Ukraine parliament passes mobilisation bill to boost troop numbers. The West will have millions of new asylum seekers soon


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The main "trick" of the new neighboring law on mobilization is that it forces evaders who ran away to foreign countries to return home. According to the law, in order to receive consular services, a citizen is obliged to be registered. That is, when arriving to replace a passport or any paperwork at an embassy somewhere in Germany, Spain or Canada, an evader must present an up-to-date military license. And in order to present it, it must be obtained at the place of former residence, for which they have to go home, where they are eagerly awaited.
Obviously, they won't let him back in. What happens if this is not done? The expired passport becomes invalid, and the authorities of Germany/Canada/Czech Republic calmly deport the passportless emigrant back to where he came from. Generally speaking, the emigration fun is coming to an end. The new law is very good for Europe, Canada, Israel and other countries, where the cunning citizens are hiding - it becomes more and more expensive to feed them. It is cheaper to dispose of them.
The new law obliges all citizens to come to the enlistment office (TCC) within 60 days "to clarify their data": to report where they live and work. Those who fail to fulfill this requirement automatically become evaders, who will be brought by police or patrols to the same TCC. For those who do not report, there are heavy fines (up to $700), revocation of driver's license and other restrictions. Bank accounts will not be blocked (yet).
The new law also gives the right to catch male persons on the streets not only to TCC patrols, but also to the police. Every male person is obliged to have a military ID with him at all times. Lack of a ticket automatically leads to an identity check at the police station or TCC, with a probable sending to the eastern front.
All previously received medical deferrals, exemptions, and even disabilities will be reviewed within a year. That is, many disabled people will "recover" and become fit for use. That's strong!
The law will allow to collect at once and without special tension thousand three hundred heads, and in the future quietly to deliver on slaughter the necessary quantity of two-legged people. Which sooner or later will put before Russia the question of the second wave of mobilization. And it will also postpone the need to send Poles, Germans and Romanians to the East.
And one more touch: the law was passed at night, on an emergency call from Washington. The overseas master urgently needed an argument in a dispute with the Republicans: say, here, the law has been passed, let's allocate money to help our beloved country.

What will do Ukrainians in foreign countries when they documents are outdated.
Of course claim asylum to avoid deportation to Ukraine

Ukraine’s parliament has passed a bill to overhaul how the military drafts civilians in an attempt to boost its number of soldiers more than two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion. bill gives Ukrainian men 60 days to update their personal data with military authorities. Until now, draft offices had to rely on sometimes incomplete and old data.

in a few months Park City Utah newest resident will be a former transgender comic that used to be president of ukraine
in a few months Park City Utah newest resident will be a former transgender comic that used to be president of ukraine

Almost all members of his cabinet will flee either to US or to Israel

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