Uh Wait we are at 30,000 Deaths, what happened to 200K minimum WITH mitigation?

I think Fauci is being optimistic with 60k dead...

Sorry this is pretty grim:
At the moment there is 2500 dying a day, 10% growth of dead a day
By that rate if 10% holds about 25k will die in the next 7 days. Other countries further down the line haven't moved much from the 10% growth a day.

If the US could get that to zero the following week that mean only another 25,000 people have died.

The following week with out a reversal of this (which only a very few countries have got there) you having 50,000 dying...

This is all built on testing that is half what they are doing in Germany and other European countries(who also have Universal Healthcare)...

Those numbers are painting a picture of 100k+ before this can even reach the apex.

Can the Unlock the country people tell us the cost of lives of their plan?

I am not sure, but the only thing a lock down does is slow the rate of infection, not the total. So as long as you have not over saturated the hospital ventilator supply, then you will have the same death toll, whether slowed or not.
Bull crap, tell me the logic in that silly remark ,the vaccine will come at a given time .so that is the length of time we are concerned with, you let it do what it will with no concern and a hell of a lot more people will be dead over the actions of slowing it down. Your remark is silly. Not the slightest bit of reason.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
There is no alternative Hyperbole is lying , hyper boil is not telling the truth and in his case it always has a reason, it's to puff up this puss ball.

Using hyperbole for self flattering is not an intent to deceive so there is no lie.

Your list is a lie. You are the one telling lies.

IF, you were really offended by "lies", this information would shock and upset you.

BUt, you will blow it off without a flinch. Because really, this is about Orange Man Bad. And that is all you have to say.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

/——/ I’m sorry for your loss.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Post 135 defines how silly you are and how much you people have to depend on lies to operate, our expert here says the orange carrots comment I posted in post 135 is not a lie . This is their only hope as it is for scum bag . just lie, that takes care of everything. Chuckle.

I really don't know what your point is , I mean scum bag goes on there daily to tell everyone he is a genius and has taken care of everything. I often go on myself and claim to be a doctor of what ever the subject is. So a twitter thread for a source is comical/
4,000 people died today.
people have been dying everyday for decades
Typical trump supporter dont give a rat's ass about people dying.
..I care about you, Issa--and so does Mr Trump..he loves us
No he doesnt. He cares about his ego.
accept his love and you will be happy
..now, you are Mr Grumpy and frustrated with TDS
TDS= hating scum.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

Trump and his people were the ones who put out those high numbers. The press reported what Trump and his people were saying.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.

Trump and his people were the ones who put out those high numbers. The press reported what Trump and his people were saying.
These people don't operate on facts, like their God and leader , they think lies work better to control.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Post 135 defines how silly you are and how much you people have to depend on lies to operate, our expert here says the orange carrots comment I posted in post 135 is not a lie . This is their only hope as it is for scum bag . just lie, that takes care of everything. Chuckle.

Hyperbole is not lying. That you claim it is, is a lie on your part. Your list is refuted, on it's first point.

You lose, lefty.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Post 135 defines how silly you are and how much you people have to depend on lies to operate, our expert here says the orange carrots comment I posted in post 135 is not a lie . This is their only hope as it is for scum bag . just lie, that takes care of everything. Chuckle.

Hyperbole is not lying. That you claim it is, is a lie on your part. Your list is refuted, on it's first point.

You lose, lefty.
You can't catch up here can you , it isn't hyperbole to start with, its just a plane old lie that always come out of this piles of shits mouth every time he opens it. It's not telling the truth ,People look at post 135 it is Scumbags lie and why it is a lie,
, our hero here says it isn't a lie. Scum bag lies for the most sniveling reason , to make him look like more then he is , what he is is nothing, zero , total waste, brain dead, mentally ill, egomaniac. This piece of shit has lied 17,000 times all verified, in a matter of just 3 years , that record will never be broken.
I think the real comedy here is these weak minded haters think they can turn Scum bags non stop lying into something less then lying by saying it is hyperbole, hyperbole is for men who have no balls trying to be somerthing they aren't . So in either case it says little about this pile of shit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:
Why no link to your leftist "fact checker", jbander :abgg2q.jpg:
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Post 135 defines how silly you are and how much you people have to depend on lies to operate, our expert here says the orange carrots comment I posted in post 135 is not a lie . This is their only hope as it is for scum bag . just lie, that takes care of everything. Chuckle.

Hyperbole is not lying. That you claim it is, is a lie on your part. Your list is refuted, on it's first point.

You lose, lefty.
You can't catch up here can you , it isn't hyperbole to start with, its just a plane old lie that always come out of this piles of shits mouth every time he opens it. It's not telling the truth ,People look at post 135 it is Scumbags lie and why it is a lie,
, our hero here says it isn't a lie. Scum bag lies for the most sniveling reason , to make him look like more then he is , what he is is nothing, zero , total waste, brain dead, mentally ill, egomaniac. This piece of shit has lied 17,000 times all verified, in a matter of just 3 years , that record will never be broken.

So. You open with your conclusion. A valid way to start.

Then you support you conclusion, not with a logical argument, but with restating your position, ...twice, buried in with a lot of name calling.

I know that as a liberal, you don't really understand the concept of debate, or really rational thought. So I will help you.

THe debate has become one of Lie vs Hyperbole.

You insist that it is a lie. I say it is not, it is hyperbole.

I have made the point that there is not intent to deceive in the example, thus it is not a lie.

You can't just disagree and restate your position. That is you admitting that you cannot address the point.

You have to make a counter point.

Explain why you think that my argument is wrong, ie why a lie does not need to have an intent to deceive.

Or admit that you cannot.

Any other response, is you admitting not only that you cannot defend your position, but that you are too much of a partisan hack to be honest about that, and are just....

lying about that.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
Idiot liberals will say "BECAUSE THE DISTANCING WORKED!" So the upper estimates of 1 million dead, even 2, did not come to pass. But Fauci in press briefings 3 weeks ago always included "with mitigation." That means social distancing was baked into those numbers. But don't count on liberals to be able to process all that. And Fauci has changed the dead estimate to 60,000, a bad flu season, many hospitals are empty, and the real mortality rate keeps going down even as more and more mild or asymptomatic cases are tested, inflation of COVID19 numbers emerges.

Now we have a wrecked economy, decades old small businesses that will never come back, and cities ready to blow. On to phase 2.

On the other hand, the One Percent has people accustomed to locking themselves in their cells, and once the looting and pillaging starts, they will be begging for shoot on sight orders for anyone outside after curfew. These people are under control. Meanwhile they are partying like it's 1999 in their mansions with swimming pools. No problem "hunkering down."

That's a heck of a two months of work. Hats off to a formidable enemy.


Could you please with evidence tell us how many would have died if your route was taken?

He made a serious claim about 200k WITH mitigation. If the model was that wrong, that is a point that needs discussed.
Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

That "crap" is the thread topic. If you did not want to discuss it, then you should not have entered the thread.

Do you even know if he claim is correct? If it is, that seems pretty shocking, would you not agree?
Yes I know, the crap I pointed out is because it is crap. and it is total bullshit compared to scum bag saying there is nothing to it/ So we will try one more time ----Forget this crap, scum bag said zero for deaths but the haters are attack other numbers. When stuidity and lies are your only answer do them both big time. Just like the screaming carrot. 17000 verified lies in 3 years , that number will never be topped.

17k lies is a lie. Nice irony there. You immediately show that your supposed complaint, ie lying, is not a problem for you, so your entire complaint is bullshit.
You people are so easy to make a total fool out of , here are all the lies and all the reasons why they are considered lies , there is now 18,000 of them, find a 1000 that they made a mistake on and they are not lies. and bring the proof. Lets start with just one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4 We are all waiting for your words of wisdom now and your proof

The first one is not a lie. It was harmless hyperbole, obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

That you would seriously try to deceive me, by counting it as a lie, is ironically ACTUALLY a lie. You are lying. Trump was just talking some shit, like he is prone to do.

“Again, we had the strongest economy in the world. We had our best ever. We had probably the best economy in the history of the world, bigger than China, bigger than anybody.”
Fact Check:
Trump normally just claims he once had the best economy in the history of the United States but here he even claims it was best economy in the history of the world. But it's not true even for the U.S. Before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses and sent unemployment soaring, the president could certainly brag about the state of the economy in his first three years as president. But he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the economy under Trump did not do as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton. The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.3 percent in 2019, slipping from 2.9 percent in 2018 and 2.4 percent in 2017. But in 1997, 1998 and 1999, GDP grew 4.5 percent, 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. Yet even that period paled in comparison against the 1950s and 1960s. Growth between 1962 and 1966 ranged from 4.4 percent to 6.6 percent. In postwar 1950 and 1951, it was 8.7 percent and 8 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate reached a low of 3.5 percent under Trump, but it dipped as low as 2.5 percent in 1953.
Repeated 291 times:

And not seriously intended to fool one person once.

So, not a lie. YOur list is refuted.
That one fails so try again.
You don't get it , I posted the first one and it its definately a lie , the only thing you can do is prove it false, so there's the lie and the reason why it is a lie. He either didn't say it or the facts of the proof that it is a law is false. So show us what you got and bring your source, we really aren't interested in your opinion. I mean thats the point of this, showing how worthless your opinion is.

Your pretense of not knowing that hyperbole exists as an alternative, is not credible. You are lying.
Post 135 says it all , my genious friend here says it isn't lying. Take a look.

I did. I pointed out that the first "lie"on the list, was pure hyperbole.

Trump is a well known bullshitter. YOur pretense of not knowing that, is you lying.
Post 135 defines how silly you are and how much you people have to depend on lies to operate, our expert here says the orange carrots comment I posted in post 135 is not a lie . This is their only hope as it is for scum bag . just lie, that takes care of everything. Chuckle.

Hyperbole is not lying. That you claim it is, is a lie on your part. Your list is refuted, on it's first point.

You lose, lefty.
You can't catch up here can you , it isn't hyperbole to start with, its just a plane old lie that always come out of this piles of shits mouth every time he opens it. It's not telling the truth ,People look at post 135 it is Scumbags lie and why it is a lie,
, our hero here says it isn't a lie. Scum bag lies for the most sniveling reason , to make him look like more then he is , what he is is nothing, zero , total waste, brain dead, mentally ill, egomaniac. This piece of shit has lied 17,000 times all verified, in a matter of just 3 years , that record will never be broken.

So. You open with your conclusion. A valid way to start.

Then you support you conclusion, not with a logical argument, but with restating your position, ...twice, buried in with a lot of name calling.

I know that as a liberal, you don't really understand the concept of debate, or really rational thought. So I will help you.

THe debate has become one of Lie vs Hyperbole.

You insist that it is a lie. I say it is not, it is hyperbole.

I have made the point that there is not intent to deceive in the example, thus it is not a lie.

You can't just disagree and restate your position. That is you admitting that you cannot address the point.

You have to make a counter point.

Explain why you think that my argument is wrong, ie why a lie does not need to have an intent to deceive.

Or admit that you cannot.

Any other response, is you admitting not only that you cannot defend your position, but that you are too much of a partisan hack to be honest about that, and are just....

lying about that.
This heroic member of the hate group they call a party says this statement isn't a lie(post 135) but just hyperbole so they even lie about their lies now. Scum bag doesn't lie it is hyperbole, you just can't make this stuff up , you judge. look at the post 178, Our hero here says it's hyperbole , totally harmless meaning nothing but in no way a lie. Just ignore , look the other way, it means nothing , no harm no foul.

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