Ukraine takes war INTO Russia ?

The Globlalist puppet Zelensky along with the imbecile Biden are going to take us into a nuclear war!

Fuck them both. :mad-61:
The war criminal Putin slaughters innocent people, lies to the world, and destroys a sovereign country, and the best you can do is deflect and play stupid partisan politics.

Ugly. You have no shame. Incredible.
The investigation is heating up. The questions being asked will go into the history books, these questions, like questions Rand posed to Fau Chi, are not conspiracy theory. They should meet again on 4 Aprelia:

2022 marta 31 Parliamentskaia komissiia obsudit zamosviaz epidemii v RF i biolaboratorii SSHA
Parliamentary Commission to Discuss the Relationship Between the Epidemic in Russian Federation and U.S. Biolaboratories

Since Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's investigation uncovered aspects of insecticides possibly breathed by Fillipinos working at the Lugar lab (one possible fatality) and CCHF experiments on military personnel linking sandfly-vectored viruses at the Tibilisi lab. Though vectored by a tick, the phleboviruses link to fatal Heartland virus (2009) in Missouri and Tennessee. We will be excerpting from Perfil'ev, Fauna SSSR: Nasekomye dvukrylye moskity Diptera: Phlebotomidae, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" Moskva 1966 Leningrad
Fauna of the USSR: Diptera: Phlebotomidae (Sandflies) Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Zoological Institute, trans. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1968.
Confirmed by an US official.

Valueless to me Skye. US Officials also confirmed that 2020 was the most secure and aboveboard election in history.

So at this point what do we really have? At best, a nation which has been heavily battered for over a month now, finally, getting off ONE attack retaliating against their aggressor.

Big fucking whoop.

Worse, my guess is that it was done with US supplied hardware so that in effect, WE are at war with Russia and merely fighting them by proxy thru Ukraine, which just gives Pooty even greater incentive to expand his aggression directly at the USA.
But the Russian Parliament says "U.S. biolaboratories." "Houston we have a geography problem in North Carolina." After Baric discovered that manipulating the bat virus from Yunnan made it more dangerous, he was (allowed to continue [italics]) the research.
I don’t think that any nation defending itself has any obligation to “declare” a war already being waged against it.
Perhaps. . .

IMO? Any nation that is the victim of an aggressor nation, that turns around and seeks to exact total war upon that aggression, would be safer to declare war first, to make no mistake to the international community, its legal intentions.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or the the total destruction of Dresden w/o a declaration of war? It is hard to claim of . . . "collateral damage," w/o one, IMO.

Even now, Russia is claiming this is a "special military operation. . . " Well? Just how much "collateral damage," can a "special military operation," accumulate, versus TOTAL WAR, before it becomes a war crime?

Perhaps. . .

IMO? Any nation that is the victim of an aggressor nation, that turns around and seeks to exact total war upon that aggression, would be safer to declare war first, to make no mistake to the international community, its legal intentions.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or the the total destruction of Dresden w/o a declaration of war? It is hard to claim of . . . "collateral damage," w/o one, IMO.

Even now, Russia is claiming this is a "special military operation. . . " Well? Just how much "collateral damage," can a "special military operation," accumulate, versus TOTAL WAR, before it becomes a war crime?

I don’t. If Canada were to invade us. And they ruthlessly bombed our civilian residential buildings and hospitals and shelters, and destroyed whole cities, I don’t think we’d need to justify internationally an incursion over the border into their land to bomb some available refinery. At that point, frankly, who gives a rat’s ass what France might tsk tsk about? If we take out some of their gas supply, that’s fewer tanks that can sweep down on us. Justification enough.

I wouldn’t give a shit what label Canada put on their actions. I’d want us to destroy — as much as possible — their ability to inflict further harm on our people. And I don’t relish “collateral damages.” But I’d certainly recognize that such things aren’t part of their concern when it comes to our civilians.
It won't end well for decadent Ukraine. The Russian Parliament has already met once on the issue of Ukrainian biolabs and the Russians are well ahead in political strategies. This report is a fact of history, not conspiracy theory:

2022 marta 31 Parliamentskaia komissiia obsudit vzaimosviaz' epidemii v RF i biolaboratorii USA
Parliamentary Commission to Discuss the Relationship Between the Epidemic in Russian Federation and U.S. Biolaboratories
'....Po itogam pervogo asedaniia komissii on zaiavil, chto neobkhodimo vyaisnit', chto prosikhodit v poslednie gody na territorii RF s tochki zreniia biologichesckikh ugroz, epidemii i pandemii.
Following the results of the first meeting of the Commission, he stated that it was necessary to find out what was happening in the settlement years on the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of biological threats, epidemics and pandemics.'

When they say "pandemics" is implicates SARS-CoV-2 virus, and manipulations of bat viruses in North Carolina labs, viruses that came from Yunnan, China. There is a most important Ukraine biolab to investigate near the Russian border, because the vector of a sometimes fatal virus that links a controversial history to its vaccine, stops precisely at that lab: Kharkiv. One scientist link to Kharkiv labs in general is very much comparable to the electronics of the spike of SARS-CoV-2 virus, an electronics first pointed out by Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud. The same scientist was also mentioned in the Hunter Biden laptop media. USMB search: Sorensen
Never believe that MI5 and MI6 are not all over this event for CCHF. The CCHF vector stops at Kharkiv, Ukraine:

CCHF Case in UK
That is why they undoubtedly were monkeying around in Kharkiv with temperature mutants of a virus there is no vaccine for. In addition, low temperature physics done at Kharkiv link to the electronics of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as has been shown.
They are in a War ..............they are under seige............they have every right to hit into the country attacking them and killing their people.

Hit them in the pocketbook............Hit the oil pipelines and refineries in Russia............If you want to hurt them.........Just infiltrate and give them a taste.........spec ops.
As we've seen, sanctions don't work, and the Russian Army totals 2 million personnel.
Valueless to me Skye. US Officials also confirmed that 2020 was the most secure and aboveboard election in history.

So at this point what do we really have? At best, a nation which has been heavily battered for over a month now, finally, getting off ONE attack retaliating against their aggressor.

Big fucking whoop.

Worse, my guess is that it was done with US supplied hardware so that in effect, WE are at war with Russia and merely fighting them by proxy thru Ukraine, which just gives Pooty even greater incentive to expand his aggression directly at the USA.
I agree with most of this.

It is no big deal.
The target was only 25 or so kilometers from the Ukraine border.
And it was carried out by 2 or more Hind attack helicopters that came in at tree top level.
Apparently - according to the videos - using unguided missiles.

Smart move by Zelenskyy potentially.
It makes Russia look inept that they can not only NOT defeat Ukraine.
But also cannot protect their own citizens.

But in the grand scheme of things - it means little.
It's a nuisance attack...nothing more.
As we've seen, sanctions don't work, and the Russian Army totals 2 million personnel.
And? Ukraine is being invaded. Why not fuck up Russuan assets. If someone invaded my area id want to hit Their Home and give them a taste.
Good point.

I have never seen a "war" like this getting so little media coverage! I mean, in the past, they had live video, reports and journalists inside covering the affair 24/7 on every TV channel..

Now, NADA.

You go on Tik Tok for a video clip.

Meantime, this is now a full blown proxy war with the USA supplying the arms and weapons and the Ukraines attacking Russia with them. Meantime, Joe Brandon has used America's reserve currency as a weapon now driving many countries to seek other currencies and abandoning ours.

While everyone focuses on Russia this and Ukraine that, they fail to see the larger picture that Joe has screwed the pooch and eventually, this war thanks to Joe Brandon is going to come back to kick US in the teeth.
LOL You mean the right-wing sites that you frequent are not reporting on it? Of course not. Like your orange douche bag, they are in the bag with Putin.

Try looking at some other site besides Brightfart or OAN. There is plenty of news about the war.
And? Ukraine is being invaded. Why not fuck up Russuan assets. If someone invaded my area id want to hit Their Home and give them a taste.
American assets were certainly fucked up 2020-2022 with the Chinese virus. China wants to know about the biolabs, too. We've already implicated America for origins of SARS-CoV-2. Kharkiv is near the Russian border. That lab was experimenting with avian influenza. The same sparrow species that vectors bird flu also occurs in UK. No doubt MI5 & 6 knows about this. There is no CIA or MI5-6 effeminate that can argue this in public. Russia is doing a drug bust, as it physically moves the collective, pathological DNA further away from its borders, NATO's invaginating protection-racketism included.
LOL You mean the right-wing sites that you frequent are not reporting on it? Of course not. Like your orange douche bag, they are in the bag with Putin.

Try looking at some other site besides Brightfart or OAN. There is plenty of news about the war.

pootinfreak is a lowlife anti-American who is siding with Russia in their war against America and the West.
American assets were certainly fucked up 2020-2022 with the Chinese virus. China wants to know about the biolabs, too. We've already implicated America for origins of SARS-CoV-2. Kharkiv is near the Russian border. That lab was experimenting with avian influenza. The same sparrow species that vectors bird flu also occurs in UK. No doubt MI5 & 6 knows about this. There is no CIA or MI5-6 effeminate that can argue this in public. Russia is doing a drug bust, as it physically moves the collective, pathological DNA further away from its borders, NATO's invaginating protection-racketism included.
Biolabs Covid came from China. But they want to know. It came from their fing lab. And we had assholes with them.

They want to know. Lmao

Assuming this story is true, it looks like Ukraine has started to take the Putin-started war INTO Russia. Instead of attacking residential buildings and hospitals and civilian shelters, like Putin has been doing to Ukraine, it looks like Ukraine selected a traditionally military target.

All actions come with consequences. That includes reactions to some consequences. So, although I think the Ukrainian move is valid, I guess I’m wondering how it will pan out now?
Far more likely that a group of volunteers made up of former and probably even current US servicemen, advisers and various other skill sets selected, organized and carried out an offensive mission. Serious doubts about it being Ukranians.

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