U.S. State Dept.: Killig ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.

Curious that people are calling Isis a death cult. When looking at the list of extreme terror organizations I see a pattern of Islamic terror organizations that use the same methods. Kidnapping beheading extortion bombing. Yet just Isis is the one that's a cult....and these Islamic terror organizations are all over the world, Africa to the Philippians and everywhere in between. Maybe it's just a coincidence that they are Islamic. Lol

Before painting all terrorist orgs. with a broad brush, you might need to read this......

Why does ISIS keep making enemies - CNN.com
Look ISIS will run out of people long before we run out of bullets, destroying them is doable.
Curious that people are calling Isis a death cult. When looking at the list of extreme terror organizations I see a pattern of Islamic terror organizations that use the same methods. Kidnapping beheading extortion bombing. Yet just Isis is the one that's a cult....and these Islamic terror organizations are all over the world, Africa to the Philippians and everywhere in between. Maybe it's just a coincidence that they are Islamic. Lol

Before painting all terrorist orgs. with a broad brush, you might need to read this......

Why does ISIS keep making enemies - CNN.com

Naming their magazine Dabiq (the cultural equivalent of naming it "Armaggedon") is a dead giveaway. They are a doomsday cult.

Some folks think they can just call them moooslims and that tells them all they need to know about them. Pretty stupid.
LOL - ISIS is certainly not the only doomsday cult - but they are a doomsday cult that is trying to bring about an apocalyptic battle between Islam and "the Romans" as predicted by their prophet.

The little magazine they publish is named for the city where this battle is predicted to take place. The cultural equivalent would be a magazine called "Armageddon."

They're not a doomsday cult at all. I don't know which of the leftist hate sites is feeding you this shit; but the 13 Imam and all that is traditional Islam - like the Rapture in Christianity. ISIS seeks to recreate the Caliphate. They are willing to die to further Islam, but death is not their goal.
Obama is a dope. Bush is a dope. YOU ? are an idiot !

get GE GM DuPont and Ford to open up in Baghdad and solve the ISIS rebellion.

then call me.

I posted that on another thread ^^^
Do some research uncensored. They publish a magazine called "Dabiq." It is the city where their prophet said an apocalyptic battle between Islam and "the Romans" would take place. It's like someone here naming a magazine "Armageddon." And it is why they don't care who they piss off - they are just trying to bring about this "final battle."

Try to investigate BEFORE you speak.

ISIS laptop reveals doomsday plan of weaponizing bubonic plague for mass death - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

(Now that's a real leftist site, huh???? - Allen West - LOL - don't you EVER get tired of having your bullshit fly back into your face?)
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this woman at the state dept is exactly what is produced by liberal colleges and liberal governments--------------------------------------------Idiots.

her comments give "naive" a whole new meaning. naive now means stupid.

that these kinds of people are running DC should scare the shit out of every american.
Do some research uncensored. They publish a magazine called "Dabiq." It is the city where their prophet said an apocalyptic battle between Islam and "the Romans" would take place. It's like someone here naming a magazine "Armageddon." And it is why they don't care who they piss off - they are just trying to bring about this "final battle."

Try to investigate BEFORE you speak.

ISIS laptop reveals doomsday plan of weaponizing bubonic plague for mass death - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

(Now that's a real leftist site, huh???? - Allen West - LOL - don't you EVER get tired of having your bullshit fly back into your face?)

You're missing the point, the end times shit is part of MAINSTREAM Islam. Obama's news group at CNN can spin this as they like, but this is just traditional Islam.If anything, it confirms that ISIS is a traditional Sunni sect.

Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
ISIS is not like a rational foe. They are a doomsday cult. They don't care about jobs, they don't care about dying or whether or not their cause is "lost". They just want to bring about the apocalypse that their prophet predicted.

A better economic outlook might help keep them from attracting SOME, but I find it hard to believe that there are Muslims who are trying to decide between a job and a suicide mission.

Obama said that ISIS and other terrorists have "legitimate grievances". Apparently, it's reasonable to hate people for being Christian or just non-Muslim. They are killing infidels and gays. Legitimate grievances, my ass. Obama sympathizes with the terrorists and just wants to help them find other ways to express themselves as if they care about voting. They are well-funded, so don't really believe they are looking for jobs. Besides, what company offers 72 virgins for a job well done other than the terrorist organizations?

At the same time, Obama doesn't see legitimate grievances here in America. He works against congress, especially Repubs and couldn't care less what the people think. Geez, what do we have to do to get his understanding? Americans in general just aren't violent enough to behead people, so looks like we are out of luck. Only radical Muslims get his sympathy. And he wants to know what he can do for them to make their lives easier, as if it's our fault that they are taught extreme views from the time they are born.

They hate infidels. They hate gays. They see women as possessions to be used as they see fit. They have no legitimate complaints, just pure hatred.

They aren't yelling how poor they are or how policies offend them when they behead gays and Christians. They vow to kill infidels and scream allah when they commit brutal acts against innocent people. The Obama administration wants to empathize with their situation and say killing them is not the answer. Apparently, waiting to be killed by them is a better idea. This is so fucked up. Obama said in his own book that he would stand with the Muslims if political winds shifted in an ugly direction (like going after terrorists?) and looks like it was one of the few times he was telling the truth.

Obama s Op-Ed on Violent Extremism Sparks Fury on Twitter Over One Revealing Line
Think of WWII if Hirohito had been the President of the United States.

That's what life under Obama is like....
And your stupid bigoted war mongering barbarity would produce even MORE terrorists, ugly American hater dupes. And thanks for the corrupt SECOND Pub WORLD DEPRESSION, which has made jihad the only career choice so many places....functional MORONS never learn.
Do some research uncensored. They publish a magazine called "Dabiq." It is the city where their prophet said an apocalyptic battle between Islam and "the Romans" would take place. It's like someone here naming a magazine "Armageddon." And it is why they don't care who they piss off - they are just trying to bring about this "final battle."

Try to investigate BEFORE you speak.

ISIS laptop reveals doomsday plan of weaponizing bubonic plague for mass death - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

(Now that's a real leftist site, huh???? - Allen West - LOL - don't you EVER get tired of having your bullshit fly back into your face?)

You're missing the point, the end times shit is part of MAINSTREAM Islam. Obama's news group at CNN can spin this as they like, but this is just traditional Islam.If anything, it confirms that ISIS is a traditional Sunni sect.

Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From the guy who called Allen West "leftist" ????

No - YOU are missing the point. The "one size fits all" response just doesn't work here. These guys are about as mainstream Islam as The People's Temple was mainstream Christian.

That's why so many other Muslims and Muslim nations are joining in the fight against them. And we WANT the mainstream Muslim community in the fight with us - in fact we want them to LEAD the fight.

It's just smart. 23% of the world's population is Muslim. If all Muslims wanted to wipe out the United States, we would have already seen a lot worse than the 911 attacks.

You just aren't thinking this one through.
From the guy who called Allen West "leftist" ????

Not that you had any credibility to start with, but when you start with the blatant lies, any chance of coming off as rational is lost.

No - YOU are missing the point. The "one size fits all" response just doesn't work here. These guys are about as mainstream Islam as The People's Temple was mainstream Christian.

That's why so many other Muslims and Muslim nations are joining in the fight against them. And we WANT the mainstream Muslim community in the fight with us - in fact we want them to LEAD the fight.

It's just smart. 23% of the world's population is Muslim. If all Muslims wanted to wipe out the United States, we would have already seen a lot worse than the 911 attacks.

You just aren't thinking this one through.

What you don't grasp is that the difference between ISIS and the Mosque Obama want's to open near your kids school is merely one of ACTING on the principles of the religion.

Most Muslims ignore all the crazy shit in the Koran and Hadiths - but what you lefties refuse to admit is the crazy shit is always there.
Blatant lies - LOL - YOU said it, own it. Or admit you were just posting crap you pulled out of your ass. Go ahead, admit it. Everyone else knows it already - you'll feel better.

But you Nazis never do - LOL.
And your stupid bigoted war mongering barbarity would produce even MORE terrorists, ugly American hater dupes. And thanks for the corrupt SECOND Pub WORLD DEPRESSION, which has made jihad the only career choice so many places....functional MORONS never learn.

Then we just need more bombs.

Easy enough

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