U.S. Steel, AFL-CIO, and Others Praise Trump's Tariff Hikes on Steel and Aluminum

mikegriffith1, we all know who you are, how your goofy theories on economics and history are just invalid.

I think you still follow skousen and jbs and the freemen's institute, so I am not too concerned with your nonsense.

Yes, tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

However, I think Trump is using the threat to cut some trade deals more favorable to the US with the promise that he won't impose tariffs.

IOW, you did not bother to read the OP or the links. Skousen, Freemen's, JBS? Huuuh?

I base my views on tariffs on years of study of economic history, including recent economic history (e.g., China, South Korea, the EU, etc.).

You keep ignoring the fact that we tried the same kind of trade policy that Trump is trying to implement, and it worked fantastically. We became an economic and industrial powerhouse by shielding our major industries and workers with high tariffs and trade restrictions. Republican presidents from Lincoln to Grant to Hayes to Harding to Howard Taft to Teddy Roosevelt backed protective tariffs, and America prospered because of them.

I ask again: Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with tariffs but not okay for America to do so?

"Trade war"?! We've been in a trade war for decades and have been getting clobbered. Look at our trade deficit for the past 30 years. The same nations that have used high tariffs to help their own economies are now whining because Trump wants the U.S. to do the same thing.
So what, Mike? EdwardBaiamonte can make the same claims as you of years of study: nonsense.

Gary Cohn jumped ship today because of wrong economic policies such as you are promoting and parroting.

Congress in both chambers is considering bills to throttle this nonsense.
So what, Mike? EdwardBaiamonte can make the same claims as you of years of study: nonsense.

Gary Cohn jumped ship today because of wrong economic policies such as you are promoting and parroting.

Gary Cohn jumped ship today because of wrong economic policies such as you are promoting and parroting
Gary Cohn is a market animal...he favors Wall Street over Main Street...fixing main street is long over due...without a healthy main street wall street will never stabilize...Trump never should have brought him in in the first place...
Gary Cohn is a market animal...he favors Wall Street over Main Street...fixing main street is long over due...without a healthy main street wall street will never stabilize...Trump never should have brought him in in the first place...

Cohn SALIVATED over having huge tax cuts for his fellow cronies....That done with the moron in chief's help.......he's going back to raking in the millions.
In your dreams only Gnat....every administration goes through this...

I'll give you my generous benefit of a doubt that even YOU don't believe that "every administration goes through this".........but, I could be wrong and you ARE that dumb.
Gary Cohn is a market animal...he favors Wall Street over Main Street...fixing main street is long over due...without a healthy main street wall street will never stabilize...Trump never should have brought him in in the first place...

Cohn SALIVATED over having huge tax cuts for his fellow cronies....That done with the moron in chief's help.......he's going back to raking in the millions.

Plus he is getting out before he can be blamed for the damage Trump's trade wars are going to do to our economy
Cohn SALIVATED over having huge tax cuts for his fellow cronies....That done with the moron in chief's help.......he's going back to raking in the millions
Ummmmmm retard....the tax cuts have been a very good thing for the economy...Stop being envious of the wealth of others...the lowest black unemployment ever...ever!!! wake up...Jobs Jobs Jobs retard...
mikegriffith1, we all know who you are, how your goofy theories on economics and history are just invalid.

I think you still follow skousen and jbs and the freemen's institute, so I am not too concerned with your nonsense.

Yes, tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

However, I think Trump is using the threat to cut some trade deals more favorable to the US with the promise that he won't impose tariffs.

IOW, you did not bother to read the OP or the links. Skousen, Freemen's, JBS? Huuuh?

I base my views on tariffs on years of study of economic history, including recent economic history (e.g., China, South Korea, the EU, etc.).

You keep ignoring the fact that we tried the same kind of trade policy that Trump is trying to implement, and it worked fantastically. We became an economic and industrial powerhouse by shielding our major industries and workers with high tariffs and trade restrictions. Republican presidents from Lincoln to Grant to Hayes to Harding to Howard Taft to Teddy Roosevelt backed protective tariffs, and America prospered because of them.

I ask again: Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with tariffs but not okay for America to do so?

"Trade war"?! We've been in a trade war for decades and have been getting clobbered. Look at our trade deficit for the past 30 years. The same nations that have used high tariffs to help their own economies are now whining because Trump wants the U.S. to do the same thing.
So what, Mike? EdwardBaiamonte can make the same claims as you of years of study: nonsense.

Gary Cohn jumped ship today because of wrong economic policies such as you are promoting and parroting.

Congress in both chambers is considering bills to throttle this nonsense.

When the only defense for a failed economic policy is to say it worked for Lincoln and Grant, you know how fucked up it is
Ummmmmm retard....the tax cuts have been a very good thing for the economy...Stop being envious of the wealth of others...the lowest black unemployment ever...ever!!! wake up...Jobs Jobs Jobs retard...

Just about 80% of those tax cuts are going to the top 8% of the wealthy slobs who didn't need it

the economy was doing well under Obama and the orange buffoon inherited the LOW unemployment rate....

AND, you must think that blacks are dumb enough to conclude that it was the racist orange clown who cares about them.......Trumpo ONLY cares about his fat ass...........lol
Just about 80% of those tax cuts are going to the top 8% of the wealthy slobs who didn't need it
Hey retard! those tax cuts make room for hiring which equals.... say it with me....JOBS!!!!!!!! Jobs are good...jobs create tax payers instead of welfare queens...jobs keep the youth off the streets and gives them hope...jobs are a good thing and you don't get more of them without corporate and business profit... dumbass lib...
Just about 80% of those tax cuts are going to the top 8% of the wealthy slobs who didn't need it
Hey retard! those tax cuts make room for hiring which equals.... say it with me....JOBS!!!!!!!! Jobs are good...jobs create tax payers instead of welfare queens...jobs keep the youth off the streets and gives them hope...jobs are a good thing and you don't get more of them without corporate and business profit... dumbass lib...

The more money you give to those of extreme wealth, the more jobs it produces. Sounds like the ghost of ronald reagan and his trickle down b.s.
If we ever have another global war our main enemy will most likely to China. Why is it a good idea to have to rely on china to supply steel that is needed to protect our country? Can politicians really be that stupid? We won WWII because of our vast industral superiority that has since moved to china. For our national security we meed to bring industry home. Right now we can’t build a plane without electronics from asia, we can’t keep our electric grid without transformer from asia, we can’t build ships our navy needs without steel from china. Do our politicians really believe china will keep the parts coming while we are at war with them? If you want to guarentee a nuclear world war just take the option of a conventional war off the table. We must bring all manufacturing needed for national security home now, or start speaking Chinese. Yes our politicians ARE really that dumb, except maybe Mr. Trump.
mikegriffith1, we all know who you are, how your goofy theories on economics and history are just invalid.

I think you still follow skousen and jbs and the freemen's institute, so I am not too concerned with your nonsense.

Yes, tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

However, I think Trump is using the threat to cut some trade deals more favorable to the US with the promise that he won't impose tariffs.

IOW, you did not bother to read the OP or the links. Skousen, Freemen's, JBS? Huuuh?
I base my views on tariffs on years of study of economic history, including recent economic history (e.g., China, South Korea, the EU, etc.).

You keep ignoring the fact that we tried the same kind of trade policy that Trump is trying to implement, and it worked fantastically. We became an economic and industrial powerhouse by shielding our major industries and workers with high tariffs and trade restrictions. Republican presidents from Lincoln to Grant to Hayes to Harding to Howard Taft to Teddy Roosevelt backed protective tariffs, and America prospered because of them.

I ask again: Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with tariffs but not okay for America to do so?

"Trade war"?! We've been in a trade war for decades and have been getting clobbered. Look at our trade deficit for the past 30 years. The same nations that have used high tariffs to help their own economies are now whining because Trump wants the U.S. to do the same thing.

Your history seems to end in the 1920s. You left out Herbert Hoover and the tariffs that turned a recession into a depression. Or George Bush's tariffs that he revoked after only 1 year because it did not work. The fact is that there are good jobs going begging because there are not enough people.

Our trade deficit is a sign of strength. We are a consumer society so we buy more things than other countries. Mexico has a trade surplus because their per capita income is much lower than ours. You want to be like them? The tariffs are a tax on consumers. They hurt workers in steel using industries.
If we ever have another global war our main enemy will most likely to China. Why is it a good idea to have to rely on china to supply steel that is needed to protect our country? Can politicians really be that stupid? We won WWII because of our vast industral superiority that has since moved to china. For our national security we meed to bring industry home. Right now we can’t build a plane without electronics from asia, we can’t keep our electric grid without transformer from asia, we can’t build ships our navy needs without steel from china. Do our politicians really believe china will keep the parts coming while we are at war with them? If you want to guarentee a nuclear world war just take the option of a conventional war off the table. We must bring all manufacturing needed for national security home now, or start speaking Chinese. Yes our politicians ARE really that dumb, except maybe Mr. Trump.

China only supplies 4% of the steel in this country. They are not breaking a sweat over this.
Just about 80% of those tax cuts are going to the top 8% of the wealthy slobs who didn't need it
Hey retard! those tax cuts make room for hiring which equals.... say it with me....JOBS!!!!!!!! Jobs are good...jobs create tax payers instead of welfare queens...jobs keep the youth off the streets and gives them hope...jobs are a good thing and you don't get more of them without corporate and business profit... dumbass lib...

Businesses are going to use the money mostly for stock buybacks and mergers. Most of the money employees are getting is bonuses instead of wage increases.
Apparently our liberals here don't realize that many Democratic politicians support Trump's higher tariffs and that Obama imposed high tariffs on Chinese tires and by so doing revived the U.S. tire industry.

Obama’s Bold Economic Move on Chinese Tire Imports is Paying Off

We have 60 years of economic history, from Lincoln through Warren G. Harding, to prove that high tariffs work--that they create jobs, protect American companies, and grow the economy. America was still substantially protectionist up to and through the Eisenhower years, until JFK began the march toward lower tariffs and fewer trade barriers in 1962. Just look at GDP growth under Eisenhower, job creation, etc., etc.
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mikegriffith1, we all know who you are, how your goofy theories on economics and history are just invalid.

I think you still follow skousen and jbs and the freemen's institute, so I am not too concerned with your nonsense.

Yes, tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

However, I think Trump is using the threat to cut some trade deals more favorable to the US with the promise that he won't impose tariffs.

IOW, you did not bother to read the OP or the links. Skousen, Freemen's, JBS? Huuuh?
I base my views on tariffs on years of study of economic history, including recent economic history (e.g., China, South Korea, the EU, etc.).

You keep ignoring the fact that we tried the same kind of trade policy that Trump is trying to implement, and it worked fantastically. We became an economic and industrial powerhouse by shielding our major industries and workers with high tariffs and trade restrictions. Republican presidents from Lincoln to Grant to Hayes to Harding to Howard Taft to Teddy Roosevelt backed protective tariffs, and America prospered because of them.

I ask again: Why is it okay for other nations to protect their jobs and industries with tariffs but not okay for America to do so?

"Trade war"?! We've been in a trade war for decades and have been getting clobbered. Look at our trade deficit for the past 30 years. The same nations that have used high tariffs to help their own economies are now whining because Trump wants the U.S. to do the same thing.

Your history seems to end in the 1920s. You left out Herbert Hoover and the tariffs that turned a recession into a depression. Or George Bush's tariffs that he revoked after only 1 year because it did not work. The fact is that there are good jobs going begging because there are not enough people.

I've already answered, with links, the myth that the Hoover-era tariffs made a recession a depression. That is erroneous.

As for the Bush tariffs, it's not that they did not work but that Bush got talked out of them by the globalists and free-trader Republicans.

Our trade deficit is a sign of strength. We are a consumer society so we buy more things than other countries. Mexico has a trade surplus because their per capita income is much lower than ours. You want to be like them? The tariffs are a tax on consumers. They hurt workers in steel using industries.

Myths, myths, and more globalist myths. And you're a Democrat?

You might try reading the other side:


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