Ukraine to introduce planned power outages


Nov 14, 2012
Ukraine´s campaign against the Russian energy sector doesn´t yield the anticipated results. The Russian response has led to an energy crisis in the country and there will be not only emergency outages but also planned outages for years to come.

"Ukrainians should be prepared for the fact that there may be no constant electricity in their homes for the next few years. There will be either emergency or planned outages. This is especially true for periods in summer, when it will be very hot, and in winter, when there is a lack of generation."

English link:
Not available. Note that this is not about specific attacks but the general state of the power system.

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Ukraine´s campaign against the Russian energy sector doesn´t yield the anticipated results.
did said it to you ?

the reality :

Another example of the Ukes fucking around and finding out.
Ukraine´s campaign against the Russian energy sector doesn´t yield the anticipated results. The Russian response has led to an energy crisis in the country and there will be not only emergency outages but also planned outages for years to come.

"Ukrainians should be prepared for the fact that there may be no constant electricity in their homes for the next few years. There will be either emergency or planned outages. This is especially true for periods in summer, when it will be very hot, and in winter, when there is a lack of generation."

Forum rules state that you need to post in English, which does include links.

Link for English content:
The planned outages will begin tomorrow. The winter will be even harder, Ukrainians will have electricity for 6-7 hours a day at best.

""It is very difficult to predict winter, because now it is summer and it is not clear with which generation we will enter the heating season. The winter peak is quite large. If generation plus import opportunities remain at the same level as they are, the deficit will reach 35%. If we then take away the critical infrastructure, if we do everything later, then we can really sit with electricity for 6-7 hours. But this should be discussed in August, because it will be clear what import opportunities we have and how much we will have time to restore generation," explained the CEO of Yasno."

"Stabilization power outages on Tuesday, June 18, will be applied throughout the day"


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