UK woman microwaves pet cat to death


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I am usually against death penalty but for people like this sick woman, I am willing to make an exception.


LONDON: In a horrific act of cruelty, a UK woman killed her pet cat by cooking it in a microwave because she thought it had eaten her goldfish.

Twenty-three-year-old Laura Cunliffe pleaded guilty to putting her four-month-old pet Mowgli in the microwave for five minutes after it apparently attacked her goldfish.

Cunliffe, from Hoyland, northern England, then removed the kitten from the appliance where the suffering animal was still alive.

The cat died about 90 minutes later after it was removed from the oven, 'Metro' reported.

The kitten had its internal organs cooked, a court heard. "The kitten was in a distressed state when Miss Cunliffe took it out of the oven," said Brian Orsborn, prosecuting for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

"(It) could not get its breath and died about 90 minutes later," said Orsborn.

The report said Cunliffe will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

UK woman microwaves pet cat to death - The Times of India
I am usually against death penalty but for people like this sick woman, I am willing to make an exception.


LONDON: In a horrific act of cruelty, a UK woman killed her pet cat by cooking it in a microwave because she thought it had eaten her goldfish.

Twenty-three-year-old Laura Cunliffe pleaded guilty to putting her four-month-old pet Mowgli in the microwave for five minutes after it apparently attacked her goldfish.

Cunliffe, from Hoyland, northern England, then removed the kitten from the appliance where the suffering animal was still alive.

The cat died about 90 minutes later after it was removed from the oven, 'Metro' reported.

The kitten had its internal organs cooked, a court heard. "The kitten was in a distressed state when Miss Cunliffe took it out of the oven," said Brian Orsborn, prosecuting for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

"(It) could not get its breath and died about 90 minutes later," said Orsborn.

The report said Cunliffe will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

UK woman microwaves pet cat to death - The Times of India

Not much different from the electric chair in cooks you to death.
You fry and smell like cooking bacon.
Your eyes pop out and land on your chest.
Your internal organs cook.

The US state should be up before the court for sentencing, along with this cat torturing woman.
I am usually against death penalty but for people like this sick woman, I am willing to make an exception.


LONDON: In a horrific act of cruelty, a UK woman killed her pet cat by cooking it in a microwave because she thought it had eaten her goldfish.

Twenty-three-year-old Laura Cunliffe pleaded guilty to putting her four-month-old pet Mowgli in the microwave for five minutes after it apparently attacked her goldfish.

Cunliffe, from Hoyland, northern England, then removed the kitten from the appliance where the suffering animal was still alive.

The cat died about 90 minutes later after it was removed from the oven, 'Metro' reported.

The kitten had its internal organs cooked, a court heard. "The kitten was in a distressed state when Miss Cunliffe took it out of the oven," said Brian Orsborn, prosecuting for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

"(It) could not get its breath and died about 90 minutes later," said Orsborn.

The report said Cunliffe will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

UK woman microwaves pet cat to death - The Times of India

i say we put her in a microwave ...turn it on and see if she likes it.
I am usually against death penalty but for people like this sick woman, I am willing to make an exception.


LONDON: In a horrific act of cruelty, a UK woman killed her pet cat by cooking it in a microwave because she thought it had eaten her goldfish.

Twenty-three-year-old Laura Cunliffe pleaded guilty to putting her four-month-old pet Mowgli in the microwave for five minutes after it apparently attacked her goldfish.

Cunliffe, from Hoyland, northern England, then removed the kitten from the appliance where the suffering animal was still alive.

The cat died about 90 minutes later after it was removed from the oven, 'Metro' reported.

The kitten had its internal organs cooked, a court heard. "The kitten was in a distressed state when Miss Cunliffe took it out of the oven," said Brian Orsborn, prosecuting for The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

"(It) could not get its breath and died about 90 minutes later," said Orsborn.

The report said Cunliffe will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

UK woman microwaves pet cat to death - The Times of India

i say we put her in a microwave ...turn it on and see if she likes it.

I second that. ^^^^^^^^^^
The woman is a nut job and this is the best that can be done.

"Our main aim is to get her banned from keeping animals so there is no risk of any other animals she may come in to contact with suffering."

Alan Greaves, defending Cunliffe, said her problems included psychosis and depression, and she had been sectioned under mental health legislation several times.

Laura Cunliffe microwaved kitten for five minutes because 'it attacked her goldfish' - Mirror Online

Maybe they can extend this to having children as well.
But she should be taught a lesson too! A lesson she will never forget!

Just to get her banned from keeping animals is not enough for the horrible crime she committed.

Not enough!!!
But she should be taught a lesson too! A lesson she will never forget!

Just to get her banned from keeping animals is not enough for the horrible crime she committed.

Not enough!!!

I agree with you....She needs to be treated if she cannot understand the gravity of her actions and if she does she needs to give of herself to state run animal facilities, supervised of course cleaning up cages and such and have her gold fish taken away as well.
Coming soon:

Death penalty for those convicted of boiling live lobsters.

If not, why not?

I respect your posts in general! but this is an imbecile post of yours.....stupid post.

Sorry you feel that way but I honestly believe lobsters can feel pain and should not be subjected to being boiled alive.

I know lobsters can feel the pain!

I have a problem with your ironic tone! sarcastic and stupid tone. "Coming soon????"
Coming soon:

Death penalty for those convicted of boiling live lobsters.

If not, why not?

If the cat was used as a food source and this was the way to prepare it I may agree with you, however, you are way off base here.

The act of this woman was meant to cause pain and suffering to the kitten....:evil:
I don't eat Lobster for that very reason. I will not mind banning boiling Lobsters alive. It is cruel.
Coming soon:

Death penalty for those convicted of boiling live lobsters.

If not, why not?

If the cat was used as a food source and this was the way to prepare it I may agree with you, however, you are way off base here.

The act of this woman was meant to cause pain and suffering to the kitten....:evil:

Either way it's wrong. Certainly more flagrantly wrong but both should not go unpunished. I find kosher and halal killings abhorrent, too, but accept that religious rituals have legal protection. Still doesn't make them attractive. In my younger days in restaurant kitchens I heard all too many hideous comments from those "preparing" lobsters to just let them pass. Cost me one job but the death threats I got for speaking out on it were, thankfully, empty ones.
Coming soon:

Death penalty for those convicted of boiling live lobsters.

If not, why not?

I respect your posts in general! but this is an imbecile post of yours.....stupid post.

Sorry you feel that way but I honestly believe lobsters can feel pain and should not be subjected to being boiled alive.

ok.... so ill just stick to cutting them in half and popping them on the grill....

and i have never met a soft shell crab i did no want to rip the lungs out of..... and fry :)
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Rainbow Bridge Poem -
I agree with Skye. Something more should be done. People cannot get away with community service or counseling for microwaving a kitten. It's a sign of a very dangerous person - I'd lock them up before they hurt someone else. The story is heartbreaking.
Coming soon:

Death penalty for those convicted of boiling live lobsters.

If not, why not?

If the cat was used as a food source and this was the way to prepare it I may agree with you, however, you are way off base here.

The act of this woman was meant to cause pain and suffering to the kitten....:evil:

Either way it's wrong. Certainly more flagrantly wrong but both should not go unpunished. I find kosher and halal killings abhorrent, too, but accept that religious rituals have legal protection. Still doesn't make them attractive. In my younger days in restaurant kitchens I heard all too many hideous comments from those "preparing" lobsters to just let them pass. Cost me one job but the death threats I got for speaking out on it were, thankfully, empty ones.

Your experience and views regarding lobster are certainly valid, nevertheless, preparing food and using torture for punishment retribution or sadistic pleasure are hardly related.
Your experience and views regarding lobster are certainly valid, nevertheless, preparing food and using torture for punishment retribution or sadistic pleasure are hardly related.

Food preparation is one thing.

Idiots joking as they plunge lobsters into boiling water and doing their best to prolong their agony is not food preparation. That might be the end result but it's not something any sane person might be expected to condone. And certainly not approve.

The practice, in restaurants, is not uncommon.

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