U.S. Troops Running Out of Arms and Munitions as Biden Keeps Sending More to Ukraine

It has never not told them exactly what they want to hear. Can you imagine the people who work there when they look for another job....as soon as a serious editor sees that on their resume...into the recycle bin.
This whole alternate universe mess has been a shining example of the intellectual calcification of ideology.

Just believe in, and run with, anything you're told in your ecosystem. Don't question it. It's "The Truth".

So here we are.
This whole alternate universe mess has been a shining example of the intellectual calcification of ideology.

Just believe in, and run with, anything you're told in your ecosystem. Don't question it. It's "The Truth".

So here we are.
Given that you started a thread about the "left has lost their shit"...what do you think about the right? Or is this where you again try to ride the fence and say that both sides are equally nuts?
That plan will not work if we don’t have the armament to protect Taiwan Because we gave it to Ukraine. We could easily get our asses kicked by China.

The Chinese have enough Sophie’s to know the status of our

And of course CNN and MSNBC, the New York Times. The Washington Post, ABC, NBC and CBS always report the truth and never, ever lie.
Most if the time, yes, they report the news...unless it is an editorial, which is clearly distinguished as opinion.

Gateway pundit and PJ media are NOT news sources, they don't even have reporters or journalists that leave their computer desk or editors that verify their sources etc..... They were never meant to be news sources, they were designed to be rumor mills... Propagandists.
First install a Usurper. Deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, Deplete our weaponry, deplete our food supply, make our soldiers sick by injecting them with toxins and poison their minds with CRT and Gender ideology. If you wanted to set a nation up for a strategic defeat in war would you do anything differently? Russia and China are salivating as Biden makes us weaker and weaker from within on purpose.

it's why biden is coming for your AR;s
And I can guarantee the reloads I make are twice as accurate as anything the army buys. He'll want that too
Given that you started a thread about the "left has lost their shit"...what do you think about the right? Or is this where you again try to ride the fence and say that both sides are equally nuts?
Well, at least you asked.

Yes, the Left has indeed lost its shit. It's sold its soul to stupid, counterproductive ideas that brought about Trumpism. No matter how much some of us tried to warn them, they just had to do it. They allowed their ideology to control their reason, their curiosity, and their very thought processes. As commitment to an ideology usually does.

The Right? What has become of the Right is worse than what has become of the Left, because the Right has (a) exposed some profound sociological problems that have been under the surface and growing for a long time, and (b) literally put our very democracy at existential risk. Definitely worse, and that's why I spend more time on that here.

I have not once, not ever, said the Left and the Right were "equal". I hear that one from both ends, ironically. What I have actually said is that the behaviors of the two ends of the spectrum can be spectacularly similar, and I definitely stand by that.
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Something you don't realize is those arms will be used to weaken Russia almost immediately. Russia is OUR enemy, get it. Anything, anything at all that hurts them, helps us. Period.
Putin is our enemy, not Russia or the Russian people. They would like to remove Putin as much as we would. Biden is pushing us into a nuclear conflict with Russia and China, no one wins if that happens. If Trump was president Putin would not have invaded Ukraine, weak american presidents (Biden, Obama, LBJ) put the entire world at risk.
Well, at least you asked.

Yes, the Left has indeed lost its shit. It's sold its soul to stupid, counterproductive ideas that brought about Trumpism. No matter how much some of us tried to warn them, they just had to do it. They allowed their ideology to control their reason, their curiosity, and their very thought processes. As commitment to an ideology usually does.

The Right? What has become of the Right is worse than what has become of the Left, because the Right has (a) exposed some profound sociological problems that have been under the surface and growing for a long time, and (b) literally put our very democracy at existential risk. Definitely worse, and that's why I spend more time on that here.

I have not once, not ever, said the Left and the Right were "equal". I hear that one from both ends, ironically. What I have actually said is that the behaviors of the two ends of the spectrum are spectacularly similar, and I definitely stand by that.
Well, at least you asked.

Yes, the Left has indeed lost its shit. It's sold its soul to stupid, counterproductive ideas that brought about Trumpism. No matter how much some of us tried to warn them, they just had to do it. They allowed their ideology to control their reason, their curiosity, and their very thought processes. As commitment to an ideology usually does.
Unlikely. The far right has always been unhinged and intrigued by the cause endorsed by celebrities. Charlton Heston with the NRA; Arnold Schwarzenegger in California, Ronald Reagan in California. Many others. Politically Trump may have been to their right but it's just a variation on a theme. They like the star power in lieu of actual governing. Reagan wasn't the an effective governor and an effective President. You'll note that he acquiesced to his secretaries.

Caspar Weinberger--pardoned before even being indicted if memory serves.
Elliot Abrams (NSC)--had to plead guilty
Robert MacFarlane--had to plead guilty--tried to kill himself if memory serves
Do I need to bring up Ollie North, Poindexter, James Watt etc...?

Pretty much the same thing happened under Trump and we're still unpacking the corruption.
The Right? What has become of the Right is worse than what has become of the Left, because the Right has (a) exposed some profound sociological problems that have been under the surface and growing for a long time, and (b) literally put our very democracy at existential risk. Definitely worse, and that's why I spend more time on that here.
I have not once, not ever, said the Left and the Right were "equal". I hear that one from both ends, ironically. What I have actually said is that the behaviors of the two ends of the spectrum can be spectacularly similar, and I definitely stand by that.

Ok...so the right is worse?
Unlikely. The far right has always been unhinged and intrigued by the cause endorsed by celebrities. Charlton Heston with the NRA; Arnold Schwarzenegger in California, Ronald Reagan in California. Many others. Politically Trump may have been to their right but it's just a variation on a theme. They like the star power in lieu of actual governing. Reagan wasn't the an effective governor and an effective President. You'll note that he acquiesced to his secretaries.

Caspar Weinberger--pardoned before even being indicted if memory serves.
Elliot Abrams (NSC)--had to plead guilty
Robert MacFarlane--had to plead guilty--tried to kill himself if memory serves
Do I need to bring up Ollie North, Poindexter, James Watt etc...?

Pretty much the same thing happened under Trump and we're still unpacking the corruption.


Ok...so the right is worse?
Currently, yes.
Most if the time, yes, they report the news...unless it is an editorial, which is clearly distinguished as opinion.

Gateway pundit and PJ media are NOT news sources, they don't even have reporters or journalists that leave their computer desk or editors that verify their sources etc..... They were never meant to be news sources, they were designed to be rumor mills... Propagandists.
So why was all the liberal media with all their wonderful reporters often so wrong about Trump?

Currently, yes.
Caspar Weinberger--pardoned before even being indicted if memory serves. As it should be
Elliot Abrams (NSC)--had to plead guilty even being innocent as a new born baby.
Robert MacFarlane--had to plead guilty--even though an atempt was made on his life, if memory serves.
Do I need to bring up Ollie North, Poindexter, James Watt etc... All great men ahead of their time.

Pretty much the same thing happened under Trump and we're still packing up the corruption left by these Commie Pinko transformers.

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