Ukraine takes war INTO Russia ?

Assuming this story is true, it looks like Ukraine has started to take the Putin-started war INTO Russia. Instead of attacking residential buildings and hospitals and civilian shelters, like Putin has been doing to Ukraine, it looks like Ukraine selected a traditionally military target.

All actions come with consequences. That includes reactions to some consequences. So, although I think the Ukrainian move is valid, I guess I’m wondering how it will pan out now?
Good, fuck Putin.

Don’t INVADE your neighbors yard if you don’t want your NEIGHBORS retaliating

Assuming this story is true, it looks like Ukraine has started to take the Putin-started war INTO Russia. Instead of attacking residential buildings and hospitals and civilian shelters, like Putin has been doing to Ukraine, it looks like Ukraine selected a traditionally military target.

All actions come with consequences. That includes reactions to some consequences. So, although I think the Ukrainian move is valid, I guess I’m wondering how it will pan out now?
Yeah, the Ukrainian Army will soon besieging the Kremlin.
Good, fuck Putin.

Don’t INVADE your neighbors yard if you don’t want your NEIGHBORS retaliating
Exactly. I believe school yard bullies need a good beat down. Of course, honestly, the analysis is a wee bit complicated if we toss nuclear weapons into the equation (especially if we truly believe that it’s even possible that he might “go there”). On the other hand, I’m not sure we have a better option. We can’t live like craven cowards whenever Putin is doing his thing.

Fuck Putin. He needs to be dead.

Assuming this story is true, it looks like Ukraine has started to take the Putin-started war INTO Russia. Instead of attacking residential buildings and hospitals and civilian shelters, like Putin has been doing to Ukraine, it looks like Ukraine selected a traditionally military target.

All actions come with consequences. That includes reactions to some consequences. So, although I think the Ukrainian move is valid, I guess I’m wondering how it will pan out now?
It won't end well for decadent Ukraine. The Russian Parliament has already met once on the issue of Ukrainian biolabs and the Russians are well ahead in political strategies. This report is a fact of history, not conspiracy theory:

2022 marta 31 Parliamentskaia komissiia obsudit vzaimosviaz' epidemii v RF i biolaboratorii USA
Parliamentary Commission to Discuss the Relationship Between the Epidemic in Russian Federation and U.S. Biolaboratories
'....Po itogam pervogo asedaniia komissii on zaiavil, chto neobkhodimo vyaisnit', chto prosikhodit v poslednie gody na territorii RF s tochki zreniia biologichesckikh ugroz, epidemii i pandemii.
Following the results of the first meeting of the Commission, he stated that it was necessary to find out what was happening in the settlement years on the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of biological threats, epidemics and pandemics.'

When they say "pandemics" is implicates SARS-CoV-2 virus, and manipulations of bat viruses in North Carolina labs, viruses that came from Yunnan, China. There is a most important Ukraine biolab to investigate near the Russian border, because the vector of a sometimes fatal virus that links a controversial history to its vaccine, stops precisely at that lab: Kharkiv. One scientist link to Kharkiv labs in general is very much comparable to the electronics of the spike of SARS-CoV-2 virus, an electronics first pointed out by Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud. The same scientist was also mentioned in the Hunter Biden laptop media. USMB search: Sorensen
The precise scientist at Kharkiv that links to the electronics of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is Pashynska, first mentioned in this thread, post #1:

Pashynska was writing from the Verkin Institute for Low-Temperature Physics, during the same year that the Arab son fronting as a black, Obama, and Lugar went to Perm, Russia, Pashynska publishes the link to the electronics of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein spoken of by Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud:

2005 Pashynska / Electronic Parameters
'....preseervation of the doubly-charged state of the fragments....pairing of the dication with a Cl- anion does not preserve the complex from fragmentation.'

Since Trump's chlorine (aka hydroxychloroquine) is in there, the preservation of the Pashynska's double charge has to link to pH, as hydroxychloroquine changes the pH to thwart coronavirus entry, whereafter the virus disintegrates.
It won't end well for decadent Ukraine. The Russian Parliament has already met once on the issue of Ukrainian biolabs and the Russians are well ahead in political strategies. This report is a fact of history, not conspiracy theory:

2022 marta 31 Parliamentskaia komissiia obsudit vzaimosviaz' epidemii v RF i biolaboratorii USA
Parliamentary Commission to Discuss the Relationship Between the Epidemic in Russian Federation and U.S. Biolaboratories
'....Po itogam pervogo asedaniia komissii on zaiavil, chto neobkhodimo vyaisnit', chto prosikhodit v poslednie gody na territorii RF s tochki zreniia biologichesckikh ugroz, epidemii i pandemii.
Following the results of the first meeting of the Commission, he stated that it was necessary to find out what was happening in the settlement years on the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of biological threats, epidemics and pandemics.'

When they say "pandemics" is implicates SARS-CoV-2 virus, and manipulations of bat viruses in North Carolina labs, viruses that came from Yunnan, China. There is a most important Ukraine biolab to investigate near the Russian border, because the vector of a sometimes fatal virus that links a controversial history to its vaccine, stops precisely at that lab: Kharkiv. One scientist link to Kharkiv labs in general is very much comparable to the electronics of the spike of SARS-CoV-2 virus, an electronics first pointed out by Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud. The same scientist was also mentioned in the Hunter Biden laptop media. USMB search: Sorensen
You seem pretty selective in your sources of info and what you choose to believe.
It legitimizes actions to be taken by Russia against the party responsible.
Or more accurately, whoever Russia chooses to fight now.

Any escalation of the war can't be a positive development.
So now they will kill Ukraine twice now............lmao

We are killing your ass already NOW WE ARE MAD you hit us in our own

God the Stupidity here .............

Good point.

I have never seen a "war" like this getting so little media coverage! I mean, in the past, they had live video, reports and journalists inside covering the affair 24/7 on every TV channel..

Now, NADA.

You go on Tik Tok for a video clip.

Meantime, this is now a full blown proxy war with the USA supplying the arms and weapons and the Ukraines attacking Russia with them. Meantime, Joe Brandon has used America's reserve currency as a weapon now driving many countries to seek other currencies and abandoning ours.

While everyone focuses on Russia this and Ukraine that, they fail to see the larger picture that Joe has screwed the pooch and eventually, this war thanks to Joe Brandon is going to come back to kick US in the teeth.
It is a smoke screen to cover the shift of currency............To kill the Dollar as the world's reserve currency and move towards the great reset.
Confirmed by the White House. :dunno:

A U.S. official confirmed to CBS News senior national security correspondent David Martin that Ukrainian helicopters did carry out the strike, and anther one a couple days earlier against an ammunition depot in the same area.

I heard on the news that Ukrainian denied it….given Russia’s propensity for false flags….I a. More inclined to believe them. They have nothing to gain by it.

Confirmed by an US official.

U.S. Official: Ukrainian Helicopters Attacked Oil Depot in Russia​

April 1, 2022 at 12:49 pm

You seem pretty selective in your sources of info and what you choose to believe.
Yes, it helps to be able to separate science from propaganda. Since capitalism is profoundly illiterate and this generation of intel agents can't be all that well-read. When the effeminates of CIA and MI6 molest the internet, one can go back to Kennedy's original warning, The Real Anthony Fauci, around page 378, War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.
They are in a War ..............they are under seige............they have every right to hit into the country attacking them and killing their people.

Hit them in the pocketbook............Hit the oil pipelines and refineries in Russia............If you want to hurt them.........Just infiltrate and give them a taste.........spec ops.
Yes, it helps to be able to separate science from propaganda. Since capitalism is profoundly illiterate and this generation of intel agents can't be all that well-read. When the effeminates of CIA and MI6 molest the internet, one can go back to Kennedy's original warning, The Real Anthony Fauci, around page 378, War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.
Yeah. Right. You select the propaganda supportive of your preconceived notions. You don’t separate anything except the shit you want to accept from the stuff you don’t like to believe.

Also, your Russian linky stinky.
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The Globlalist puppet Zelensky along with the imbecile Biden are going to take us into a nuclear war!

Fuck them both. :mad-61:

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