U.S. Taking Great Economy For Granted

Well the same damn dumb democrats are calling for free tuition!

seems that was part of the plan all along. Take over the student loans then you can forgive them, which is the next step towards tax payer funded tuition, since we all know that nothing is free.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
I was earning 15k in 1988...
Based on your many comments it is unlikely you have every “earned” anything. Doled our to, different matter.
Have you been speaking English longly?


Oh yeah im totally broke
uh hum

know anything about the technical end of textile manufacturing ?
take a wild guess what was in midtown

fall river
In 1982 I went into the military and learned electronics and electrical trades and worked in industry doing electronic work in plants in the 1990's.

im glad i didnt do any of that

i joined the end of a dying domestic industry ...i'm a dinosaur like you
i did a lot of converting all over the planet .. that was my bread and butter
but i made money on the side with garbage 2nd 3rd mill waste packs to the jobbers

warehouse space for wholesale. Large like 40 thousand sq feet full of inventory 8 guys working it humping it ...no shit
i was making money I started snapping up a building here a building there ...

buildings were dirt cheap and the only transplants w were getting was from the lower east side
No one was there from ohio ...

their was a lot more opportunity where i was

i partied in high school I didnt go to fucking college my brother and sister went to college they're older

my sister was buyin 60k cars before she left Colgate Palmolive to get married while you were scratching for 15 k
and financially ive may of done a little better over the years

im living off a five year annuity now ...so i didnt touch other "things "

you commies would string me up for one of them or my last consulting check alone
12% on my cash ...annuities once theyre gone theyre gone
i only did a half...that would be million

i did the annuity so i dont have to touch any thing else

after 07 i wound down the converting and that side of it down ...the deadlines would make yer heart pop
then in 13 i shut the last warehouse

forget the real estate

ya dont even have to believe me
cause i dont care

im not hanging round much longer anyway
i turned the web off for a year n ahalf

great spellers by the way
IT took ya far
congrats on that 15 k
Turned web off? Could have fooled me.
So what??
All my millionaire drug corporate guys laugh at rubes like you
I have three solutions to the economy.

1) Ban all tax expenditures.

2) Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70, and index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

3) Reduce the full time work week to 35 hours.

How old are you, G? And what type of work do you do?
I keep what I do confidential, but I make a comfortable living. I plan on working until I'm 70 just to keep busy.

When the Social Security eligibility age was set to 65 in 1935, only 5.4% of the US population was over 65. Most Americans didn't live that long. It was highly prejudicial toward laborers.

Today, nearly 15% of the population is over 65. A larger and larger portion of the population is being supported by a smaller and smaller portion. That is unsustainable.

The average 70 year old today is in far better shape than the average 55 year old in 1935.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. It is only common sense we should be working longer.

Sorry. Work as a laborer for 50 years and then tell us how eager you are to work another 5.

I, PERSONALLY, will likely work well into my 70's as well. But I would never be arrogant enough to suggest that people
who work physically demanding jobs must do the same.
Again, this imbalance has existed from the beginning. Even moreso in 1935.

A laborer in 1935 was being asked to work past his life expectancy before he could collect Social Security.
Then VOILA! Trump cuts regs and taxes and turns the economy into a rocket ship,

There is no rocket ship economy TrumpoDude.

According to Trump, a 2.9 full year average GDP is anemic and weak.

Here’s the record thru 2018:


U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Trump and Obama are tied at 2.9 best full year of GDP growth.

According to TrumpO 2.9 is anemic and weak.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

Since 2005 there is a new normal;

The U.S. economy to 2022: settling into a new normal : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Trumpo’s economy is no higher than Obama’s seven years of new normal,

Those who do pay attention to the facts on the economy realize this.

Trumpo will be the second US PRESIDENT in US history never to average a full year of GDP above 3.0 % growth.

So TrumpOroids will forever be haunted by this:

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Why is Trumpo doing no better?
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Funny how just a couple years ago everybody was scared shitless about their future under the communist Obama and his crippled economy. Then VOILA! Trump cuts regs and taxes and turns the economy into a rocket ship, doubling 401Ks, adding 6M jobs and 600,000 manufacturing jobs that the Kenyan said would never return, "without a magic wand". Yeah? Well, who needs a magic wand when they have a gold finger? Sure, illegal immigration has us boiling mad, and nobody gives a crap about the fake Gorebal warming. But now Trump's feats, despite Mueller's harassment, is blase, ho-hum, so what? Huh?
Trump's economic growth has not exceeded Obama's. Nor has the Dow's growth.

In fact, the Dow has been extremely sluggish compared to its growth under Obama.

And Trump has had to cheat to get the GDP figures where they are. He had to spend more money per year than even Obama did. Trump's budget for this year is a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending!

That's how Trump has juiced the numbers.

Even worse, Trump has EXPLODED our trade deficits with China and Mexico.

Trump was elected on third base, and you tards think he hit a triple when he's trying to steal second!

I posted these numbers in a different thread yesterday...

Since the day Trump took office:

DJI up 35.09%
S&P up 29.6%
NASDAQ up 54.63%

The same point under Obama:

DJI up 51.02%
S&P up 57.32%
NASDAQ up 98.42%
Well the same damn dumb democrats are calling for free tuition!

seems that was part of the plan all along. Take over the student loans then you can forgive them, which is the next step towards tax payer funded tuition, since we all know that nothing is free.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
Always have been. Your positions prove it!
Funny how just a couple years ago everybody was scared shitless about their future under the communist Obama and his crippled economy. Then VOILA! Trump cuts regs and taxes and turns the economy into a rocket ship, doubling 401Ks, adding 6M jobs and 600,000 manufacturing jobs that the Kenyan said would never return, "without a magic wand". Yeah? Well, who needs a magic wand when they have a gold finger? Sure, illegal immigration has us boiling mad, and nobody gives a crap about the fake Gorebal warming. But now Trump's feats, despite Mueller's harassment, is blase, ho-hum, so what? Huh?


It's not the economy right now for voters: Here's why

This sentence is an example of a Damn Lie of a BIG LIE echoed by dishonest hacks. To wit:

"Funny how just a couple years ago everybody was scared shitless about their future under the communist Obama and his crippled economy"

What motivates the author of the OP? Does he believe it, can anyone be that ill informed?

The Great Recession began, "According to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (the official arbiter of U.S. recessions) the recession began in December 2007 and ended inJune 2009, and thus extended over eighteen months:.
i remember in 1882, I think they got about 2 cents a day to flip/serve burgers at McDonalds, but i believe, in today's math, that would be the equivalent of about $3.35 an hr.

I ain't as old as you....back in '64 (1964) I was a carry-out boy at a local supermarket at $1.07 an hour....when they bumped me up to $1.17, I bought a car....'58 Nash Metropolitan from my neighbor for $200. That car is worth about $20K today. Got my first tail in that one....Sherry got off and kicked out the windshield...kinda ruined the moment for me. :lol:

Nobody believes you.

Well...I believe the Nash Metropolitan part.

What guy would brag about owning that?


It's cute...but hardly cool.
i miss the good old days when Pinto's exploded even when a cow collided with them

You miss them...not me.
Well the same damn dumb democrats are calling for free tuition!

seems that was part of the plan all along. Take over the student loans then you can forgive them, which is the next step towards tax payer funded tuition, since we all know that nothing is free.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
Always have been. Your positions prove it!

yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. anti deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
Well the same damn dumb democrats are calling for free tuition!

seems that was part of the plan all along. Take over the student loans then you can forgive them, which is the next step towards tax payer funded tuition, since we all know that nothing is free.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
Always have been. Your positions prove it!

yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I will be watching ewe!
seems that was part of the plan all along. Take over the student loans then you can forgive them, which is the next step towards tax payer funded tuition, since we all know that nothing is free.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
Always have been. Your positions prove it!

yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I will be watching ewe!

how can you watch me with your head up Trump's ass?
yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.

I would say that "Most" rightwingers want someone like Trump so badly that they're willing to ignore ALL indications that he is not exactly what they claim him to be.
The same held true with Obama "worshippers"

I guess the majority of people are easy to fool.

It's all crystal clear and so very easy to understand.....it's We The People vs The Elites and the Establishment. Both mainstream parties are under their control.
Funny how just a couple years ago everybody was scared shitless about their future under the communist Obama and his crippled economy. Then VOILA! Trump cuts regs and taxes and turns the economy into a rocket ship, doubling 401Ks, adding 6M jobs and 600,000 manufacturing jobs that the Kenyan said would never return, "without a magic wand". Yeah? Well, who needs a magic wand when they have a gold finger? Sure, illegal immigration has us boiling mad, and nobody gives a crap about the fake Gorebal warming. But now Trump's feats, despite Mueller's harassment, is blase, ho-hum, so what? Huh?
Trump's economic growth has not exceeded Obama's. Nor has the Dow's growth.

In fact, the Dow has been extremely sluggish compared to its growth under Obama.

And Trump has had to cheat to get the GDP figures where they are. He had to spend more money per year than even Obama did. Trump's budget for this year is a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending!

That's how Trump has juiced the numbers.

Even worse, Trump has EXPLODED our trade deficits with China and Mexico.

Trump was elected on third base, and you tards think he hit a triple when he's trying to steal second!

I posted these numbers in a different thread yesterday...

Since the day Trump took office:

DJI up 35.09%
S&P up 29.6%
NASDAQ up 54.63%

The same point under Obama:

DJI up 51.02%
S&P up 57.32%
NASDAQ up 98.42%


Problem is...Trumpbots pay NO attention to facts...only what Trump (and other Trumpbots) say.


There is a thread around here where a Trumpbot was looking at a birth certificate copy that showed Trump's father was born in America...and he was still saying that he must have been in Germany!?!

Trumpbots are utterly hopeless...sadly.
yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.

I would say that "Most" rightwingers want someone like Trump so badly that they're willing to ignore ALL indications that he is not exactly what they claim him to be.
The same held true with Obama "worshippers"

I guess the majority of people are easy to fool.

Yes, the majority of people are easy to fool.

The Obama worshipers were, and still are, just as bad as the Trump ones.
That’s what makes you libtarded Democrats so fucking stupid you keep promising free shit!

I am not a Dem and never have been.
Always have been. Your positions prove it!

yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I will be watching ewe!

how can you watch me with your head up Trump's ass?

If his/her head is far enough, he can see out of his mouth.
Problem is...Trumpbots pay NO attention to facts...only what Trump (and other Trumpbots) say.

There is a thread around here where a Trumpbot was looking at a birth certificate copy that showed Trump's father was born in America...and he was still saying that he must have been in Germany!?!

Trumpbots are utterly hopeless...sadly.

In all fairness, Obamabots and ClintonZombies are EXACTLY the same.
Funny how just a couple years ago everybody was scared shitless about their future under the communist Obama and his crippled economy. Then VOILA! Trump cuts regs and taxes and turns the economy into a rocket ship, doubling 401Ks, adding 6M jobs and 600,000 manufacturing jobs that the Kenyan said would never return, "without a magic wand". Yeah? Well, who needs a magic wand when they have a gold finger? Sure, illegal immigration has us boiling mad, and nobody gives a crap about the fake Gorebal warming. But now Trump's feats, despite Mueller's harassment, is blase, ho-hum, so what? Huh?
Trump's economic growth has not exceeded Obama's. Nor has the Dow's growth.

In fact, the Dow has been extremely sluggish compared to its growth under Obama.

And Trump has had to cheat to get the GDP figures where they are. He had to spend more money per year than even Obama did. Trump's budget for this year is a full trillion dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending!

That's how Trump has juiced the numbers.

Even worse, Trump has EXPLODED our trade deficits with China and Mexico.

Trump was elected on third base, and you tards think he hit a triple when he's trying to steal second!

I posted these numbers in a different thread yesterday...

Since the day Trump took office:

DJI up 35.09%
S&P up 29.6%
NASDAQ up 54.63%

The same point under Obama:

DJI up 51.02%
S&P up 57.32%
NASDAQ up 98.42%


Problem is...Trumpbots pay NO attention to facts...only what Trump (and other Trumpbots) say.


There is a thread around here where a Trumpbot was looking at a birth certificate copy that showed Trump's father was born in America...and he was still saying that he must have been in Germany!?!

Trumpbots are utterly hopeless...sadly.

This was the Trumpian's response when I said "let's compare performance"

"Let's not and JUST SAY TRUMP IS THE MAN...

Even when given the facts they just choose to ignore them.

Problem is...Trumpbots pay NO attention to facts...only what Trump (and other Trumpbots) say.

There is a thread around here where a Trumpbot was looking at a birth certificate copy that showed Trump's father was born in America...and he was still saying that he must have been in Germany!?!

Trumpbots are utterly hopeless...sadly.

In all fairness, Obamabots and ClintonZombies are EXACTLY the same.

Wingers are exactly the same, it matters not if they are right wingers or left wingers.
yeah ok...

my positions..

1. pro smaller government.

2. ant deficit spending.

3. anti-abortion

4. pro-2nd amendment.

5. pro free market

6. anti ObamaCare

7. view Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever

and the list goes on and on....

you Trump worshipers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.

I would say that "Most" rightwingers want someone like Trump so badly that they're willing to ignore ALL indications that he is not exactly what they claim him to be.
The same held true with Obama "worshippers"

I guess the majority of people are easy to fool.

I've been waiting for the Trump version of Reagan for 30 years and he has arrived. I couldn't be happier with the job he's doing and angrier at the scumbags trying to stop him. I quit the Republican party the day McCain told us not to care that Obama was born in Kenya. That rotten old bastard got my vote several times and I'll never be betrayed by a country club RINO again. You can throw Romney, Murkowsky, Ann Coulter, and the rest of them in a dumpster and I'll toss a cherry bomb into it

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