Ukraine would already have fallen if liberals gun policies were in place.

Lets just admit that an Assault Rifle in the US is more likely to be used to shoot up a school, church or movie theater than it is to be used to fight off invading Russians
YEah, because nothing is more common than being invaded by your neighbor.

What a moron.
If you're happy that Ukrainians are still holding on, thank assault rifles.

What do you think the chances are if we had Biden or some other anti-gun democrat in office if we were being invaded by another country of them allowing guns and rifles to be handed out freely to all of the citizens?!

Dems would refuse saying it could only lead to more shooting, possibly of an innocent russian by mistake!
So one "not yet" and one wet dream is an the liberals could come up with on this?

What I find crazy is how liberals always hold themselves out to be the smart ones (big on education, big on science) but they get so easily stumped and run away over simple points.

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