign.

No - common sense should dictate that the leadership come from that region. We are resented for our interventions and so the more we assert our "leadership" the easier it is for groups like ISIS to play on that resentment for recruiting.

Screw that resentment false meme. Egypt bombed ISIS in Libya (without our intel, I might add) and ISIS said they have more coptic christians in the pipeline that they're going to behead in retaliation for bombing them. Well, guess what, they would be beheaded anyways whether or not Egypt bombed them. They're gonna kill, or recruit, any which way it's played!
LOL - ISIS is certainly not the only doomsday cult - but they are a doomsday cult that is trying to bring about an apocalyptic battle between Islam and "the Romans" as predicted by their prophet.

The little magazine they publish is named for the city where this battle is predicted to take place. The cultural equivalent would be a magazine called "Armageddon."
More and more Muslims in Egypt (90% Muslim); Jordan (95% Muslim); Syria (87% Muslim); and Iraq (97% Muslim) are getting more and more involved in the fight against this doomsday cult - ISIS.

I welcome them aboard.

Common sense should dictate that they need us to take the lead. Unfortunately, that takes leadership, which we currently lack. We should be spearheading overwhelming quick-strike forces that strike and do not occupy. After we decimate ISIS, we should withdraw, then, when they re-appear, go back and do it over again. This stuff isn't rocket science. With no leadership to pull it off and no stomach for collateral damage, ISIS continues unfettered reign.

No - common sense should dictate that the leadership come from that region. We are resented for our interventions and so the more we assert our "leadership" the easier it is for groups like ISIS to play on that resentment for recruiting.
have you been to these countries to know we are resented? I met quite a few people that were happy we intervened, see you get the news from fox or msn and it's always misleading. The Kurds love us, it seems the terror groups do not, why should we really care that a group such as these would like us?

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