U.S. Troops Running Out of Arms and Munitions as Biden Keeps Sending More to Ukraine

First install a Usurper. Deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, Deplete our weaponry, deplete our food supply, make our soldiers sick by injecting them with toxins and poison their minds with CRT and Gender ideology. If you wanted to set a nation up for a strategic defeat in war would you do anything differently? Russia and China are salivating as Biden makes us weaker and weaker from within on purpose.

It is fairly obvious Joe is a Manchurian candidate.

Perhaps Joe’s plan is to run our nation so low on arms that we can’t stop China from taking over Taiwan. Of course Joe will never give the Ukrainians the arms they need to win in the end. He will just give them enough so they can keep fighting but finally lose.
First install a Usurper. Deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, Deplete our weaponry, deplete our food supply, make our soldiers sick by injecting them with toxins and poison their minds with CRT and Gender ideology. If you wanted to set a nation up for a strategic defeat in war would you do anything differently? Russia and China are salivating as Biden makes us weaker and weaker from within on purpose.

Source: The Gateway Pundit.
It is fairly obvious Joe is a Manchurian candidate.

Perhaps Joe’s plan is to run our nation so low on arms that we can’t stop China from taking over Taiwan. Of course Joe will never give the Ukrainians the arms they need to win in the end. He will just give them enough so they can keep fighting but finally lose.
Because The Gateway Pundit told you so..
First install a Usurper. Deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, Deplete our weaponry, deplete our food supply, make our soldiers sick by injecting them with toxins and poison their minds with CRT and Gender ideology. If you wanted to set a nation up for a strategic defeat in war would you do anything differently? Russia and China are salivating as Biden makes us weaker and weaker from within on purpose.

Well, I'm sure the military machine is spending your money to produce more.
It is fairly obvious Joe is a Manchurian candidate.

Perhaps Joe’s plan is to run our nation so low on arms that we can’t stop China from taking over Taiwan. Of course Joe will never give the Ukrainians the arms they need to win in the end. He will just give them enough so they can keep fighting but finally lose.
Support for Ukraine and Ukraine winning against Russia's unprovoked war against the Ukrainians, will curb China from being as aggressive with Taiwan..... Is the hope.
I seriously doubt that we're running out of arms and munitions. However, it is an open and fair question as to whether we're prepared for sustained proxy battles against Russia and China. We probably are not. And that's a problem.
Support for Ukraine and Ukraine winning against Russia's unprovoked war against the Ukrainians, will curb China from being as aggressive with Taiwan..... Is the hope.

Conventional wisdom says China isn't ready to invade Taiwan, probably because they fear a massive reaction by the international global order.

What China is likely to do - their first chess move if you will - is to attack that international global order obliquely by supporting Putin in his war with Ukraine. A lot of pundits think he won't do it for fear of sanctions, but I think he will test the waters. He is in alignment with Putin (and other regimes in other countries) on this. They want US/Western dominance to end, and they are willing to risk pissing off Washington and Brussels to do it.
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I seriously doubt that we're running out of arms and munitions. However, it is an open and fair question as to whether we're prepared for sustained proxy battles against Russia and China. We probably are not. And that's a problem.
Congress holds the purse strings.... Certainly they are preparing and funding replenishment!!!???
Conventional wisdom says China isn't ready to invade Taiwan, probably because they fear a massive reaction by the international global order.

What China is likely to do - their first chess move if you will - is to attack that international global order obliquely by support Putin in his war with Ukraine. A lot of pundits think he won't do it for fear of sanctions, but I think he will test the waters. He is in alignment with Putin (and other regimes in other countries) on this. They want US/Western dominance to end, and they are willing to risk pissing off Washington and Brussels to do it.
If Americans cave on the Ukraine winning, then all bets are off.... It's important for many reasons that the Ukrainians keep their sovereign country, and Putin loses.
If Americans cave on the Ukraine winning, then all bets are off.... It's important for many reasons that the Ukrainians keep their sovereign country, and Putin loses.

This issue will come up as we get closer to the default deadline. I'm not optimistic it'll be resolved favorably.
Congress holds the purse strings.... Certainly they are preparing and funding replenishment!!!???

Probably a majority of Congress is, but we could be heading into a stagflation type event in the coming months and there's a cadre of MAGA who are, as John Boehner put it, "legislative terrorists", who would weaponize US debt obligations to destroy Biden's re-election chances. It could backfire, obviously, but that's what we're looking at, I think.
This issue will come up as we get closer to the default deadline. I'm not optimistic it'll be resolved favorably.
It'll cost more in the long run, by not spending the money now....imo.

And yeah, the crazies are in charge now, in the House, ... It's Russian Roulette, on how it turns out. :(
Nothing new for Democrats. Woodrow Wilson plotted to get us into the war in Europe while the Army was training with wooden replicas of rifles.
Support for Ukraine and Ukraine winning against Russia's unprovoked war against the Ukrainians, will curb China from being as aggressive with Taiwan..... Is the hope.
That plan will not work if we don’t have the armament to protect Taiwan Because we gave it to Ukraine. We could easily get our asses kicked by China.

The Chinese have enough Sophie’s to know the status of our
PJ media, no different than the gateway pundit, both propaganda.
And of course CNN and MSNBC, the New York Times. The Washington Post, ABC, NBC and CBS always report the truth and never, ever lie.
They just keep using the Gateway Pundit.
It has never not told them exactly what they want to hear. Can you imagine the people who work there when they look for another job....as soon as a serious editor sees that on their resume...into the recycle bin.
It'll cost more in the long run, by not spending the money now....imo.

And yeah, the crazies are in charge now, in the House, ... Its Russian Roulette, on how it turns out. :(

Ultimately, sometime in the next 6-12 months, I think we're going to reach a compromise of some sort. Putin will probably be allowed to keep some parts of the Donbas and Crimea as a "buffer". Zelensky will hate this, but he won't have a choice. Finland is going to join NATO and maybe Sweden, too, and now that he's officially an international war criminal, those sanctions will likely be permanent as long as he's in power. So Putin will be a loser.

Support for the war will weaken over time. To that end, China may not provide heavy arms but just enough to wear down the pro-Ukraine forces, drag the conflict out a bit, and weaken morale/public support in countries helping Ukraine.

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