Ukraine's counter-offensive I Regular updates I The 🇷🇺 Rats are on the Run I Why Moscow SUCKS AT WAR ?

Probably Fake News. I know that supporters of Ukraine, residents of the Donbass region, can live there undisturbed, even openly show support for Kiev with logos, ect. I read an interview with such a resident on Tag24 or something. She estimated that 80% support Russia in her place, but nobody does anything to here although she is going outside with the Ukrainian national emblem on her.
Your country is probably going to be annihilated
You're being slaughtered for a gasping empire

The midget fag is a puppet and there's serious widening cracks in the western alliance

Recent videos of young Ukrainian men being conscripted across the country have circulated in popular encrypted messaging apps in Ukraine, and those fearful of being sent to the front are actively engaging in evasive and, in some instances, illegal tactics to avoid such a fate.

The brutal mobilization by Ukrainian military recruitment officers of young men has been occurring for a year and a half now, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.

“Many conscripted men are taken straight off the street by uniformed men,” it states. “Most recently in Subcarpathia, a surveillance camera recorded the overreach of the authorities as a man trying to go to a store was kidnapped from his bicycle in broad daylight.”

Recent videos of young Ukrainian men being conscripted across the country have circulated in popular encrypted messaging apps in Ukraine, and those fearful of being sent to the front are actively engaging in evasive and, in some instances, illegal tactics to avoid such a fate.

The brutal mobilization by Ukrainian military recruitment officers of young men has been occurring for a year and a half now, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet reports.

“Many conscripted men are taken straight off the street by uniformed men,” it states. “Most recently in Subcarpathia, a surveillance camera recorded the overreach of the authorities as a man trying to go to a store was kidnapped from his bicycle in broad daylight.”

Indeed and the scum MSM will never report it, those scumbags have been lying for 9 years, if there are ever war crimes trials for the Kiev Nazis the MSM heads and Nato leaders should be in the Dock with them.
Because our American President (Bill Clinton) through an agreed to treaty, had Ukraine divest themselves of the weapons that would have kept Russia from ever invading them in the first place.

That makes it our responsibility on several levels.
wrong, Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, if it returns to Russia it of zero consequence to the USA. I don't remember Bubba Clinton doing that but if he did it has been overtaken by events since then. Keeping Ukraine separate from Russia is not worth one american dollar or one american life.
Ukraine was part of Russia for decades
Muscovy was part of Mongol empire until 18c. California was part of Mexico until 19c. so what ? you dont recognize the international borders , like ISIS and your fav Muscovites ?

wrong, Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, if it returns to Russia it of zero consequence to the USA. I don't remember Bubba Clinton doing that but if he did it has been overtaken by events since then. Keeping Ukraine separate from Russia is not worth one american dollar or one american life.
Gorbachev gave Ukraine their independence...I'm sorry that you don't know history. But seem very confident in your ignorance.

And Bill Clinton did endorse the NPT and talked Ukraine into joining ....he has since expressed deep regret over doing so.

Like I's not my fault you don't know any of this.
no one said "After the children are taken out of the war zone, they must be immediately handed over to Ukraine".

Why if they live in Donbass? they have been targeted by the Ukrainians and you want them sent to the killers, behave yourself.
Muscovy was part of Mongol empire until 18c. California was part of Mexico until 19c. so what ? you dont recognize the international borders , like ISIS and your fav Muscovites ?

What Storm Z penal battalion ? you have been reading too many Sven Hassel books,you just invented that.
Titty Winkle posting multiple times tells us that he has nothing on Topic to say . See the map used in post 348 . He has used that same rubbish over 200 times . Clown .
What Storm Z penal battalion ?
Zeki (prisoners )
"Hello. We’re the mobilised from the 85th Brigade 🇷🇺 . Together with us are also contractors whose contracts ran out, but they’re still fighting here with us, now for 10-11 months. We’d like to say that during all this time, we’ve been mobilised for 7-8 months, we always unconditionally completed all orders at fronts near Kreminna and Belohirivka, without fear. But now, we’ve been thrown to Bahkmut to unprepared unmined positions, with a drunk company commander who led us to these positions. We didn’t reach them, we were shelled with tanks, mortars, Polish missiles. We came to the company commander and explained that we won’t pass there. We came across employees of PMC “Hurricane” who were leaving those positions, they were the first with losses. They explained to us that we’re simply suiciders, we won’t pass there. To which the company commander said we needed to complete the order. But as we’re the mobilised, not stormtroopers or spetsnaz, without ammo, without food, without evacuation, without vehicles, we were thrown in like stormtroopers. We refused, only laying down weapons by the order of the Brigade commander, under threats of shooting, accused of betrayal, and threatened with imprisonment. We didn’t reach those positions. We are now sat in Svetlodarsk, in some strange building. But as they didn’t take away our phones, we’re trying to record a video for our relatives who could help us. We do not refuse to fight, we can take weapons again, but not in this direction, and not in the first line of defence. As I already said, we always followed our orders without being afraid, under mortar and enemy bullets. But now, after this time, we’re simply defeated psychologically by our command. We don’t even have medals for the SMO, we were not given any payments. By the way, our salaries come late and not in full. There’s no rotation, no rest provided to us. So that’s what it is. And we’re now accused of betrayal and cowardice forgetting about our previous achievements. We were sent there without artillery and aviation support which are unable to suppress the enemy fire. We came under shelling, and after all that happened, the commander, answering why our artillery and aviation were silent, said there’s no ammo - “Go die an honourable death”. But we’re not suiciders, we’re simple mobilised, workmen, just like anyone else. We were called P.O.W.s and threatened with killing, threatened to be sent to Storm units containing unprepared people, or sent back to the zero line. But we’re simply afraid that our commanders will shoot us there. We do not refuse to serve and complete combat tasks, just not in this direction, not on the first line, and not with these commanders."
Why if they live in Donbass? they have been targeted by the Ukrainians and you want them sent to the killers, behave yourself.
The Ukranians targeted the Russian infiltrates in the Donbas never was the Donbass natives living there that were targeted....

Kinda like the Muslims that have infiltrated Michigan and have declared that Democracy and our Government has no authority there because they have set up Sharia law.

Uhhhh..... NOPE!
The Ukranians targeted the Russian infiltrates in the Donbas never was the Donbass natives living there that were targeted....

Kinda like the Muslims that have infiltrated Michigan and have declared that Democracy and our Government has no authority there because they have set up Sharia law.

Uhhhh..... NOPE!
Don't be daft those people have lived their for generations, it's not Israel where a bus driver from London or New York cab driver can live in the West bank because he is jewish.

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