Uk teacher denies student water because it would be unfair to fasting Muslims

The teacher made the ruling on Thursday when temperatures soared to 28C.

The fuck? 28 degrees is hot? Oh yeah, its freaking England. Good grief, that's nothing. Its a nice day, but its not hot.

So..Muslims can force other students to behave according to their religious observances and Christians can't do the same? That is blatant favoritism and pure malarkey.

Oh! I forgot! We mustn't offend the Muslims. They will become incensed and want to kill us! Oh my God!

Appeasers of Islam are incorrigible aid and comfort to a dysfunctional tribe of maniacs that have made an oath to kill all who do not conform to their irrational, unforgiving beliefs.

Like clockwork Islamophobes are using this very isolated incident as an excuse to bash Islam and Muslims.
The fuck? 28 degrees is hot? Oh yeah, its freaking England. Good grief, that's nothing. Its a nice day, but its not hot.

So..Muslims can force other students to behave according to their religious observances and Christians can't do the same? That is blatant favoritism and pure malarkey.

Oh! I forgot! We mustn't offend the Muslims. They will become incensed and want to kill us! Oh my God!

Appeasers of Islam are incorrigible aid and comfort to a dysfunctional tribe of maniacs that have made an oath to kill all who do not conform to their irrational, unforgiving beliefs.

Like clockwork Islamophobes are using this very isolated incident as an excuse to bash Islam and Muslims.

I am not bashing Muslims generally. Just radical ones. I AM bashing those that appease Muslims for the sake of keeping them from being offended by the practices of others.

I bash RADICAL Muslims...the scum of the Islamic population.

IMHO, people that cannot "live and let live" do not deserve to do so.
Should Muslim students not be allowed to eat during Yom Kippur (the Jewish Holy Day when they fast)?
It is never...I repeat...NEVER reasonable to deny someone a drink of water.
When I was in the U.S Army basic training program.

Our D.I would sometimes forbid us to drink some water out of our canteens.

But then again. he wasn't a very reasonable fellow. .. :eusa_angel:
The fuck? 28 degrees is hot? Oh yeah, its freaking England. Good grief, that's nothing. Its a nice day, but its not hot.

So..Muslims can force other students to behave according to their religious observances and Christians can't do the same? That is blatant favoritism and pure malarkey.

Oh! I forgot! We mustn't offend the Muslims. They will become incensed and want to kill us! Oh my God!

Appeasers of Islam are incorrigible aid and comfort to a dysfunctional tribe of maniacs that have made an oath to kill all who do not conform to their irrational, unforgiving beliefs.

Like clockwork Islamophobes are using this very isolated incident as an excuse to bash Islam and Muslims.

Typical. Liberals will deny children water as to not offend Muslims...only to turn around and use pictures of women in burkas to make "offensive" political points when a law in Texas gets under their skin. Always trying to have it both ways or cry foul. :eusa_liar:
Should Muslim students not be allowed to eat during Yom Kippur (the Jewish Holy Day when they fast)?

No. They should not be not allowed to eat on any day they want to eat. I wouldn't go so far as to say "anytime they want to eat" because that would open the door to eating in the classroom. I say, if it's lunch time and you want to eat...then eat...regardless of the beliefs of others. Muslim students are not Jewish. Jewish students are not Muslim.

What is the problem with coexistence and respecting but not observing (taking part in) each others religious practices?

I have been to Catholic services and not been allowed to take communion with them. No big deal. I have been to a Catholic midnight mass on Christmas eve, accompanied by a Jewish friend. He sat with us, prayed with us and was not offended by the mention of Jesus. That was in the good old high school days. On one pew were the four of Methodist, one Baptist, one Catholic and one Jew.

Today, my friend is a Rabbi. We exchange religious humor quite often. We both have the "live and let live" philosophy. It is a shame that radical Islam cannot...and it is ridiculous to appease Muslims by following their practices.
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Of course you don't, psycho boy. Stop trying to force your murder cult on the CIVILIZED world!

Sunni's not Christian.

Christian's are the best at killing human beings.

There's nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian. Except maybe a mosquito.
Of course you don't, psycho boy. Stop trying to force your murder cult on the CIVILIZED world!

Sunni's not Christian.

Christian's are the best at killing human beings.

There's nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian. Except maybe a mosquito.

Moron. What a stupid thing to say.

Erm..wait what?

When the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, the roasted the babies of the Greek Orthodox Christians in the city.

And ate them.

I think they were rare.

Ain't that bloodthirsty?

Then of have the Inquisition but who the heck expects the Inquisition?

But the best were the Nazis. Man oh man. Christians on overdrive..and spiffy outfits! :eusa_whistle:

This sad event only highlights the fact that Islam is winning its silent battle in the UK and other parts of Europe to influence political and religious situations to its own advantage.
It is incomprehensible that the English inhabitants of the UK should have to bow to the aggressive Islamist population who thankfully are still in the minority....unless the UK wakes up this will get worse, to the extent that Islam will win....which of course is their long term policy.
Truthfully, I have never known of a situation where muslims have demanded their non muslim co-workers or fellow students not eat or drink around them.

And there is nothing in Islam that forbids non muslims form eating or drinking in our presence.

In my situation, I have had people apologize for eating in front of me during Ramadan.

I just tell them, "don't worry about it.... bon appetit". .. :cool:
Sunni's not Christian.

Christian's are the best at killing human beings.

There's nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian. Except maybe a mosquito.

Moron. What a stupid thing to say.

Erm..wait what?

When the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, the roasted the babies of the Greek Orthodox Christians in the city.

And ate them.

I think they were rare.

Ain't that bloodthirsty?

Then of have the Inquisition but who the heck expects the Inquisition?

But the best were the Nazis. Man oh man. Christians on overdrive..and spiffy outfits! :eusa_whistle:

You said "there is nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian". The way you stated it put in the present tense, not the 1st crusade, and I don't need a history lesson.
Moron. What a stupid thing to say.

Erm..wait what?

When the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, the roasted the babies of the Greek Orthodox Christians in the city.

And ate them.

I think they were rare.

Ain't that bloodthirsty?

Then of have the Inquisition but who the heck expects the Inquisition?

But the best were the Nazis. Man oh man. Christians on overdrive..and spiffy outfits! :eusa_whistle:

You said "there is nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian". The way you stated it put in the present tense, not the 1st crusade, and I don't need a history lesson.

Oh my need something more modern?

Wasn't GW Bush a Christian?

Didn't he order the invasion of Iraq?

And weren't most of the people in the military, Christian?

I 100K people would killed..and GW did call it a crusade.

That work for ya?
Erm..wait what?

When the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, the roasted the babies of the Greek Orthodox Christians in the city.

And ate them.

I think they were rare.

Ain't that bloodthirsty?

Then of have the Inquisition but who the heck expects the Inquisition?

But the best were the Nazis. Man oh man. Christians on overdrive..and spiffy outfits! :eusa_whistle:

You said "there is nothing more bloodthirsty then a Christian". The way you stated it put in the present tense, not the 1st crusade, and I don't need a history lesson.

Oh my need something more modern?

Wasn't GW Bush a Christian?

Didn't he order the invasion of Iraq?

And weren't most of the people in the military, Christian?

I 100K people would killed..and GW did call it a crusade.

That work for ya?

I hardly consider G Dub a Christian. I seriously doubt most people in the military are Christian. They might identify as such but their actions speak more clearly than the piece of paper they filled out when they signed up.
I hardly consider G Dub a Christian. I seriously doubt most people in the military are Christian. They might identify as such but their actions speak more clearly than the piece of paper they filled out when they signed up.
There is an old saying in the military, "There are no atheists in the foxhole".

Anyone who has served knows this adage to be true. .. :cool:
Truthfully, I have never known of a situation where muslims have demanded their non muslim co-workers or fellow students not eat or drink around them.

And there is nothing in Islam that forbids non muslims form eating or drinking in our presence.

In my situation, I have had people apologize for eating in front of me during Ramadan.

I just tell them, "don't worry about it.... bon appetit". .. :cool:

I had a friend who stopped chasing men for Lent. I don't think it went very well.
There's a thread about a UK man arrested for walking his dog too close to Muslims.
The teacher made the ruling on Thursday when temperatures soared to 28C.

The fuck? 28 degrees is hot? Oh yeah, its freaking England. Good grief, that's nothing. Its a nice day, but its not hot.

Hey single molecule brain, The UK lies mostly above 50* north latitude. The land mass is surrounded by water. Cold water. It rarely gets over 75*F or 23* C...To those people 28* C is pretty damned hot.
Why must you be contrary on every issue? Are that fucking bored?
I think your IQ is 28.

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