Zone1 UFOs and the Prince of the Power of the Air

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
God calls Satan the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Those who understand the Bible understand why.

UFOs are preparation for the Return of Christ. We are entering the Last Days. All signs point to it

Satan wants the world to believe in "aliens" to create fear when Christ Returns along with the angels and the resurrected saints.

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A great big thanks OP . Now I see the error of my ways . Love the idea of the Essene monk stepping out of an UAP with his entourage and ready to carry us repenters back upstairs .Tears in my eyes ."Blessed be , as blessed is " . Is that the correct patter ?
God calls Satan the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Those who understand the Bible understand why.

UFOs are preparation for the Return of Christ. We are entering the Last Days. All signs point to it

Satan wants the world to believe in "aliens" to create fear when Christ Returns along with the angels and the resurrected saints.

Mankind has been living in the "Last Days" (meaning the last covenant between God and man) since the day of Pentecost following the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ in the 1st century. Tribulation? Each and every day is a tribulation as there is no promise of a tomorrow, each day of life is the result of God's grace. UFOs? False Flag events attempting to prep the masses for an attempt to bring about a New World Order.............its propaganda.

The scriptures tell us with no ambiguity whatsoever the last days of mankind (the beginning of the N.T. covenant) began on Pentecost day in the 1st century. "But Peter standing up with the 11 (Apostles of Christ) lifted up his voice and addressed them:
Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the 3rd hour of the day (9 AM as calculated by the method used by the Jews.......with 6AM starting the day as opposed to our method of beginning a new day at 12)............BUT THIS IS WHAT WAS UTTERED THROUGH THE PROPHET JOEL (Peter is referring to Joel: 2:28-32 form the O.T)

What was the prophecy from Joel? Peter declares these days are at hand (the last days of mankind), "AND IN THE LAST DAYS IT SHALL BE.......GOD DECLARES, I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ......." -- Acts 2:17.

Mankind has been living in the LAST DAYS since Peter preached the first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost in the 1st century A.D.

It IS the Spirit of God.....aka, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost......that inspires the entire N.T. text, "All scripture is inspired of God....." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17 God poured out HIS SPIRIT as predicted by the prophet Joel.

The only reason that mankind still exists is because of the Longsuffering of God. Longsuffering: Patience with mankind.
"The Lord is not slow about His promises, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you (the sinner), NOT WISHING THAT ANY WOULD PERISH BUT FOR ALL TO COME TO REPENTANCE." -- 2 Peter 3:9
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Mankind has been living in the "Last Days" (meaning the last covenant between God and man) since the day of Pentecost following the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ in the 1st century.
Excellent satire . Could not have put it in a more boring and long winded way , however hard I might have tried .Perhaps a spot of Creative Writing might help you and in future include a quote or two from the Book of Enoch .
Excellent satire . Could not have put it in a more boring and long winded way , however hard I might have tried .Perhaps a spot of Creative Writing might help you and in future include a quote or two from the Book of Enoch .
Enoch? You mean the fake book that has been "historically" listed as a pseudoepigrapha (there are some 52 works included with YOUR (wink, wink) Book of Enoch with FALSE AUTHORS? One of those books? :th_spinspin: These fake books are dated between the last actual book of the Old Testament (Malachi) and the centuries between the start of the N.T. works. Fake beyond doubt, some have them dated as late the 1st century. Apostle of Christ who studied Jewish Law and Traditions under one of the greatest teachers of his time (Gamaliel -- Acts 22:3).........warned us of these false works of fiction. (Titus 1:14) He called these works consisting of JEWISH FABLES.

Only a "fool" with no cognition to reason and logic.........void of any critical independent thinking would actually take these works of fiction as real. Or as Peter declares, "...........those who are unlearned or unstable twist the scriptures to their own destruction." -- 2 Peter 3:16 :deal: There are fables, then there is History Actual. All orthodox Jews know these works are fake.
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"aliens" = demons.

Even a number of non-Christian well-known ufo researchers have concluded after many years of research that these "aliens" are inter-dimensional, as opposed to extra-terrestrial. And there are quotes from these secular researchers that state that the stories people have about encounters with aliens are very similar to stories of encounters with demons, over the last few thousand years. I could look for the quotes if anyone wants to see them.

Here's something interesting to watch. An interview with Chuck Missler... and then further in the video is an interview with William Cooper. This is a documentary a friend of mine made, back in 1999.

"aliens" = demons.

Even a number of non-Christian well-known ufo researchers have concluded after many years of research that these "aliens" are inter-dimensional, as opposed to extra-terrestrial. And there are quotes from these secular researchers that state that the stories people have about encounters with aliens are very similar to stories of encounters with demons, over the last few thousand years. I could look for the quotes if anyone wants to see them.

Here's something interesting to watch. An interview with Chuck Missler... and then further in the video is an interview with William Cooper. This is a documentary a friend of mine made, back in 1999.

Minute 46:
I just saw a video yesterday theorizing my the same thing. They were talking about "their" desire to recreate the nephilim "as it was in the Days of Noah"
Enoch? You mean the fake book that has been "historically" listed as a pseudoepigrapha (there are some 52 works included with YOUR (wink, wink) Book of Enoch with FALSE AUTHORS? One of those books? :th_spinspin: These fake books are dated between the last actual book of the Old Testament (Malachi) and the centuries between the start of the N.T. works. Fake beyond doubt, some have them dated as late the 1st century. Apostle of Christ who studied Jewish Law and Traditions under one of the greatest teachers of his time (Gamaliel -- Acts 22:3).........warned us of these false works of fiction. (Titus 1:14) He called these works consisting of JEWISH FABLES.

Only a "fool" with no cognition to reason and logic.........void of any critical independent thinking would actually take these works of fiction as real. Or as Peter declares, "...........those who are unlearned or unstable twist the scriptures to their own destruction." -- 2 Peter 3:16 :deal: There are fables, then there is History Actual. All orthodox Jews know these works are fake.
History is not NEWS.........the word NEW is contained within the term. The Holy Scriptures are a historical record....proving that fools have no cognition to reason and logic:auiqs.jpg:
Whether these beings are spiritual, or physical beings, I've never thought they actually travel through space from another star system. They are interdimensional beings -- something like vaccine siting us through a "wormhole" from their world. They are not space travelers
God calls Satan the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Those who understand the Bible understand why.

UFOs are preparation for the Return of Christ. We are entering the Last Days. All signs point to it

Satan wants the world to believe in "aliens" to create fear when Christ Returns along with the angels and the resurrected saints.

They are inter dimensional beings. Things are about to get very interesting.
Whether these beings are spiritual, or physical beings, I've never thought they actually travel through space from another star system. They are interdimensional beings -- something like vaccine siting us through a "wormhole" from their world. They are not space travelers
My phone messed up my posts, I swear 😂

My crime is posting without thoroughly checking my post first. Sorry about that
The first amendment is a grand thing. It separates the wheat from the chaff. The meat of the wheat is surrounded at harvest time by an outer husk , to produce the true nourishment that wheat provides .....the wheat must be beaten to separate the nourishment from the empty husk that provides nothing but a cover. The wheat (truth) can stand the thrashing that separated the good from the waste that blows away in the throws the basket full of beaten wheat up into the air......the valid nourishment falls back down into the basket........the husk (useless for nourishment) is blown away in the breeze to begin the process all over again.
Without going into detail, I had this experience


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