U.S. State Dept.: Killig ISIS won't defeat them. We must give them jobs.

Sorry bout that,

1. There is a method and reason that God lays out in the design he brought forth, sit back and watch the glory of God.

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

I forget who said that first...wasn't me.
Sorry bout that,

All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

I forget who said that first...wasn't me.

1. All well and good, when good men see evil they do something about it.
2. But for you, and the average American roaming these streets, they can't see evil in this matter, its excusable in just about every angle they try an ponder it.
3. There is a built in blind spot that wraps around islam, that is there by design.
4. Even as you read this you argue against it, with every fiber of your being.
5. You can not see what islam is even if your life depended on it, and me pulling back the curtain will still do nothing to convince even one person.
6. This IS truth.
7. But do keep your eyes open for the Glory of God.

Sorry bout that,

1. And there is an underlining reason Obama is in office.
2. And I can hear you already arguing in your head against that statement.
3. Wait and see is all then.

Sorry bout that,

1. Important Link: Officials Fear Syrian Refugees Could Pose Threat to US - ABC News
2. Look how isis is being brought to America folks.
3. I know you won't see it.
4. But LOOK.
Top U.S. counterterrorism officials say they worry a potential terrorist could be hiding amongrefugees who are looking to come to the United States after escaping the brutal war in Syria.

"It's clearly a population of concern,” the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Nicholas Rasmussen, told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday.

Committee Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, went further, saying it would be a “huge mistake” to bring refugees from the conflict to the U.S. – even as an estimated 4 million children, women and men have been forced to flee Syria and another 7 million have been displaced from their homes there, unable to leave.

Senior officials leading the State Department’s refugee efforts say the U.S. government has a long history of caring for the innocent victims of war.

“It’s not a matter of should we do it, it’s really a matter of how we do it,” Larry Bartlett, the State Department’s director of Refugee Admission for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, told ABC News. “One of the fundamental principles of our country is that we care about others. We will help others.”

5. isis is just about on our doorstep.

Holy toledo! You have maniacs running the country!!!! I just heard this woman responding to Chris Matthews in a clip on the radio. She thinks shovel ready jobs are the answer.

Oh and "we can't win this war by killing them". Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
Well, they can start at the bottom. Off to McDonalds and Wal-Mart Greeter!!!
Provide jobs. Create opportunity. Build infrastructure.


Has obungle telegraphed his intention to recognize the islamic state as a nation?
this jihadi video says differently

looking at the civilians in the back ground

giving a salute to the camera

reminds me of the official greeting salute hitler mandated

The NAZIs and Japanese could at least build things and feed themselves. These subhuman Muslims live in dung huts and eat rancid rice out of the back of a UN truck.
Lack of jobs isn't the root cause of ISIS.

The Muslim religion is the root cause. Anyone who isn't a Muslim is an enemy as far as these shitbags are concerned. Hell. They even kill Muslims. You can't negotiate with monsters and thats what these shitbags are. Monsters.

These shitbags want to take the world back to the 7th century.

As far as I'm concerned kille em all and let Allah sort em out.
Holy toledo! You have maniacs running the country!!!! I just heard this woman responding to Chris Matthews in a clip on the radio. She thinks shovel ready jobs are the answer.

Oh and "we can't win this war by killing them". Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

I saw that dumb ass **** with the Dick Clark glasses. OMG, I thought I had heard it all.

We need to build jobs in ME countries to keep them from joining ISIS which this bitch (her boss Obama) thought is the root cause

Where in the world do these idiots come from?


State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews tonight that we cannot win this war with ISIS by killing them. She said we have to get to the root cause of why people are attracted to Jihad — you know like poverty, jobs, etc…

“We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups,
do you have an opinion on that quote?
i can't find fault with it. you can't bomb an idea to death.
Worked pretty well in WWII...... war is slaughter.... we dont have it in us anymore which is why we lose.
actually, wwii proves her right. we spent a lot of money and effort rebuilding germany and japan - giving the people jobs - after the war.

and the dire economic situation in germany prior to wwii proves the point further.

What a tool

But we bombed them into submission first.
"We're killing them and we're going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians."
so what's the problem?

Not killing em to the best of our ability.
what would you like us to do that we aren't doing?

Compare tons of ordnance compared to say Desert Storm.
they aren't exactly the same scenario, you know that, right?

and the ordinance during desert storm was in preparation for a ground offensive. would you like a ground offensive?

I'll play


But, ISIS is no threat to America. Let those in the region deal with them. It not our business.
The same thing was being said about Japan up until the morning of Dec. 7, 1941.

And about Al Qaeda until the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

Don't learn very fast, do we?

Some of us, anyway.
Come now LA...comparing ISIS and Imperial Japan, is a fool's game. In 1941, Japan was one of the most powerful military nations in the world. Do you think ISIS is comparable today?

But you may have inadvertently hit on something. Just as Pearl Harbor was a false flag operation courtesy of your beloved FDR (joking here), our government today might also be complicit in a false flag operation with ISIS...and you Neocons will gladly fall in the trap.

And hey...you dump on Ds at every turn, in which I am in full agreement, but fail to see FDR's deceit in Pearl Harbor. Makes no sense.
Harf Truths and Whole Lies - WSJ

Harf Truths and Whole Lies
Can political correctness defeat terrorism?

byJames Taranto
Feb. 17, 2015 4:07 p.m. ET

Poor Marie Harf. The State Department’s deputy spokesman is being mercilessly mocked for an interview she gave to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews in which she said, of the conflict with the Islamic State: “we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s a lack of opportunity for jobs, whether—”


Marie Harf Photo: AFP/Getty Images

At which point, as the
Washington Times notes, Matthews cut her off and challenged her—unsuccessfully. “Ms. Harf dug in and insisted improving the economic opportunities for the terrorist group is the key to turning back their terror.”

“Can’t win,” tweeted
Rachel Palmer. “When they are employed its [sic] called work place violence.” The Washington Free Beacon’s Sonny Bunch imagines Harf’s advice to past military leaders from Themopylae to World War II. Here’s her advice to Patton: “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by curing poverty in the other poor dumb bastard’s country!”

As funny as it is, it also feels a bit unsporting to pick on Harf like this. After all, she’s just doing her job, which is to act as a mouthpiece for an administration whose guiding principle seems to be that political correctness—which is to say, a thoroughgoing dishonesty—is the best weapon for dealing with Islamic terrorism.

Sometimes they even admit it. “We all agree that the individuals who perpetuated . . . the terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere are calling themselves Muslims and their warped interpretation of Islam is what motivated them to commit these acts,” a “senior administration official” said in a
White House conference call yesterday. “They’re not making any secret of that, and neither are we.”

The unnamed official’s next words: “But we are very, very clear that we do not believe that they are representing Islam. There is absolutely no justification for these attacks in any religion.”

We suppose he’s right that the administration isn’t “making any secret of that.” They’re aggressively denying it.

Harf is an idiot.

The problem isn't jobs. Its the damned religion. A regligion they use to justify everything they do.

We can't kill em all but we sure as hell could try.

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