Ukraine's counter-offensive I Regular updates I The 🇷🇺 Rats are on the Run I Why Moscow SUCKS AT WAR ?

No, honey. Stated SMO objective was 'demilitarization' and 'denazification' of Ukraine.
You have just totally repeated what I said and which everybody is well aware of . Are you an Impure One and had a little Brain Freeze? Not too late for NAC or even Quercetin . Good Luck..
You have just totally repeated what I said and which everybody is well aware of . Are you an Impure One and had a little Brain Freeze? Not too late for NAC or even Quercetin . Good Luck..
The point is that it is 'easier' to stage another march on Kiev for that, than take Odesa. Do you have a map?
Muscovites are good at so many things, here are just a few: 1) Calling others Nazi while behaving like Nazis 2) Stealing 3) Lying 4) Rape 5) Nuclear threats6) Nesting dolls. 7) Drinking Vodka. 8) Feeling sorry for ourselves. 9) Growing NATO10) Gymnastics/Sex with the President.

What a coincidence, #1 is also something extreme right wingers will often say to anyone who isn't part of their wacky extremist club, right here in the good old US of A.
Both Reagan and McCain would have been all-in on support for Ukraine. Real Republicans as well.

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Reagan was trying arm the Contras through arms sales to Iran. The CIA may have also been involved in drug smuggling to support the Contras.

The mujahedeen were recruited by "democratic" U.S. ally Saudi Arabia and trained by "democratic" U.S. ally Pakistan. From their ranks rose Islamic terror groups, which the U.S. then countered in favor of Northern Alliance drug pushers and rapists.

The U.S. military was built up using incredible levels of debt made possible through deregulation, which also made the rich, which financed the defense industry, very wealthy.

That's also why the Soviet Union fell apart, as they tried to outspend the U.S. militarily.

Given that, Reagan would have done what Biden is doing, which is to throw more money at corrupt officials like Zelensky, who would demand even more each time.

I don't think he would confront Russia directly as most Americans and Europeans don't want to serve, and their manufacturing output has been moved to China. That's why they can't even provide enough ammo to Ukraine.
What a coincidence, #1 is also something extreme right wingers will often say to anyone who isn't part of their wacky extremist club, right here in the good old US of A.

its funny but RPC-NKVD is still perfectly legal in US/EU . An NKVD department which was created by Beriya and Stalin in 1944. Anyone who has google can easy find the official document from 1944


Moscow Military expert proposes sinking grain ships and blaming Ukraine​

The point is that it is 'easier' to stage another march on Kiev for that, than take Odesa. Do you have a map?
They have never marched on Kyiv and are 99.9% certain never to do so. All they are interested in there are useful infrastructure targets plus nearbye US built and paid for Bio Labs . Why would I need a map ? I have visited Ukeyland ,Crimea and the Federation a huge number of times and in most cities .Odessa is one of my favourite places outside of capitals and I know Kyiv from visits stretching back more than twenty years .
Moore said the toll from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine was mainly being felt in poorer, rural communities, and that Putin was not yet recruiting forces for the conflict from middle-class areas of St. Petersburg or Moscow.

“These are poor kids from rural parts of Russia. They’re from blue-collar towns in Siberia. They are disproportionately from ethnic minorities. And these are his cannon fodder,” Moore said.

Asked if he knew about Putin’s health, Moore said: “There’s no evidence that Putin is suffering from serious ill-health.”
They have never marched on Kyiv and are 99.9% certain never to do so. All they are interested in there are useful infrastructure targets plus nearbye US built and paid for Bio Labs . Why would I need a map ? I have visited Ukeyland ,Crimea and the Federation a huge number of times and in most cities .Odessa is one of my favourite places outside of capitals and I know Kyiv from visits stretching back more than twenty years .
Christmas duck much?

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