Ukraine's counter-offensive I Regular updates I The 🇷🇺 Rats are on the Run I Why Moscow SUCKS AT WAR ?

Girkin :

War criminal 🇷🇺 Girkin’s take on the way the war will unfold in the future: “Since everyone is probably waiting for my comment - I'm posting. Although, of course, there has been nothing to comment on here for a long time - I commented on everything that happened many months (and even years) ago. The enemy will receive every month more and more powerful long-range modern weapon systems. Gradually and in quantities not too large - just enough so that the war lasts as long as possible, was as exhausting as possible and ended not at all with a "military victory of independent Ukraine" (its masters do not need that), but with the collapse of the Russian Federation due to internal problems. And to accomplish this, "the frog has to be boiled slowly" (although the heat will be turned up every month). There will be new strikes, terrorist attacks, sabotage. There will be more and more of them. Our country is big. And in order to "catch up with the victim" along the Milosevic-Gaddafi-Saddam route before the finish line - oh, a lot of time is required...”

They have never marched on Kyiv and are 99.9% certain never to do so. All they are interested in there are useful infrastructure targets plus nearbye US built and paid for Bio Labs . Why would I need a map ? I have visited Ukeyland ,Crimea and the Federation a huge number of times and in most cities .Odessa is one of my favourite places outside of capitals and I know Kyiv from visits stretching back more than twenty years .
You visited Ukraine? What places? And what was a purpose of your visits?
you want that moscow empire/commies ´d win the cold war. Move to Omsk traitor !View attachment 805983

Stop being a goober. It was the same U.S. that made peace with China and then worked with Russia over Afghanistan. It went against Russia only because of Syria, and just recently told China that it won't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state.
You visited Ukraine? What places? And what was a purpose of your visits?
Russia , Ukraine and Crimea countless times . Plus the Baltic states .My first visit was a PR junket as my employer was a huge advertising client for an international publishing corporation .Everything was so cheap versus Italy and Spain, with tremendous and inexpensive food and drink plus great resorts .Other than that there is nothing else you need to know as I do not know you or am ever likely to .PM if you want holiday destination recommendations . Like Yalta or Sevastopol for example .
all this rhetoric is interesting, but the bottom line truth remains, whether UKraine remains independent or rejoins Russia is none of our (US) business and not worth one dollar of one US life. Ukraine is a corrupt country, let Putin have it then the corruption becomes his problem.
whether UKraine remains independent or rejoins Russia is none of our (US) business


Russia , Ukraine and Crimea countless times . Plus the Baltic states .My first visit was a PR junket as my employer was a huge advertising client for an international publishing corporation .Everything was so cheap versus Italy and Spain, with tremendous and inexpensive food and drink plus great resorts .Other than that there is nothing else you need to know as I do not know you or am ever likely to .PM if you want holiday destination recommendations . Like Yalta or Sevastopol for example .
No, thanks. I have been to Crimea myself, though a long time ago. And I am not going to visit it again in any foreseeable future.

What Ukrainian cities?

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